Ok, thank you very much, this module is very useful to me and it is structured in a simple way.
I tried to edit like this and work, thank you!
$params['sql_select']['id_product'] = [ 'table' => 'p', 'field' => 'id_product', 'filtering' => ' %s ', ]; $params['sql_select']['manufacturer_name'] = [ 'table' => 'employee_actions', 'field' => 'employee', 'filtering' => 'LIKE \'%%%s%%\'', ]; $params['sql_table']['employee_actions'] = [ 'table' => 'employee_actions', 'join' => 'LEFT JOIN', 'on' => 'p.`id_product` = employee_actions.`id_product`', ];
However if there are more lines, the product is duplicated, tripled, etc. while I would like it to be in a single row and enter the various results in the same cell.