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PrestaShop Omnibus Directive compliancy module


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Soon a new law is about to kick in in EU, requiring shops to display a so called "prior" price - the lowest price within a 30 days (or longer) period before the current promotion start.

PrestaShop does not gather price history at all, so additional measures need to be prepared in order to make the store compliant.

That's why we developed the OmniPrice module, that allows the store to display that "prior" historical price:


Local regulations are still in development in various EU countries, so we will be updating the module accordingly, but I recommend to start gathering price history in your stores, to have it ready when the new law starts (28th may 2022).

I think it will be enforced more by the customers than the GDPR regulations, because it's a law to prevent fake promotions, so customers will be interested in checking if the current discount is a legitimate one.

[demo of the module]

[module's page on Envato Market]


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