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how to troubleshoot webservices api http response timout


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Hi All,

How can I troubleshoot the below error for the webservices api

Bad HTTP response : org.apache.http.conn.ConnectionPoolTimeoutException: Timeout waiting for connection from pool

max request - 500 
max child - 30
process idle timeout - 30

allow url fopen - enabled
enable_dl - enabled 
file_uploads - enabled 
Max_exection_time - 10000 
Max_input_time - -1 |
Max_input_vars - 20000 
memory_limit - 1024m 
post_max_size - 768m 
session.gc_maxlifetime - 2880 
upload_max_filesize - 600m 
zlib.output_compression - disabled

apache configuration 
start servers - 10 minimum 
spare servers - 5 
maximum spare servers - 250 
server limit - 300 
max request workers - 300 
max connection per child - 0 
keep alive - on 
keep alive timout - 1500 
max keep alive request - unlimited timeout - 1500




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