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How to acces backlog when domain has been changed ?


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I've been tasked by a client to migrate a PrestaShop site to another one, changing in the process the domain name.

Now that it's done, they don't have access to their PrestaShop back-office anymore because the new placed domain redirect to a 404 page of the admin they were looking for on the old one. (hope I made it clear)

They are asking me to get the access back to the PrestaShop they asked me to migrate from, sadly I don't know exactly how.

I've changes all the urls related to the old domain name in the db and in the htaccess, but the back-office is still unreachable.

I believe I could export the whole damn thing into a brand new PrestaShop and re-upload it on the host.

But beforehand I'd like to know if I missed some steps, did anything wrong, or if there is an easier way to reach the back-office of a changed domain's PrestaShop ?


Thanks a lot to who replies

(sorry if it's not the right subject, I couldn't figure out a right one for that)

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The first table I changed manually was this one, then I updated the .htaccess file. Since it was still not working, I changed every reference of the original domain name by a new random one all over the db. So I won't be able to tell you exactly which one I've changed, but I did it for ps_shop_url.

Database access should be correct since I'm able to log in the db with PhpMyAdmin, were you mentioning a specific line that must have some value and maybe, have not ?
Because I don't see anything relevant right now.

And there are no /dev or /prod folder in the /cache folder

I'm not sure if it's important but the new name I gave is not a domain that exist at all, I just took the original and added some char to make it different

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So I have to create a new subdomain and then add its references to the db, is that right ?

If so, I'm gonna try that right now.

Thanks in advance for the advices, I'll tell you if it worked.

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actually, I never moved any shop, I rebuilt it since I couldn't find a complete tutorial to move all content from PrestaShop to Shopify.
And now that the domain as been moved to Shopify, it redirects to a 404-page on Shopify every time we try to access PrestaShop's back-office.

Btw, excuse me but which parameter are you referring to exactly Nickz ?

To add some late info, the initial host for PrestaShop is ionos, the only domain name is on planethoster.
I created a subdomain on ionos, but he has a status for Shopify and after changing the info in the db, when I enter the URL to the back-office I am greeted by Shopify witch is not what I wanted to happen ^^"



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No, actually, I should be in the right one.

There are two different websites sharing the same name, but only one domain exist, the one on Shopify is all good and as no need for any type of modification.

To access the PrestaShop back-office one, it requires the domain name that have been given to the other site to exist.

What brings me to the point of my question, How to access a PrestaShop back-office when the domain name has been changed, or given to another one if you prefer.

Like : https://myShop.com/adminxxxx  is not accessible because my clients asked me to make "MyShop" on another site, and then asked me to re-enable the original presta back-office while keeping the new one online.

Edited by ben358
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4 hours ago, ben358 said:

To access the PrestaShop back-office one, it requires the domain name that have been given to the other site to exist.

The domain or its IP. On VPS or deidcated it works if you use the IP, such as 186.xxx.44.xxx.xxx/admin-whatever

Edited by Nickz (see edit history)
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