After searching through all the Prestashop files, I've found the file : essentials.html.twig (BASE_PS_DIR\src\PrestaShopBundle\Resources\views\Admin\Product\ProductPage\Panels).
So, what would be perfect would to be able to add a tab with the description and short description tabs, what I've done thanks to cusom hooks like that :
<div class="summary-description-container"> <ul class="nav nav-tabs bordered"> <li id="tab_description_short" class="nav-item"><a href="#description_short" data-toggle="tab" class="nav-link description-tab active">{{ 'Summary'|trans({}, 'Admin.Catalog.Feature') }}</a></li> <li id="tab_description" class="nav-item"><a href="#description" data-toggle="tab" class="nav-link description-tab">{{ 'Description'|trans({}, 'Admin.Global') }}</a></li> {{ renderhook('displayDescriptionAdvancedTabsHeader', { 'id_product': productId }) }} </ul> <div class="tab-content bordered"> <div class="tab-pane panel panel-default active" id="description_short"> {{ form_widget(formShortDescription) }} </div> <div class="tab-pane panel panel-default " id="description"> {{ form_widget(formDescription) }} </div> {{ renderhook('displayDescriptionAdvancedTabsContent', { 'id_product': productId }) }} </div> </div>
Where descriptionAdvanced are customs hooks.
That calls these templates :
{foreach from=$productTabs item=productTab key=tabName} <li id="tab_{$tabName}" class="nav-item"><a href="#{$tabName}" data-toggle="tab" class="nav-link description-tab">{l s="%s" sprintf=[$productTab.fullName]}</a></li> {/foreach}
And tabsContent.tpl
{foreach from=$productTabs item=productTab key=tabName} <div class="tab-pane panel panel-default " id="{$tabName}"> <textarea id="{$tabName}" class="autoload_rte form-control">{if $productTab.isContent}{$productTab.content}{/if}</textarea> </div> {/foreach}
Now what I need is being able to generate my tabs content like : {{ form_widget(formCustomTab) }}
But I don't know twig templates at all, I've been looking through PS code, but I don't really understand with {{ form_widget(formDescription) }} where formDescritption is set, where the form_view is set ? How to generate a similar form view ?
If there is any twig expert that could help, I would be really thankfull