On 7/11/2022 at 11:31 AM, Ress said:You can modify/delete in:
your_prestashop_root/themes/classic/templates/_partials/footer.tpl , copyright_link block.
If you are upgrading prestashop, and don't want to lose this change, you will need to disable the "Upgrade default theme" option on the upgrade module configuration page. Or, another solution, you can make a child theme, so you won't have any problem.
thanks alot for your answer
should i comment following lines in that file or another tile of source???
{block name='copyright_link'}
<a href="https://www.prestashop.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow">
{l s='%copyright% %year% - Ecommerce software by %prestashop%' sprintf=['%prestashop%' => 'PrestaShop™', '%year%' => 'Y'|date, '%copyright%' => '©'] d='Shop.Theme.Global'}