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I have a weird problem with products specific prices. It looks like there is some limit of specific prices I can add in the store. I have many products with specific prices and now when I try to add one more specific price then all specific prices in the front of the store disappear and customers can buy products in regular prices only. When I delete any of the specific prices then specific prices appear again. Anyone has an idea what can cause that problem?  

Edited by bartes1987 (see edit history)
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  • bartes1987 changed the title to - Specific prices limit?

Prestashop version Theme: https://themeforest.net/item/vivashop-prestashop-theme/8294637

It turned out that problem is not only related to specific prices but price discounts in general. I thought that I found a workaround to this problem. I created catalog price rules which uses the custom features as condition. I created custom features like "discount" : "70", I assigned this feature to the products I want to discount by 70 pln. The problem is the same, if I have one extra product with discount- no matter if the discount is created by specific price or catalog price rule then all the discounts in the front of the store disappears. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

@musicmaster I'm attaching the screenshot of the error that shows in the debug mode when the specific prices disappear. 



EDIT: Here is the google drive url: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FtEPgaP3BfYo9WnD5CtgN4ivt4rwUkU-/view?usp=sharing beacuse above picture was converted to smaller size. 

Edited by bartes1987 (see edit history)
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You should first check whether your ps_specific_price table has the indexes it should have. If not, you should add them. Look at a fresh PS installation of the same version for reference.

Most likely that will solve the issue.

Setting SQL_BIG_SELECTS or MAX_JOIN_SIZE is done with Mysql commands in the code.


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@musicmaster I've compared the indexes from ps_specific_price table in my store database and fresh installation of the same prestashop version. It looks like all the indexes are there. The only difference I see is the number in the cardinality (moc) column which corresponds to the number of products with specific prices. I'm attaching the screenshots. 

Fresh installation:



My store:


Edited by bartes1987 (see edit history)
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I sent the screenshot from debug mode to my hosting company as well. They replied that max_join_size variable has a limit of 100000000000 rows/rows combinations on my server and that they can increase it but they don't recommend to do that and better way is to find a way to optimize the functionality in prestashop.  

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This is not my point of expertise.

My guess would be that maybe the indexes of this table have become corrupted. So you might regenerate them.

Otherwise I have no idea. The "limit 1" in the query makes not sense but I cannot see how it could be harmful.

That is all I can suggest.

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