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Function isCached return always false


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I spent many hours in that problem. I am trying to cache some files.

In one function, I setup my file for cache

$id_cache = 'nameofmymodule|'.(int)Tools::getValue('id_product');
$tpl_file = "fileinviewfrontmodulefolder.tpl";     
$output .= $this->display(__FILE__, $tpl_file, $this->getCacheId($id_cache));	

On the other hand, in an other function in the same module, I check if I find the cache

$id_cache = 'nameofmymodule|'.(int)Tools::getValue('id_product');
$tpl_file = "fileinviewfrontmodulefolder.tpl";   

if (!$this->isCached($tpl_file, $this->getCacheId($id_cache)))
	echo "no cache found";
	echo "cache found";

I got my cache file in the right folder.



But the isCached function keeps returning "no cache found", even the file is here.

In others modules, I use the same structure, except if is with fetch(). I am under

Any help would be appreciate.


Same resultat if I replace the var $tpl_file with, which is in a current and accepted folder in the code of Module Class.



Edited by hugolin69 (see edit history)
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