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Error 500: "This value should not be blank", when try to save combinations.


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after upgrade my shop from the to, I can't save product with combinations now. Console show error 500 with the following text: 

    "combination_16331_attribute_ecotax": [
        "This value should not be blank."
    "combination_16332_attribute_ecotax": [
        "This value should not be blank."
    "combination_16333_attribute_ecotax": [
        "This value should not be blank."

What is wrong?

Edited by Aircod (see edit history)
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Can you check the database table: ps_product and product_attribute - search for the ecotax filed where the value needs to be 0. I presume after teh upgrade in your case it become null or empty. 

Add manually to a certain product the value of "0.000000" and make a test after. It should solve your problem. 

I hope it helps, 



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