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Delete Files such as photos


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Prestashop doesn't create physical files for products. The Products are using a single template and this file is used to generate each product by replacing the data's saved from the database. Enter into your cpanel and check the Disk usage section - this will show you the folders(s) which occupies most space and based on that concept it should normally hold most of the files (the image folders will be there). In case you're lucky it could lead you to the solution as well. 

however I tend to contemplate with Nikz remark - change host ;) 


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4 hours ago, Prestachamps said:


Prestashop doesn't create physical files for products. The Products are using a single template and this file is used to generate each product by replacing the data's saved from the database. Enter into your cpanel and check the Disk usage section - this will show you the folders(s) which occupies most space and based on that concept it should normally hold most of the files (the image folders will be there). In case you're lucky it could lead you to the solution as well. 

however I tend to contemplate with Nikz remark - change host ;) 


He means the image of the product, not the template.

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Hi @emarket,

there is a script which can remove these orphan images:

Please make a backup of your database and all files before testing it, and also this script needs modification of the root path of the shop in the variable $shop_root , this needs to be your server's path of the shop. Yu can find this by creating a findmypath.php in your root of your shop and add this in the code:

echo getcwd();

Then check the file by opening the URL : www.YOURDOMAIN.COM/findmypath.php

The output of the file will be the root path to your shop. Set this into the remove script, and then delete this findmypath.php from the shop files.

I hope that I could help.
Have a nice day, Leo.

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