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Prestashop generating duplicated URLs


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Something very strange is happening to me with some Prestashop urls.

If for example we have this product:


(we have placed the ids at the end of the url)

generates an exact duplicate with a second id:


Do you know what could be happening? Has it happened to anyone else?

This is only happening with products that have diferent sizes, like rings. 

attached capture with several urls ->


Edited by Jimbo5 (see edit history)
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those URL's are the URL of the combinations, so this URL : https://domain.com/brides/engagement-ring-131  is for the main /default combination, and this URL is the URL of the combination ID 456 : https://domain.com/brides/engagement-ring-131-456

Since the default combination has no combination ID only the product ID, then I suspect that probably you are using some kind of ID-less URL module or modification on the shop.

Have a nice day, Leo.

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Thank you very much Leo.

Have you seen the urls that I have put in the capture? both are the same, identical, but then they show the typical variations of the different types of sizes.

Another thing is for example I can't find the url with id 456 (doesnt exist) in the backend to remove it. I´m redirecting 131-456 to 131 (not sure if I'm explaining myself well)

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By default, PS generates the URLs with [Product ID]-[Attribute ID]-[rewrite].


If you have a shirt with size S, M and L you will have:





But please note that the canonical URL from the 3 pages is the same, that's why it's considered as duplicated.

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