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Anyone have a list of modules that uses the new WidgetInterface

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Anyone have a list of modules that uses the new WidgetInterface (implemented from PS v1.7)



Limitation of hooks

In their basic use, a display hook will be shown at a specific place in the template. If a module wants to display the same additional content on several places, whatever the merchant chose, it still has to register and implement all the possible hooks.

With widgets, module developers can display content everywhere the module is asked to do so.

Seems like the way to go.

But I cannot find any modules that use this method. Except



Yes, the products slider modules implement the renderWidget method.

Any advice please.

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It seems to be a problem in embedding the old style of hooking modules into a theme, using Creative Elements.

But I am advised that if the module implements the new WidgetInterface, it is easy.

As its doing my head in trying to hook modules into Creative Elements

Anybody any thoughts or advice.

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