14 hours ago, musicmaster said:404 is "file not found". As you don't mention the url in your address bar it is hard to say what goes wrong. But I can mention a few things that may help:
- don't use the directory, but address a file. So for example "www.shop.com/admin/prestools/product-edit.php" instead of just "www.shop.com/admin/prestools/"
- download the latest version of Prestools. Due to changes in the Prestashop files in 8.0 the Prestools algorithm to find the shop root had to be changed. Older versions can give problems.
Thanks for your time. I have indeed been using the latest Prestools version, as well as pointing my browser to login1.php file.
So I`ve put the script in mysite.com/myadmin/prestools/
When I try to access the script it ends up on the following link: mysite.com/myadmin/prestools/index.php?controller=AdminDashboard&token=01a0aa11f533a7b611d0bc5cc6635fd2 showing the front office site with the text: The page you are trying to access is not found
If I try to access it via back office module it just shows blank site.