When a customer uses the MAIL ALERTS module to be notified that a product is back in stock. Is the client's mail stored somewhere? Is it possible to see the emails of the people who filled out the form of this module in a particular product?
Attached is the image of the form I am referring to:
Where do I see the emails that were entered in " your@email.com "? (in case they can be seen)
En la base de datos puede buscar por dirección de correo electrónico o por productos. Todos los datos se almacenan en esta tabla de base de datos: mailalert_customer_oos.
Espero poder ayudar.
Que tenga un lindo día.
Saludos cordiales
In the database you can search by email address or by products. All data is stored in this database table: mailalert_customer_oos.
I hope that I could help.
Have a nice day.
Kind regards,