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Advanced statistic module

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I am looking for a module for advanced statistics. I do not mean some kind of product sales statistics, but a very advanced module that will have the ability to search orders, for example, product sales with filters such as:


Searching orders for the amount of sold product with possibility to set search filters.

Ability to set search date.

Ability to include + exclude products/categories from search. (Search orders and filter by category jackets + t-shirts and exclude pants and numbers of items in order. In result it will show all orders that have products from category jackets + t-shirts and dont have any pants.)

Ability to export those results to excel to show id order, products name/names, price of product, total price, status or order, date of order, user email, name etc. all need to be seperated like:

Order 12 - 2022.08.20  12:55:47

[email protected]  John Doe St. street 21 32323 Palamana +55889988

Status: Sent

1x Jacket Name $66  total $66

2x Tshirt Name $50 total $100

                                 Total $166


Maybe this modules is in the module prestashop but i did not find any interesting. Only one module have some of the things NtStats but it missing the Ability to include + exclude products/categories from search and set up number of items in order.


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