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Website and Admin Pages crashed after update


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We updated Prestashop to newest version, but website didn't work properly and we did a backup rollback. Admin and website stopped working after that. Please assist. 

Erros we are getting

Warning: Use of undefined constant _PS_ENV_ - assumed '_PS_ENV_' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /homepages/19/d774892074/htdocs/clickandbuilds/PrestaShop/BladeUpgrade/src/Adapter/Environment.php on line 64

Fatal error: Uncaught Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\ServiceNotFoundException: The service "doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager" has a dependency on a non-existent service "annotation_reader". in /homepages/19/d774892074/htdocs/clickandbuilds/PrestaShop/BladeUpgrade/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/DependencyInjection/Compiler/CheckExceptionOnInvalidReferenceBehaviorPass.php:31 Stack trace: #0 /homepages/19/d774892074/htdocs/clickandbuilds/PrestaShop/BladeUpgrade/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/DependencyInjection/Compiler/AbstractRecursivePass.php(60): Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler\CheckExceptionOnInvalidReferenceBehaviorPass->processValue(Object(Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Reference), false) #1 /homepages/19/d774892074/htdocs/clickandbuilds/PrestaShop/BladeUpgrade/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/DependencyInjection/Compiler/CheckExceptionOnInvalidReferenceBehaviorPass.php(28): Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler\AbstractRecursiv in /homepages/19/d774892074/htdocs/clickandbuilds/PrestaShop/BladeUpgrade/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/DependencyInjection/Compiler/CheckExceptionOnInvalidReferenceBehaviorPass.php on line 31


(3/3) FileLoaderLoadException

The file "/homepages/19/d774892074/htdocs/clickandbuilds/PrestaShop/BladeUpgrade/src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/config/services/adapter/image.yml" does not contain valid YAML: The constant "_PS_PROFILE_IMG_DIR_" is not defined at line 27 (near "!php/const _PS_PROFILE_IMG_DIR_") in /homepages/19/d774892074/htdocs/clickandbuilds/PrestaShop/BladeUpgrade/src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/config/services/adapter/image.yml (which is being imported from "/homepages/19/d774892074/htdocs/clickandbuilds/PrestaShop/BladeUpgrade/src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/config/services.yml").

in FileLoader.php line 168

at FileLoader->doImport('/homepages/19/d774892074/htdocs/clickandbuilds/PrestaShop/BladeUpgrade/src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/config/services/adapter/image.yml', null, false, '/homepages/19/d774892074/htdocs/clickandbuilds/PrestaShop/BladeUpgrade/src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/config/services.yml')in FileLoader.php line 79

at FileLoader->import('services/adapter/*.yml', null, false, '/homepages/19/d774892074/htdocs/clickandbuilds/PrestaShop/BladeUpgrade/src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/config/services.yml')in YamlFileLoader.php line 195

at YamlFileLoader->parseImports(array('parameters' => array('multishop.settings.share_orders' => 'share_order'), 'imports' => array(array('resource' => 'services/bundle/*.yml'), array('resource' => 'services/core/*.yml'), array('resource' => 'services/adapter/*.yml'), array('resource' => 'services/legacy.yml'), array('resource' => 'services/alias.yml'))), '/homepages/19/d774892074/htdocs/clickandbuilds/PrestaShop/BladeUpgrade/src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/config/services.yml')in YamlFileLoader.php line 127

at YamlFileLoader->load('services.yml')in PrestaShopExtension.php line 48

at PrestaShopExtension->load(array(array('addons' => array('categories' => array(array('id_category' => 440, 'order' => 10, 'name' => 'Administration', 'link' => '/en/440-administration', 'parent_link' => '/en/2-prestashop-modules', 'id_parent' => 2, 'categories' => array(array('id_category' => '435', 'name' => 'Legal', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'legal', 'link' => '/en/435-legal', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '527', 'name' => 'Registration & Ordering Process', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'registration-ordering-process', 'link' => '/en/527-registration-ordering-process', 'tab' => 'checkout'), array('id_category' => '437', 'name' => 'Notifications & Automatic Emails', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'emails-notifications', 'link' => '/en/437-emails-notifications', 'tab' => 'emailing'), array('id_category' => '448', 'name' => 'Price Management', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'price-management', 'link' => '/en/448-price-management', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '441', 'name' => 'Order Management', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'order-management', 'link' => '/en/441-order-management', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '446', 'name' => 'Accounting & Invoicing', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'accounting-invoicing', 'link' => '/en/446-accounting-invoicing', 'tab' => 'billing_invoicing'), array('id_category' => '433', 'name' => 'Fast & Mass Update', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'fast-mass-updates', 'link' => '/en/433-fast-mass-updates', 'tab' => 'quick_bulk_update'), array('id_category' => '451', 'name' => 'Data Import & Export', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'data-import-export', 'link' => '/en/451-data-import-export', 'tab' => 'export'), array('id_category' => '452', 'name' => 'Third-party Data Integration (CRM, ERP...)', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'third-party-data-integrations-crm-erp', 'link' => '/en/452-third-party-data-integrations-crm-erp', 'tab' => 'export'), array('id_category' => '453', 'name' => 'Analytics & Statistics', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'analytics-statistics', 'link' => '/en/453-analytics-statistics', 'tab' => 'analytics_stats'), array('id_category' => '209', 'name' => 'Dashboards', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'dashboards', 'link' => '/en/209-dashboards', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '432', 'name' => 'Website Performance', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'website-performance', 'link' => '/en/432-website-performance', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '436', 'name' => 'International & Localization', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'international-localization', 'link' => '/en/436-international-localization', 'tab' => 'i18n_localization'), array('id_category' => '431', 'name' => 'Data migration & Backup', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'data-migration-backup', 'link' => '/en/431-data-migration-backup', 'tab' => 'migration_tools'), array('id_category' => '543', 'name' => 'Administrative Tools', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'administrative-tools', 'link' => '/en/543-administrative-tools', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '429', 'name' => 'Security & Access', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'website-security-access', 'link' => '/en/429-website-security-access', 'tab' => 'administration')), 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => 455, 'order' => 90, 'name' => 'Facebook & Social Networks', 'link' => '/en/455-facebook-social-networks', 'parent_link' => '/en/2-prestashop-modules', 'id_parent' => 2, 'categories' => array(array('id_category' => '456', 'name' => 'Share Buttons & Comments', 'id_parent' => '455', 'link_rewrite' => 'share-buttons-comments', 'link' => '/en/456-share-buttons-comments', 'tab' => 'social_networks'), array('id_category' => '457', 'name' => 'Social Login & Connect', 'id_parent' => '455', 'link_rewrite' => 'social-login-connect', 'link' => '/en/457-social-login-connect', 'tab' => 'social_networks'), array('id_category' => '458', 'name' => 'Social Rewards & Coupons', 'id_parent' => '455', 'link_rewrite' => 'social-rewards-coupons', 'link' => '/en/458-social-rewards-coupons', 'tab' => 'social_networks'), array('id_category' => '459', 'name' => 'Products on Facebook & Social Networks', 'id_parent' => '455', 'link_rewrite' => 'products-on-facebook-social-networks', 'link' => '/en/459-products-on-facebook-social-networks', 'tab' => 'social_networks'), array('id_category' => '539', 'name' => 'Social Widgets', 'id_parent' => '455', 'link_rewrite' => 'social-widgets', 'link' => '/en/539-social-widgets', 'tab' => 'social_networks')), 'tab' => 'advertising_marketing'), array('id_category' => 460, 'order' => 40, 'name' => 'Product Page', 'link' => '/en/460-product-page', 'parent_link' => '/en/2-prestashop-modules', 'id_parent' => 2, 'categories' => array(array('id_category' => '462', 'name' => 'Visual Products', 'id_parent' => '460', 'link_rewrite' => 'visual-products', 'link' => '/en/462-visual-products', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '463', 'name' => 'Videos & Music', 'id_parent' => '460', 'link_rewrite' => 'videos-music', 'link' => '/en/463-videos-music', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '467', 'name' => 'Combinations & Product Customization', 'id_parent' => '460', 'link_rewrite' => 'combinaisons-customization', 'link' => '/en/467-combinaisons-customization', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '465', 'name' => 'Badges & Logos', 'id_parent' => '460', 'link_rewrite' => 'labels-logos', 'link' => '/en/465-labels-logos', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '466', 'name' => 'Sizes & Units', 'id_parent' => '460', 'link_rewrite' => 'sizes-units', 'link' => '/en/466-sizes-units', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '545', 'name' => 'Additional Information & Product Tab', 'id_parent' => '460', 'link_rewrite' => 'additional-information-product-tab', 'link' => '/en/545-additional-information-product-tab', 'tab' => 'front_office_features')), 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => 469, 'order' => 100, 'name' => 'Specialized Platforms', 'link' => '/en/469-specialized-platforms', 'parent_link' => '/en/2-prestashop-modules', 'id_parent' => 2, 'categories' => array(array('id_category' => '434', 'name' => 'B2B', 'id_parent' => '469', 'link_rewrite' => 'b2b', 'link' => '/en/434-b2b', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '443', 'name' => 'Dropshipping', 'id_parent' => '469', 'link_rewrite' => 'dropshipping', 'link' => '/en/443-dropshipping', 'tab' => 'shipping_logistics'), array('id_category' => '474', 'name' => 'Virtual Products', 'id_parent' => '469', 'link_rewrite' => 'virtual-products', 'link' => '/en/474-virtual-products', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '529', 'name' => 'Subscription Products (box)', 'id_parent' => '469', 'link_rewrite' => 'subscription-products', 'link' => '/en/529-subscription-products', 'tab' => 'pricing_promotion'), array('id_category' => '472', 'name' => 'Marketplace Creation', 'id_parent' => '469', 'link_rewrite' => 'marketplace-creation', 'link' => '/en/472-marketplace-creation', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '473', 'name' => 'Reservation & Rental System', 'id_parent' => '469', 'link_rewrite' => 'reservation-rental-system', 'link' => '/en/473-reservation-rental-system', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '470', 'name' => 'Auction Site', 'id_parent' => '469', 'link_rewrite' => 'build-auction-site', 'link' => '/en/470-build-auction-site', 'tab' => 'pricing_promotion'), array('id_category' => '623', 'name' => 'Food & Restaurants', 'id_parent' => '469', 'link_rewrite' => 'food-restaurants', 'link' => '/en/623-food-restaurants')), 'tab' => 'others'), array('id_category' => 475, 'order' => 80, 'name' => 'Customers', 'link' => '/en/475-customers', 'parent_link' => '/en/2-prestashop-modules', 'id_parent' => 2, 'categories' => array(array('id_category' => '480', 'name' => 'Customer Reviews', 'id_parent' => '475', 'link_rewrite' => 'customer-reviews', 'link' => '/en/480-customer-reviews', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '537', 'name' => 'Customer Administration', 'id_parent' => '475', 'link_rewrite' => 'customer-administration', 'link' => '/en/537-customer-administration', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '438', 'name' => 'Quotes', 'id_parent' => '475', 'link_rewrite' => 'quotes', 'link' => '/en/438-quotes', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '442', 'name' => 'Customer Service', 'id_parent' => '475', 'link_rewrite' => 'customer-service', 'link' => '/en/442-customer-service', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '476', 'name' => 'Contact Forms & Surveys', 'id_parent' => '475', 'link_rewrite' => 'contact-forms-surveys', 'link' => '/en/476-contact-forms-surveys', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '479', 'name' => 'FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)', 'id_parent' => '475', 'link_rewrite' => 'faq-frequently-asked-questions', 'link' => '/en/479-faq-frequently-asked-questions', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '477', 'name' => 'Support & Online Chat', 'id_parent' => '475', 'link_rewrite' => 'support-online-chat', 'link' => '/en/477-support-online-chat', 'tab' => 'front_office_features')), 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => 481, 'order' => 50, 'name' => 'Payment', 'link' => '/en/481-payment', 'parent_link' => '/en/2-prestashop-modules', 'id_parent' => 2, 'categories' => array(array('id_category' => '482', 'name' => 'Payment by Card or Wallet', 'id_parent' => '481', 'link_rewrite' => 'payment-card-wallet', 'link' => '/en/482-payment-card-wallet', 'tab' => 'payments_gateways'), array('id_category' => '534', 'name' => 'Bank Transfer Payment', 'id_parent' => '481', 'link_rewrite' => 'bank-transfer-payment', 'link' => '/en/534-bank-transfer-payment', 'tab' => 'payments_gateways'), array('id_category' => '483', 'name' => 'Payment by Invoice', 'id_parent' => '481', 'link_rewrite' => 'payment-invoice', 'link' => '/en/483-payment-invoice', 'tab' => 'payments_gateways'), array('id_category' => '486', 'name' => 'Prepayment', 'id_parent' => '481', 'link_rewrite' => 'prepayment', 'link' => '/en/486-prepayment', 'tab' => 'payments_gateways'), array('id_category' => '485', 'name' => 'Cash On Delivery (COD)', 'id_parent' => '481', 'link_rewrite' => 'cash-on-delivery-cod', 'link' => '/en/485-cash-on-delivery-cod', 'tab' => 'payments_gateways'), array('id_category' => '484', 'name' => 'Payment in Physical Stores', 'id_parent' => '481', 'link_rewrite' => 'payment-physical-stores', 'link' => '/en/484-payment-physical-stores', 'tab' => 'payments_gateways'), array('id_category' => '487', 'name' => 'Point of Sale (POS)', 'id_parent' => '481', 'link_rewrite' => 'point-of-sale-pos', 'link' => '/en/487-point-of-sale-pos', 'tab' => 'payments_gateways'), array('id_category' => '530', 'name' => 'Other Payment Methods', 'id_parent' => '481', 'link_rewrite' => 'other-payment-methods', 'link' => '/en/530-other-payment-methods', 'tab' => 'payments_gateways'), array('id_category' => '627', 'name' => 'Recurring payment (subscription)', 'id_parent' => '481', 'link_rewrite' => 'recurring-payment-subscription', 'link' => '/en/627-recurring-payment-subscription')), 'tab' => 'payments_gateways'), array('id_category' => 488, 'order' => 70, 'name' => 'Traffic & Marketplaces', 'link' => '/en/488-traffic-marketplaces', 'parent_link' => '/en/2-prestashop-modules', 'id_parent' => 2, 'categories' => array(array('id_category' => '489', 'name' => 'Marketplaces', 'id_parent' => '488', 'link_rewrite' => 'marketplaces', 'link' => '/en/489-marketplaces', 'tab' => 'market_place'), array('id_category' => '490', 'name' => 'Price Comparison', 'id_parent' => '488', 'link_rewrite' => 'price-comparison', 'link' => '/en/490-price-comparison', 'tab' => 'smart_shopping'), array('id_category' => '491', 'name' => 'SEO', 'id_parent' => '488', 'link_rewrite' => 'seo-natural-search-engine-optimization', 'link' => '/en/491-seo-natural-search-engine-optimization', 'tab' => 'seo'), array('id_category' => '531', 'name' => 'URL & Redirects', 'id_parent' => '488', 'link_rewrite' => 'url-redirects', 'link' => '/en/531-url-redirects', 'tab' => 'seo'), array('id_category' => '495', 'name' => 'Blog, Forum & News', 'id_parent' => '488', 'link_rewrite' => 'blog-forum-new', 'link' => '/en/495-blog-forum-new', 'tab' => 'content_management'), array('id_category' => '493', 'name' => 'SEA SEM (paid advertising) & Affiliation Platforms', 'id_parent' => '488', 'link_rewrite' => 'sea-paid-advertising-affiliation-platforms', 'link' => '/en/493-sea-paid-advertising-affiliation-platforms', 'tab' => 'advertising_marketing')), 'tab' => 'checkout'), array('id_category' => 496, 'order' => 30, 'name' => 'Promotions & Marketing', 'link' => '/en/496-promotions-marketing', 'parent_link' => '/en/2-prestashop-modules', 'id_parent' => 2, 'categories' => array(array('id_category' => '500', 'name' => 'Newsletter & SMS', 'id_parent' => '496', 'link_rewrite' => 'newsletter-sms', 'link' => '/en/500-newsletter-sms', 'tab' => 'emailing'), array('id_category' => '497', 'name' => 'Promotions & Gifts', 'id_parent' => '496', 'link_rewrite' => 'promotions-gifts', 'link' => '/en/497-promotions-gifts', 'tab' => 'pricing_promotion'), array('id_category' => '503', 'name' => 'Referral & Loyalty Programs', 'id_parent' => '496', 'link_rewrite' => 'referral-loyalty-programs', 'link' => '/en/503-referral-loyalty-programs', 'tab' => 'advertising_marketing'), array('id_category' => '499', 'name' => 'Flash & Private Sales', 'id_parent' => '496', 'link_rewrite' => 'private-sales-flash-sales', 'link' => '/en/499-private-sales-flash-sales', 'tab' => 'pricing_promotion'), array('id_category' => '501', 'name' => 'Remarketing & Shopping Cart Abandonment', 'id_parent' => '496', 'link_rewrite' => 'remarketing-shopping-cart-abandonment', 'link' => '/en/501-remarketing-shopping-cart-abandonment', 'tab' => 'advertising_marketing'), array('id_category' => '505', 'name' => 'Cross-selling & Product Bundles', 'id_parent' => '496', 'link_rewrite' => 'cross-selling-product-bundles', 'link' => '/en/505-cross-selling-product-bundles', 'tab' => 'merchandizing'), array('id_category' => '502', 'name' => 'Pop-up', 'id_parent' => '496', 'link_rewrite' => 'pop-up', 'link' => '/en/502-pop-up', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '533', 'name' => 'Contests', 'id_parent' => '496', 'link_rewrite' => 'contests', 'link' => '/en/533-contests', 'tab' => 'advertising_marketing'), array('id_category' => '504', 'name' => 'Wishlist & Gift Card ', 'id_parent' => '496', 'link_rewrite' => 'wishlist-gift-card', 'link' => '/en/504-wishlist-gift-card', 'tab' => 'front_office_features')), 'tab' => 'pricing_promotion'), array('id_category' => 507, 'order' => 20, 'name' => 'Design & Navigation', 'link' => '/en/507-design-navigation', 'parent_link' => '/en/2-prestashop-modules', 'id_parent' => 2, 'categories' => array(array('id_category' => '513', 'name' => 'Menu', 'id_parent' => '507', 'link_rewrite' => 'menu', 'link' => '/en/513-menu', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '517', 'name' => 'Blocks, Tabs & Banners', 'id_parent' => '507', 'link_rewrite' => 'blocks-tabs-banners', 'link' => '/en/517-blocks-tabs-banners', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '461', 'name' => 'Sliders & Galleries', 'id_parent' => '507', 'link_rewrite' => 'sliders-galleries', 'link' => '/en/461-sliders-galleries', 'tab' => 'slideshows'), array('id_category' => '510', 'name' => 'Search & Filters', 'id_parent' => '507', 'link_rewrite' => 'search-filters', 'link' => '/en/510-search-filters', 'tab' => 'search_filter'), array('id_category' => '516', 'name' => 'Page Customization', 'id_parent' => '507', 'link_rewrite' => 'page-customization', 'link' => '/en/516-page-customization', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '511', 'name' => 'Navigation Tools', 'id_parent' => '507', 'link_rewrite' => 'navigation-tools', 'link' => '/en/511-navigation-tools', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '538', 'name' => 'Products on Homepage', 'id_parent' => '507', 'link_rewrite' => 'products-homepage', 'link' => '/en/538-products-homepage', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '512', 'name' => 'Brands & Manufacturers', 'id_parent' => '507', 'link_rewrite' => 'brands-manufacturers', 'link' => '/en/512-brands-manufacturers', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '509', 'name' => 'Express Checkout Process', 'id_parent' => '507', 'link_rewrite' => 'express-checkout-process', 'link' => '/en/509-express-checkout-process', 'tab' => 'checkout'), array('id_category' => '508', 'name' => 'Mobile', 'id_parent' => '507', 'link_rewrite' => 'mobile', 'link' => '/en/508-mobile', 'tab' => 'mobile')), 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => 518, 'order' => 60, 'name' => 'Shipping & Logistics', 'link' => '/en/518-shipping-logistics', 'parent_link' => '/en/2-prestashop-modules', 'id_parent' => 2, 'categories' => array(array('id_category' => '444', 'name' => 'Stock & Supplier Management', 'id_parent' => '518', 'link_rewrite' => 'stock-supplier-management', 'link' => '/en/444-stock-supplier-management', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '519', 'name' => 'Preparation & Shipping', 'id_parent' => '518', 'link_rewrite' => 'preparation-shipping', 'link' => '/en/519-preparation-shipping', 'tab' => 'shipping_logistics'), array('id_category' => '520', 'name' => 'Shipping Carriers', 'id_parent' => '518', 'link_rewrite' => 'shipping-carriers', 'link' => '/en/520-shipping-carriers', 'tab' => 'shipping_logistics'), array('id_category' => '523', 'name' => 'Shipping Costs', 'id_parent' => '518', 'link_rewrite' => 'shipping-costs', 'link' => '/en/523-shipping-costs', 'tab' => 'shipping_logistics'), array('id_category' => '521', 'name' => 'Collection Points & In-Store Pick Up', 'id_parent' => '518', 'link_rewrite' => 'collection-points-in-store-pick-up', 'link' => '/en/521-collection-points-in-store-pick-up', 'tab' => 'shipping_logistics'), array('id_category' => '522', 'name' => 'Delivery Date', 'id_parent' => '518', 'link_rewrite' => 'delivery-date', 'link' => '/en/522-delivery-date', 'tab' => 'shipping_logistics'), array('id_category' => '524', 'name' => 'Delivery Tracking', 'id_parent' => '518', 'link_rewrite' => 'delivery-tracking', 'link' => '/en/524-delivery-tracking', 'tab' => 'shipping_logistics')), 'tab' => 'shipping_logistics')))), array('addons' => array('prestatrust' => array('enabled' => true), 'api_client' => array('ttl' => 7200))), array('addons' => array('api_client' => array('ttl' => 300)))), object(MergeExtensionConfigurationContainerBuilder))in MergeExtensionConfigurationPass.php line 71

at MergeExtensionConfigurationPass->process(object(ContainerBuilder))in MergeExtensionConfigurationPass.php line 39

at MergeExtensionConfigurationPass->process(object(ContainerBuilder))in Compiler.php line 140

at Compiler->compile(object(ContainerBuilder))in ContainerBuilder.php line 789

at ContainerBuilder->compile()in Kernel.php line 643

at Kernel->initializeContainer()in Kernel.php line 135

at Kernel->boot()in Kernel.php line 195

at Kernel->handle(object(Request), 1, false)in index.php line 88

(2/3) InvalidArgumentException

The file "/homepages/19/d774892074/htdocs/clickandbuilds/PrestaShop/BladeUpgrade/src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/config/services/adapter/image.yml" does not contain valid YAML: The constant "_PS_PROFILE_IMG_DIR_" is not defined at line 27 (near "!php/const _PS_PROFILE_IMG_DIR_").

in YamlFileLoader.php line 663

at YamlFileLoader->loadFile('/homepages/19/d774892074/htdocs/clickandbuilds/PrestaShop/BladeUpgrade/src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/config/services/adapter/image.yml')in YamlFileLoader.php line 117

at YamlFileLoader->load('/homepages/19/d774892074/htdocs/clickandbuilds/PrestaShop/BladeUpgrade/src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/config/services/adapter/image.yml', null)in FileLoader.php line 153

at FileLoader->doImport('/homepages/19/d774892074/htdocs/clickandbuilds/PrestaShop/BladeUpgrade/src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/config/services/adapter/image.yml', null, false, '/homepages/19/d774892074/htdocs/clickandbuilds/PrestaShop/BladeUpgrade/src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/config/services.yml')in FileLoader.php line 79

at FileLoader->import('services/adapter/*.yml', null, false, '/homepages/19/d774892074/htdocs/clickandbuilds/PrestaShop/BladeUpgrade/src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/config/services.yml')in YamlFileLoader.php line 195

at YamlFileLoader->parseImports(array('parameters' => array('multishop.settings.share_orders' => 'share_order'), 'imports' => array(array('resource' => 'services/bundle/*.yml'), array('resource' => 'services/core/*.yml'), array('resource' => 'services/adapter/*.yml'), array('resource' => 'services/legacy.yml'), array('resource' => 'services/alias.yml'))), '/homepages/19/d774892074/htdocs/clickandbuilds/PrestaShop/BladeUpgrade/src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/config/services.yml')in YamlFileLoader.php line 127

at YamlFileLoader->load('services.yml')in PrestaShopExtension.php line 48

at PrestaShopExtension->load(array(array('addons' => array('categories' => array(array('id_category' => 440, 'order' => 10, 'name' => 'Administration', 'link' => '/en/440-administration', 'parent_link' => '/en/2-prestashop-modules', 'id_parent' => 2, 'categories' => array(array('id_category' => '435', 'name' => 'Legal', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'legal', 'link' => '/en/435-legal', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '527', 'name' => 'Registration & Ordering Process', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'registration-ordering-process', 'link' => '/en/527-registration-ordering-process', 'tab' => 'checkout'), array('id_category' => '437', 'name' => 'Notifications & Automatic Emails', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'emails-notifications', 'link' => '/en/437-emails-notifications', 'tab' => 'emailing'), array('id_category' => '448', 'name' => 'Price Management', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'price-management', 'link' => '/en/448-price-management', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '441', 'name' => 'Order Management', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'order-management', 'link' => '/en/441-order-management', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '446', 'name' => 'Accounting & Invoicing', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'accounting-invoicing', 'link' => '/en/446-accounting-invoicing', 'tab' => 'billing_invoicing'), array('id_category' => '433', 'name' => 'Fast & Mass Update', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'fast-mass-updates', 'link' => '/en/433-fast-mass-updates', 'tab' => 'quick_bulk_update'), array('id_category' => '451', 'name' => 'Data Import & Export', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'data-import-export', 'link' => '/en/451-data-import-export', 'tab' => 'export'), array('id_category' => '452', 'name' => 'Third-party Data Integration (CRM, ERP...)', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'third-party-data-integrations-crm-erp', 'link' => '/en/452-third-party-data-integrations-crm-erp', 'tab' => 'export'), array('id_category' => '453', 'name' => 'Analytics & Statistics', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'analytics-statistics', 'link' => '/en/453-analytics-statistics', 'tab' => 'analytics_stats'), array('id_category' => '209', 'name' => 'Dashboards', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'dashboards', 'link' => '/en/209-dashboards', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '432', 'name' => 'Website Performance', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'website-performance', 'link' => '/en/432-website-performance', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '436', 'name' => 'International & Localization', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'international-localization', 'link' => '/en/436-international-localization', 'tab' => 'i18n_localization'), array('id_category' => '431', 'name' => 'Data migration & Backup', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'data-migration-backup', 'link' => '/en/431-data-migration-backup', 'tab' => 'migration_tools'), array('id_category' => '543', 'name' => 'Administrative Tools', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'administrative-tools', 'link' => '/en/543-administrative-tools', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '429', 'name' => 'Security & Access', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'website-security-access', 'link' => '/en/429-website-security-access', 'tab' => 'administration')), 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => 455, 'order' => 90, 'name' => 'Facebook & Social Networks', 'link' => '/en/455-facebook-social-networks', 'parent_link' => '/en/2-prestashop-modules', 'id_parent' => 2, 'categories' => array(array('id_category' => '456', 'name' => 'Share Buttons & Comments', 'id_parent' => '455', 'link_rewrite' => 'share-buttons-comments', 'link' => '/en/456-share-buttons-comments', 'tab' => 'social_networks'), array('id_category' => '457', 'name' => 'Social Login & Connect', 'id_parent' => '455', 'link_rewrite' => 'social-login-connect', 'link' => '/en/457-social-login-connect', 'tab' => 'social_networks'), array('id_category' => '458', 'name' => 'Social Rewards & Coupons', 'id_parent' => '455', 'link_rewrite' => 'social-rewards-coupons', 'link' => '/en/458-social-rewards-coupons', 'tab' => 'social_networks'), array('id_category' => '459', 'name' => 'Products on Facebook & Social Networks', 'id_parent' => '455', 'link_rewrite' => 'products-on-facebook-social-networks', 'link' => '/en/459-products-on-facebook-social-networks', 'tab' => 'social_networks'), array('id_category' => '539', 'name' => 'Social Widgets', 'id_parent' => '455', 'link_rewrite' => 'social-widgets', 'link' => '/en/539-social-widgets', 'tab' => 'social_networks')), 'tab' => 'advertising_marketing'), array('id_category' => 460, 'order' => 40, 'name' => 'Product Page', 'link' => '/en/460-product-page', 'parent_link' => '/en/2-prestashop-modules', 'id_parent' => 2, 'categories' => array(array('id_category' => '462', 'name' => 'Visual Products', 'id_parent' => '460', 'link_rewrite' => 'visual-products', 'link' => '/en/462-visual-products', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '463', 'name' => 'Videos & Music', 'id_parent' => '460', 'link_rewrite' => 'videos-music', 'link' => '/en/463-videos-music', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '467', 'name' => 'Combinations & Product Customization', 'id_parent' => '460', 'link_rewrite' => 'combinaisons-customization', 'link' => '/en/467-combinaisons-customization', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '465', 'name' => 'Badges & Logos', 'id_parent' => '460', 'link_rewrite' => 'labels-logos', 'link' => '/en/465-labels-logos', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '466', 'name' => 'Sizes & Units', 'id_parent' => '460', 'link_rewrite' => 'sizes-units', 'link' => '/en/466-sizes-units', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '545', 'name' => 'Additional Information & Product Tab', 'id_parent' => '460', 'link_rewrite' => 'additional-information-product-tab', 'link' => '/en/545-additional-information-product-tab', 'tab' => 'front_office_features')), 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => 469, 'order' => 100, 'name' => 'Specialized Platforms', 'link' => '/en/469-specialized-platforms', 'parent_link' => '/en/2-prestashop-modules', 'id_parent' => 2, 'categories' => array(array('id_category' => '434', 'name' => 'B2B', 'id_parent' => '469', 'link_rewrite' => 'b2b', 'link' => '/en/434-b2b', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '443', 'name' => 'Dropshipping', 'id_parent' => '469', 'link_rewrite' => 'dropshipping', 'link' => '/en/443-dropshipping', 'tab' => 'shipping_logistics'), array('id_category' => '474', 'name' => 'Virtual Products', 'id_parent' => '469', 'link_rewrite' => 'virtual-products', 'link' => '/en/474-virtual-products', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '529', 'name' => 'Subscription Products (box)', 'id_parent' => '469', 'link_rewrite' => 'subscription-products', 'link' => '/en/529-subscription-products', 'tab' => 'pricing_promotion'), array('id_category' => '472', 'name' => 'Marketplace Creation', 'id_parent' => '469', 'link_rewrite' => 'marketplace-creation', 'link' => '/en/472-marketplace-creation', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '473', 'name' => 'Reservation & Rental System', 'id_parent' => '469', 'link_rewrite' => 'reservation-rental-system', 'link' => '/en/473-reservation-rental-system', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '470', 'name' => 'Auction Site', 'id_parent' => '469', 'link_rewrite' => 'build-auction-site', 'link' => '/en/470-build-auction-site', 'tab' => 'pricing_promotion'), array('id_category' => '623', 'name' => 'Food & Restaurants', 'id_parent' => '469', 'link_rewrite' => 'food-restaurants', 'link' => '/en/623-food-restaurants')), 'tab' => 'others'), array('id_category' => 475, 'order' => 80, 'name' => 'Customers', 'link' => '/en/475-customers', 'parent_link' => '/en/2-prestashop-modules', 'id_parent' => 2, 'categories' => array(array('id_category' => '480', 'name' => 'Customer Reviews', 'id_parent' => '475', 'link_rewrite' => 'customer-reviews', 'link' => '/en/480-customer-reviews', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '537', 'name' => 'Customer Administration', 'id_parent' => '475', 'link_rewrite' => 'customer-administration', 'link' => '/en/537-customer-administration', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '438', 'name' => 'Quotes', 'id_parent' => '475', 'link_rewrite' => 'quotes', 'link' => '/en/438-quotes', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '442', 'name' => 'Customer Service', 'id_parent' => '475', 'link_rewrite' => 'customer-service', 'link' => '/en/442-customer-service', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '476', 'name' => 'Contact Forms & Surveys', 'id_parent' => '475', 'link_rewrite' => 'contact-forms-surveys', 'link' => '/en/476-contact-forms-surveys', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '479', 'name' => 'FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)', 'id_parent' => '475', 'link_rewrite' => 'faq-frequently-asked-questions', 'link' => '/en/479-faq-frequently-asked-questions', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '477', 'name' => 'Support & Online Chat', 'id_parent' => '475', 'link_rewrite' => 'support-online-chat', 'link' => '/en/477-support-online-chat', 'tab' => 'front_office_features')), 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => 481, 'order' => 50, 'name' => 'Payment', 'link' => '/en/481-payment', 'parent_link' => '/en/2-prestashop-modules', 'id_parent' => 2, 'categories' => array(array('id_category' => '482', 'name' => 'Payment by Card or Wallet', 'id_parent' => '481', 'link_rewrite' => 'payment-card-wallet', 'link' => '/en/482-payment-card-wallet', 'tab' => 'payments_gateways'), array('id_category' => '534', 'name' => 'Bank Transfer Payment', 'id_parent' => '481', 'link_rewrite' => 'bank-transfer-payment', 'link' => '/en/534-bank-transfer-payment', 'tab' => 'payments_gateways'), array('id_category' => '483', 'name' => 'Payment by Invoice', 'id_parent' => '481', 'link_rewrite' => 'payment-invoice', 'link' => '/en/483-payment-invoice', 'tab' => 'payments_gateways'), array('id_category' => '486', 'name' => 'Prepayment', 'id_parent' => '481', 'link_rewrite' => 'prepayment', 'link' => '/en/486-prepayment', 'tab' => 'payments_gateways'), array('id_category' => '485', 'name' => 'Cash On Delivery (COD)', 'id_parent' => '481', 'link_rewrite' => 'cash-on-delivery-cod', 'link' => '/en/485-cash-on-delivery-cod', 'tab' => 'payments_gateways'), array('id_category' => '484', 'name' => 'Payment in Physical Stores', 'id_parent' => '481', 'link_rewrite' => 'payment-physical-stores', 'link' => '/en/484-payment-physical-stores', 'tab' => 'payments_gateways'), array('id_category' => '487', 'name' => 'Point of Sale (POS)', 'id_parent' => '481', 'link_rewrite' => 'point-of-sale-pos', 'link' => '/en/487-point-of-sale-pos', 'tab' => 'payments_gateways'), array('id_category' => '530', 'name' => 'Other Payment Methods', 'id_parent' => '481', 'link_rewrite' => 'other-payment-methods', 'link' => '/en/530-other-payment-methods', 'tab' => 'payments_gateways'), array('id_category' => '627', 'name' => 'Recurring payment (subscription)', 'id_parent' => '481', 'link_rewrite' => 'recurring-payment-subscription', 'link' => '/en/627-recurring-payment-subscription')), 'tab' => 'payments_gateways'), array('id_category' => 488, 'order' => 70, 'name' => 'Traffic & Marketplaces', 'link' => '/en/488-traffic-marketplaces', 'parent_link' => '/en/2-prestashop-modules', 'id_parent' => 2, 'categories' => array(array('id_category' => '489', 'name' => 'Marketplaces', 'id_parent' => '488', 'link_rewrite' => 'marketplaces', 'link' => '/en/489-marketplaces', 'tab' => 'market_place'), array('id_category' => '490', 'name' => 'Price Comparison', 'id_parent' => '488', 'link_rewrite' => 'price-comparison', 'link' => '/en/490-price-comparison', 'tab' => 'smart_shopping'), array('id_category' => '491', 'name' => 'SEO', 'id_parent' => '488', 'link_rewrite' => 'seo-natural-search-engine-optimization', 'link' => '/en/491-seo-natural-search-engine-optimization', 'tab' => 'seo'), array('id_category' => '531', 'name' => 'URL & Redirects', 'id_parent' => '488', 'link_rewrite' => 'url-redirects', 'link' => '/en/531-url-redirects', 'tab' => 'seo'), array('id_category' => '495', 'name' => 'Blog, Forum & News', 'id_parent' => '488', 'link_rewrite' => 'blog-forum-new', 'link' => '/en/495-blog-forum-new', 'tab' => 'content_management'), array('id_category' => '493', 'name' => 'SEA SEM (paid advertising) & Affiliation Platforms', 'id_parent' => '488', 'link_rewrite' => 'sea-paid-advertising-affiliation-platforms', 'link' => '/en/493-sea-paid-advertising-affiliation-platforms', 'tab' => 'advertising_marketing')), 'tab' => 'checkout'), array('id_category' => 496, 'order' => 30, 'name' => 'Promotions & Marketing', 'link' => '/en/496-promotions-marketing', 'parent_link' => '/en/2-prestashop-modules', 'id_parent' => 2, 'categories' => array(array('id_category' => '500', 'name' => 'Newsletter & SMS', 'id_parent' => '496', 'link_rewrite' => 'newsletter-sms', 'link' => '/en/500-newsletter-sms', 'tab' => 'emailing'), array('id_category' => '497', 'name' => 'Promotions & Gifts', 'id_parent' => '496', 'link_rewrite' => 'promotions-gifts', 'link' => '/en/497-promotions-gifts', 'tab' => 'pricing_promotion'), array('id_category' => '503', 'name' => 'Referral & Loyalty Programs', 'id_parent' => '496', 'link_rewrite' => 'referral-loyalty-programs', 'link' => '/en/503-referral-loyalty-programs', 'tab' => 'advertising_marketing'), array('id_category' => '499', 'name' => 'Flash & Private Sales', 'id_parent' => '496', 'link_rewrite' => 'private-sales-flash-sales', 'link' => '/en/499-private-sales-flash-sales', 'tab' => 'pricing_promotion'), array('id_category' => '501', 'name' => 'Remarketing & Shopping Cart Abandonment', 'id_parent' => '496', 'link_rewrite' => 'remarketing-shopping-cart-abandonment', 'link' => '/en/501-remarketing-shopping-cart-abandonment', 'tab' => 'advertising_marketing'), array('id_category' => '505', 'name' => 'Cross-selling & Product Bundles', 'id_parent' => '496', 'link_rewrite' => 'cross-selling-product-bundles', 'link' => '/en/505-cross-selling-product-bundles', 'tab' => 'merchandizing'), array('id_category' => '502', 'name' => 'Pop-up', 'id_parent' => '496', 'link_rewrite' => 'pop-up', 'link' => '/en/502-pop-up', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '533', 'name' => 'Contests', 'id_parent' => '496', 'link_rewrite' => 'contests', 'link' => '/en/533-contests', 'tab' => 'advertising_marketing'), array('id_category' => '504', 'name' => 'Wishlist & Gift Card ', 'id_parent' => '496', 'link_rewrite' => 'wishlist-gift-card', 'link' => '/en/504-wishlist-gift-card', 'tab' => 'front_office_features')), 'tab' => 'pricing_promotion'), array('id_category' => 507, 'order' => 20, 'name' => 'Design & Navigation', 'link' => '/en/507-design-navigation', 'parent_link' => '/en/2-prestashop-modules', 'id_parent' => 2, 'categories' => array(array('id_category' => '513', 'name' => 'Menu', 'id_parent' => '507', 'link_rewrite' => 'menu', 'link' => '/en/513-menu', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '517', 'name' => 'Blocks, Tabs & Banners', 'id_parent' => '507', 'link_rewrite' => 'blocks-tabs-banners', 'link' => '/en/517-blocks-tabs-banners', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '461', 'name' => 'Sliders & Galleries', 'id_parent' => '507', 'link_rewrite' => 'sliders-galleries', 'link' => '/en/461-sliders-galleries', 'tab' => 'slideshows'), array('id_category' => '510', 'name' => 'Search & Filters', 'id_parent' => '507', 'link_rewrite' => 'search-filters', 'link' => '/en/510-search-filters', 'tab' => 'search_filter'), array('id_category' => '516', 'name' => 'Page Customization', 'id_parent' => '507', 'link_rewrite' => 'page-customization', 'link' => '/en/516-page-customization', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '511', 'name' => 'Navigation Tools', 'id_parent' => '507', 'link_rewrite' => 'navigation-tools', 'link' => '/en/511-navigation-tools', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '538', 'name' => 'Products on Homepage', 'id_parent' => '507', 'link_rewrite' => 'products-homepage', 'link' => '/en/538-products-homepage', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '512', 'name' => 'Brands & Manufacturers', 'id_parent' => '507', 'link_rewrite' => 'brands-manufacturers', 'link' => '/en/512-brands-manufacturers', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '509', 'name' => 'Express Checkout Process', 'id_parent' => '507', 'link_rewrite' => 'express-checkout-process', 'link' => '/en/509-express-checkout-process', 'tab' => 'checkout'), array('id_category' => '508', 'name' => 'Mobile', 'id_parent' => '507', 'link_rewrite' => 'mobile', 'link' => '/en/508-mobile', 'tab' => 'mobile')), 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => 518, 'order' => 60, 'name' => 'Shipping & Logistics', 'link' => '/en/518-shipping-logistics', 'parent_link' => '/en/2-prestashop-modules', 'id_parent' => 2, 'categories' => array(array('id_category' => '444', 'name' => 'Stock & Supplier Management', 'id_parent' => '518', 'link_rewrite' => 'stock-supplier-management', 'link' => '/en/444-stock-supplier-management', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '519', 'name' => 'Preparation & Shipping', 'id_parent' => '518', 'link_rewrite' => 'preparation-shipping', 'link' => '/en/519-preparation-shipping', 'tab' => 'shipping_logistics'), array('id_category' => '520', 'name' => 'Shipping Carriers', 'id_parent' => '518', 'link_rewrite' => 'shipping-carriers', 'link' => '/en/520-shipping-carriers', 'tab' => 'shipping_logistics'), array('id_category' => '523', 'name' => 'Shipping Costs', 'id_parent' => '518', 'link_rewrite' => 'shipping-costs', 'link' => '/en/523-shipping-costs', 'tab' => 'shipping_logistics'), array('id_category' => '521', 'name' => 'Collection Points & In-Store Pick Up', 'id_parent' => '518', 'link_rewrite' => 'collection-points-in-store-pick-up', 'link' => '/en/521-collection-points-in-store-pick-up', 'tab' => 'shipping_logistics'), array('id_category' => '522', 'name' => 'Delivery Date', 'id_parent' => '518', 'link_rewrite' => 'delivery-date', 'link' => '/en/522-delivery-date', 'tab' => 'shipping_logistics'), array('id_category' => '524', 'name' => 'Delivery Tracking', 'id_parent' => '518', 'link_rewrite' => 'delivery-tracking', 'link' => '/en/524-delivery-tracking', 'tab' => 'shipping_logistics')), 'tab' => 'shipping_logistics')))), array('addons' => array('prestatrust' => array('enabled' => true), 'api_client' => array('ttl' => 7200))), array('addons' => array('api_client' => array('ttl' => 300)))), object(MergeExtensionConfigurationContainerBuilder))in MergeExtensionConfigurationPass.php line 71

at MergeExtensionConfigurationPass->process(object(ContainerBuilder))in MergeExtensionConfigurationPass.php line 39

at MergeExtensionConfigurationPass->process(object(ContainerBuilder))in Compiler.php line 140

at Compiler->compile(object(ContainerBuilder))in ContainerBuilder.php line 789

at ContainerBuilder->compile()in Kernel.php line 643

at Kernel->initializeContainer()in Kernel.php line 135

at Kernel->boot()in Kernel.php line 195

at Kernel->handle(object(Request), 1, false)in index.php line 88

(1/3) ParseException

The constant "_PS_PROFILE_IMG_DIR_" is not defined at line 27 (near "!php/const _PS_PROFILE_IMG_DIR_").

in Inline.php line 738

at Inline::evaluateScalar('!php/const _PS_PROFILE_IMG_DIR_', 768, array())in Inline.php line 363

at Inline::parseScalar('!php/const _PS_PROFILE_IMG_DIR_', 768, null, 31, true, array())in Inline.php line 126

at Inline::parse('!php/const _PS_PROFILE_IMG_DIR_', 768, array())in Parser.php line 426

at Parser->doParse('!php/const _PS_PROFILE_IMG_DIR_', 768)in Parser.php line 522

at Parser->parseBlock(26, '!php/const _PS_PROFILE_IMG_DIR_', 768)in Parser.php line 247

at Parser->doParse('- !php/const _PS_PROFILE_IMG_DIR_- !php/const _PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_', 768)in Parser.php line 522

at Parser->parseBlock(26, '- !php/const _PS_PROFILE_IMG_DIR_- !php/const _PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_', 768)in Parser.php line 378

at Parser->doParse('PrestaShop\\PrestaShop\\Adapter\\Image\\Uploader\\ProfileImageUploader', 768)in Parser.php line 522

at Parser->parseBlock(24, 'class: \'PrestaShop\\PrestaShop\\Adapter\\Image\\Uploader\\ProfileImageUploader\'arguments: - !php/const _PS_PROFILE_IMG_DIR_ - !php/const _PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_', 768)in Parser.php line 378

at Parser->doParse(array('class' => 'PrestaShop\\PrestaShop\\Adapter\\Image\\Uploader\\EmployeeImageUploader', 'arguments' => array('/homepages/19/d774892074/htdocs/clickandbuilds/PrestaShop/BladeUpgrade/img/e/', '/homepages/19/d774892074/htdocs/clickandbuilds/PrestaShop/BladeUpgrade/img/tmp/')), 768)in Parser.php line 522

at Parser->parseBlock(3, '_defaults: public: trueprestashop.adapter.image.uploader.category_cover_image_uploader: class: \'PrestaShop\\PrestaShop\\Adapter\\Image\\Uploader\\CategoryCoverImageUploader\'prestashop.adapter.image.uploader.category_thumbnail_image_uploader: class: \'PrestaShop\\PrestaShop\\Adapter\\Image\\Uploader\\CategoryThumbnailImageUploader\'prestashop.adapter.image.uploader.category_menu_thumbnail_image_uploader: class: \'PrestaShop\\PrestaShop\\Adapter\\Image\\Uploader\\CategoryMenuThumbnailUploader\' arguments: - \'@prestashop.adapter.cache_clearer\'prestashop.adapter.image.uploader.employee_image_uploader: class: \'PrestaShop\\PrestaShop\\Adapter\\Image\\Uploader\\EmployeeImageUploader\' arguments: - !php/const _PS_EMPLOYEE_IMG_DIR_ - !php/const _PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_prestashop.adapter.image.uploader.profile_image_uploader: class: \'PrestaShop\\PrestaShop\\Adapter\\Image\\Uploader\\ProfileImageUploader\' arguments: - !php/const _PS_PROFILE_IMG_DIR_ - !php/const _PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_prestashop.adapter.image.uploader.manufacturer_image_uploader: class: \'PrestaShop\\PrestaShop\\Adapter\\Image\\Uploader\\ManufacturerImageUploader\'prestashop.adapter.image.uploader.supplier_image_uploader: class: \'PrestaShop\\PrestaShop\\Adapter\\Image\\Uploader\\SupplierImageUploader\'prestashop.adapter.image.image_generator: class: \'PrestaShop\\PrestaShop\\Adapter\\Image\\ImageGenerator\'prestashop.adapter.image.image_validator: class: \'PrestaShop\\PrestaShop\\Adapter\\Image\\ImageValidator\' arguments: - \'@=service("prestashop.core.configuration.upload_size_configuration").getMaxUploadSizeInBytes()\'', 768)in Parser.php line 378

at Parser->doParse('services: _defaults: public: true prestashop.adapter.image.uploader.category_cover_image_uploader: class: \'PrestaShop\\PrestaShop\\Adapter\\Image\\Uploader\\CategoryCoverImageUploader\' prestashop.adapter.image.uploader.category_thumbnail_image_uploader: class: \'PrestaShop\\PrestaShop\\Adapter\\Image\\Uploader\\CategoryThumbnailImageUploader\' prestashop.adapter.image.uploader.category_menu_thumbnail_image_uploader: class: \'PrestaShop\\PrestaShop\\Adapter\\Image\\Uploader\\CategoryMenuThumbnailUploader\' arguments: - \'@prestashop.adapter.cache_clearer\' prestashop.adapter.image.uploader.employee_image_uploader: class: \'PrestaShop\\PrestaShop\\Adapter\\Image\\Uploader\\EmployeeImageUploader\' arguments: - !php/const _PS_EMPLOYEE_IMG_DIR_ - !php/const _PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_ prestashop.adapter.image.uploader.profile_image_uploader: class: \'PrestaShop\\PrestaShop\\Adapter\\Image\\Uploader\\ProfileImageUploader\' arguments: - !php/const _PS_PROFILE_IMG_DIR_ - !php/const _PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_ prestashop.adapter.image.uploader.manufacturer_image_uploader: class: \'PrestaShop\\PrestaShop\\Adapter\\Image\\Uploader\\ManufacturerImageUploader\' prestashop.adapter.image.uploader.supplier_image_uploader: class: \'PrestaShop\\PrestaShop\\Adapter\\Image\\Uploader\\SupplierImageUploader\' prestashop.adapter.image.image_generator: class: \'PrestaShop\\PrestaShop\\Adapter\\Image\\ImageGenerator\' prestashop.adapter.image.image_validator: class: \'PrestaShop\\PrestaShop\\Adapter\\Image\\ImageValidator\' arguments: - \'@=service("prestashop.core.configuration.upload_size_configuration").getMaxUploadSizeInBytes()\'', 768)in Parser.php line 142

at Parser->parse('services: _defaults: public: true prestashop.adapter.image.uploader.category_cover_image_uploader: class: \'PrestaShop\\PrestaShop\\Adapter\\Image\\Uploader\\CategoryCoverImageUploader\' prestashop.adapter.image.uploader.category_thumbnail_image_uploader: class: \'PrestaShop\\PrestaShop\\Adapter\\Image\\Uploader\\CategoryThumbnailImageUploader\' prestashop.adapter.image.uploader.category_menu_thumbnail_image_uploader: class: \'PrestaShop\\PrestaShop\\Adapter\\Image\\Uploader\\CategoryMenuThumbnailUploader\' arguments: - \'@prestashop.adapter.cache_clearer\' prestashop.adapter.image.uploader.employee_image_uploader: class: \'PrestaShop\\PrestaShop\\Adapter\\Image\\Uploader\\EmployeeImageUploader\' arguments: - !php/const _PS_EMPLOYEE_IMG_DIR_ - !php/const _PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_ prestashop.adapter.image.uploader.profile_image_uploader: class: \'PrestaShop\\PrestaShop\\Adapter\\Image\\Uploader\\ProfileImageUploader\' arguments: - !php/const _PS_PROFILE_IMG_DIR_ - !php/const _PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_ prestashop.adapter.image.uploader.manufacturer_image_uploader: class: \'PrestaShop\\PrestaShop\\Adapter\\Image\\Uploader\\ManufacturerImageUploader\' prestashop.adapter.image.uploader.supplier_image_uploader: class: \'PrestaShop\\PrestaShop\\Adapter\\Image\\Uploader\\SupplierImageUploader\' prestashop.adapter.image.image_generator: class: \'PrestaShop\\PrestaShop\\Adapter\\Image\\ImageGenerator\' prestashop.adapter.image.image_validator: class: \'PrestaShop\\PrestaShop\\Adapter\\Image\\ImageValidator\' arguments: - \'@=service("prestashop.core.configuration.upload_size_configuration").getMaxUploadSizeInBytes()\'', 768)in Parser.php line 78

at Parser->parseFile('/homepages/19/d774892074/htdocs/clickandbuilds/PrestaShop/BladeUpgrade/src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/config/services/adapter/image.yml', 768)in YamlFileLoader.php line 661

at YamlFileLoader->loadFile('/homepages/19/d774892074/htdocs/clickandbuilds/PrestaShop/BladeUpgrade/src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/config/services/adapter/image.yml')in YamlFileLoader.php line 117

at YamlFileLoader->load('/homepages/19/d774892074/htdocs/clickandbuilds/PrestaShop/BladeUpgrade/src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/config/services/adapter/image.yml', null)in FileLoader.php line 153

at FileLoader->doImport('/homepages/19/d774892074/htdocs/clickandbuilds/PrestaShop/BladeUpgrade/src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/config/services/adapter/image.yml', null, false, '/homepages/19/d774892074/htdocs/clickandbuilds/PrestaShop/BladeUpgrade/src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/config/services.yml')in FileLoader.php line 79

at FileLoader->import('services/adapter/*.yml', null, false, '/homepages/19/d774892074/htdocs/clickandbuilds/PrestaShop/BladeUpgrade/src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/config/services.yml')in YamlFileLoader.php line 195

at YamlFileLoader->parseImports(array('parameters' => array('multishop.settings.share_orders' => 'share_order'), 'imports' => array(array('resource' => 'services/bundle/*.yml'), array('resource' => 'services/core/*.yml'), array('resource' => 'services/adapter/*.yml'), array('resource' => 'services/legacy.yml'), array('resource' => 'services/alias.yml'))), '/homepages/19/d774892074/htdocs/clickandbuilds/PrestaShop/BladeUpgrade/src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/config/services.yml')in YamlFileLoader.php line 127

at YamlFileLoader->load('services.yml')in PrestaShopExtension.php line 48

at PrestaShopExtension->load(array(array('addons' => array('categories' => array(array('id_category' => 440, 'order' => 10, 'name' => 'Administration', 'link' => '/en/440-administration', 'parent_link' => '/en/2-prestashop-modules', 'id_parent' => 2, 'categories' => array(array('id_category' => '435', 'name' => 'Legal', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'legal', 'link' => '/en/435-legal', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '527', 'name' => 'Registration & Ordering Process', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'registration-ordering-process', 'link' => '/en/527-registration-ordering-process', 'tab' => 'checkout'), array('id_category' => '437', 'name' => 'Notifications & Automatic Emails', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'emails-notifications', 'link' => '/en/437-emails-notifications', 'tab' => 'emailing'), array('id_category' => '448', 'name' => 'Price Management', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'price-management', 'link' => '/en/448-price-management', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '441', 'name' => 'Order Management', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'order-management', 'link' => '/en/441-order-management', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '446', 'name' => 'Accounting & Invoicing', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'accounting-invoicing', 'link' => '/en/446-accounting-invoicing', 'tab' => 'billing_invoicing'), array('id_category' => '433', 'name' => 'Fast & Mass Update', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'fast-mass-updates', 'link' => '/en/433-fast-mass-updates', 'tab' => 'quick_bulk_update'), array('id_category' => '451', 'name' => 'Data Import & Export', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'data-import-export', 'link' => '/en/451-data-import-export', 'tab' => 'export'), array('id_category' => '452', 'name' => 'Third-party Data Integration (CRM, ERP...)', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'third-party-data-integrations-crm-erp', 'link' => '/en/452-third-party-data-integrations-crm-erp', 'tab' => 'export'), array('id_category' => '453', 'name' => 'Analytics & Statistics', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'analytics-statistics', 'link' => '/en/453-analytics-statistics', 'tab' => 'analytics_stats'), array('id_category' => '209', 'name' => 'Dashboards', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'dashboards', 'link' => '/en/209-dashboards', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '432', 'name' => 'Website Performance', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'website-performance', 'link' => '/en/432-website-performance', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '436', 'name' => 'International & Localization', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'international-localization', 'link' => '/en/436-international-localization', 'tab' => 'i18n_localization'), array('id_category' => '431', 'name' => 'Data migration & Backup', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'data-migration-backup', 'link' => '/en/431-data-migration-backup', 'tab' => 'migration_tools'), array('id_category' => '543', 'name' => 'Administrative Tools', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'administrative-tools', 'link' => '/en/543-administrative-tools', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '429', 'name' => 'Security & Access', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'website-security-access', 'link' => '/en/429-website-security-access', 'tab' => 'administration')), 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => 455, 'order' => 90, 'name' => 'Facebook & Social Networks', 'link' => '/en/455-facebook-social-networks', 'parent_link' => '/en/2-prestashop-modules', 'id_parent' => 2, 'categories' => array(array('id_category' => '456', 'name' => 'Share Buttons & Comments', 'id_parent' => '455', 'link_rewrite' => 'share-buttons-comments', 'link' => '/en/456-share-buttons-comments', 'tab' => 'social_networks'), array('id_category' => '457', 'name' => 'Social Login & Connect', 'id_parent' => '455', 'link_rewrite' => 'social-login-connect', 'link' => '/en/457-social-login-connect', 'tab' => 'social_networks'), array('id_category' => '458', 'name' => 'Social Rewards & Coupons', 'id_parent' => '455', 'link_rewrite' => 'social-rewards-coupons', 'link' => '/en/458-social-rewards-coupons', 'tab' => 'social_networks'), array('id_category' => '459', 'name' => 'Products on Facebook & Social Networks', 'id_parent' => '455', 'link_rewrite' => 'products-on-facebook-social-networks', 'link' => '/en/459-products-on-facebook-social-networks', 'tab' => 'social_networks'), array('id_category' => '539', 'name' => 'Social Widgets', 'id_parent' => '455', 'link_rewrite' => 'social-widgets', 'link' => '/en/539-social-widgets', 'tab' => 'social_networks')), 'tab' => 'advertising_marketing'), array('id_category' => 460, 'order' => 40, 'name' => 'Product Page', 'link' => '/en/460-product-page', 'parent_link' => '/en/2-prestashop-modules', 'id_parent' => 2, 'categories' => array(array('id_category' => '462', 'name' => 'Visual Products', 'id_parent' => '460', 'link_rewrite' => 'visual-products', 'link' => '/en/462-visual-products', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '463', 'name' => 'Videos & Music', 'id_parent' => '460', 'link_rewrite' => 'videos-music', 'link' => '/en/463-videos-music', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '467', 'name' => 'Combinations & Product Customization', 'id_parent' => '460', 'link_rewrite' => 'combinaisons-customization', 'link' => '/en/467-combinaisons-customization', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '465', 'name' => 'Badges & Logos', 'id_parent' => '460', 'link_rewrite' => 'labels-logos', 'link' => '/en/465-labels-logos', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '466', 'name' => 'Sizes & Units', 'id_parent' => '460', 'link_rewrite' => 'sizes-units', 'link' => '/en/466-sizes-units', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '545', 'name' => 'Additional Information & Product Tab', 'id_parent' => '460', 'link_rewrite' => 'additional-information-product-tab', 'link' => '/en/545-additional-information-product-tab', 'tab' => 'front_office_features')), 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => 469, 'order' => 100, 'name' => 'Specialized Platforms', 'link' => '/en/469-specialized-platforms', 'parent_link' => '/en/2-prestashop-modules', 'id_parent' => 2, 'categories' => array(array('id_category' => '434', 'name' => 'B2B', 'id_parent' => '469', 'link_rewrite' => 'b2b', 'link' => '/en/434-b2b', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '443', 'name' => 'Dropshipping', 'id_parent' => '469', 'link_rewrite' => 'dropshipping', 'link' => '/en/443-dropshipping', 'tab' => 'shipping_logistics'), array('id_category' => '474', 'name' => 'Virtual Products', 'id_parent' => '469', 'link_rewrite' => 'virtual-products', 'link' => '/en/474-virtual-products', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '529', 'name' => 'Subscription Products (box)', 'id_parent' => '469', 'link_rewrite' => 'subscription-products', 'link' => '/en/529-subscription-products', 'tab' => 'pricing_promotion'), array('id_category' => '472', 'name' => 'Marketplace Creation', 'id_parent' => '469', 'link_rewrite' => 'marketplace-creation', 'link' => '/en/472-marketplace-creation', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '473', 'name' => 'Reservation & Rental System', 'id_parent' => '469', 'link_rewrite' => 'reservation-rental-system', 'link' => '/en/473-reservation-rental-system', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '470', 'name' => 'Auction Site', 'id_parent' => '469', 'link_rewrite' => 'build-auction-site', 'link' => '/en/470-build-auction-site', 'tab' => 'pricing_promotion'), array('id_category' => '623', 'name' => 'Food & Restaurants', 'id_parent' => '469', 'link_rewrite' => 'food-restaurants', 'link' => '/en/623-food-restaurants')), 'tab' => 'others'), array('id_category' => 475, 'order' => 80, 'name' => 'Customers', 'link' => '/en/475-customers', 'parent_link' => '/en/2-prestashop-modules', 'id_parent' => 2, 'categories' => array(array('id_category' => '480', 'name' => 'Customer Reviews', 'id_parent' => '475', 'link_rewrite' => 'customer-reviews', 'link' => '/en/480-customer-reviews', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '537', 'name' => 'Customer Administration', 'id_parent' => '475', 'link_rewrite' => 'customer-administration', 'link' => '/en/537-customer-administration', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '438', 'name' => 'Quotes', 'id_parent' => '475', 'link_rewrite' => 'quotes', 'link' => '/en/438-quotes', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '442', 'name' => 'Customer Service', 'id_parent' => '475', 'link_rewrite' => 'customer-service', 'link' => '/en/442-customer-service', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '476', 'name' => 'Contact Forms & Surveys', 'id_parent' => '475', 'link_rewrite' => 'contact-forms-surveys', 'link' => '/en/476-contact-forms-surveys', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '479', 'name' => 'FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)', 'id_parent' => '475', 'link_rewrite' => 'faq-frequently-asked-questions', 'link' => '/en/479-faq-frequently-asked-questions', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '477', 'name' => 'Support & Online Chat', 'id_parent' => '475', 'link_rewrite' => 'support-online-chat', 'link' => '/en/477-support-online-chat', 'tab' => 'front_office_features')), 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => 481, 'order' => 50, 'name' => 'Payment', 'link' => '/en/481-payment', 'parent_link' => '/en/2-prestashop-modules', 'id_parent' => 2, 'categories' => array(array('id_category' => '482', 'name' => 'Payment by Card or Wallet', 'id_parent' => '481', 'link_rewrite' => 'payment-card-wallet', 'link' => '/en/482-payment-card-wallet', 'tab' => 'payments_gateways'), array('id_category' => '534', 'name' => 'Bank Transfer Payment', 'id_parent' => '481', 'link_rewrite' => 'bank-transfer-payment', 'link' => '/en/534-bank-transfer-payment', 'tab' => 'payments_gateways'), array('id_category' => '483', 'name' => 'Payment by Invoice', 'id_parent' => '481', 'link_rewrite' => 'payment-invoice', 'link' => '/en/483-payment-invoice', 'tab' => 'payments_gateways'), array('id_category' => '486', 'name' => 'Prepayment', 'id_parent' => '481', 'link_rewrite' => 'prepayment', 'link' => '/en/486-prepayment', 'tab' => 'payments_gateways'), array('id_category' => '485', 'name' => 'Cash On Delivery (COD)', 'id_parent' => '481', 'link_rewrite' => 'cash-on-delivery-cod', 'link' => '/en/485-cash-on-delivery-cod', 'tab' => 'payments_gateways'), array('id_category' => '484', 'name' => 'Payment in Physical Stores', 'id_parent' => '481', 'link_rewrite' => 'payment-physical-stores', 'link' => '/en/484-payment-physical-stores', 'tab' => 'payments_gateways'), array('id_category' => '487', 'name' => 'Point of Sale (POS)', 'id_parent' => '481', 'link_rewrite' => 'point-of-sale-pos', 'link' => '/en/487-point-of-sale-pos', 'tab' => 'payments_gateways'), array('id_category' => '530', 'name' => 'Other Payment Methods', 'id_parent' => '481', 'link_rewrite' => 'other-payment-methods', 'link' => '/en/530-other-payment-methods', 'tab' => 'payments_gateways'), array('id_category' => '627', 'name' => 'Recurring payment (subscription)', 'id_parent' => '481', 'link_rewrite' => 'recurring-payment-subscription', 'link' => '/en/627-recurring-payment-subscription')), 'tab' => 'payments_gateways'), array('id_category' => 488, 'order' => 70, 'name' => 'Traffic & Marketplaces', 'link' => '/en/488-traffic-marketplaces', 'parent_link' => '/en/2-prestashop-modules', 'id_parent' => 2, 'categories' => array(array('id_category' => '489', 'name' => 'Marketplaces', 'id_parent' => '488', 'link_rewrite' => 'marketplaces', 'link' => '/en/489-marketplaces', 'tab' => 'market_place'), array('id_category' => '490', 'name' => 'Price Comparison', 'id_parent' => '488', 'link_rewrite' => 'price-comparison', 'link' => '/en/490-price-comparison', 'tab' => 'smart_shopping'), array('id_category' => '491', 'name' => 'SEO', 'id_parent' => '488', 'link_rewrite' => 'seo-natural-search-engine-optimization', 'link' => '/en/491-seo-natural-search-engine-optimization', 'tab' => 'seo'), array('id_category' => '531', 'name' => 'URL & Redirects', 'id_parent' => '488', 'link_rewrite' => 'url-redirects', 'link' => '/en/531-url-redirects', 'tab' => 'seo'), array('id_category' => '495', 'name' => 'Blog, Forum & News', 'id_parent' => '488', 'link_rewrite' => 'blog-forum-new', 'link' => '/en/495-blog-forum-new', 'tab' => 'content_management'), array('id_category' => '493', 'name' => 'SEA SEM (paid advertising) & Affiliation Platforms', 'id_parent' => '488', 'link_rewrite' => 'sea-paid-advertising-affiliation-platforms', 'link' => '/en/493-sea-paid-advertising-affiliation-platforms', 'tab' => 'advertising_marketing')), 'tab' => 'checkout'), array('id_category' => 496, 'order' => 30, 'name' => 'Promotions & Marketing', 'link' => '/en/496-promotions-marketing', 'parent_link' => '/en/2-prestashop-modules', 'id_parent' => 2, 'categories' => array(array('id_category' => '500', 'name' => 'Newsletter & SMS', 'id_parent' => '496', 'link_rewrite' => 'newsletter-sms', 'link' => '/en/500-newsletter-sms', 'tab' => 'emailing'), array('id_category' => '497', 'name' => 'Promotions & Gifts', 'id_parent' => '496', 'link_rewrite' => 'promotions-gifts', 'link' => '/en/497-promotions-gifts', 'tab' => 'pricing_promotion'), array('id_category' => '503', 'name' => 'Referral & Loyalty Programs', 'id_parent' => '496', 'link_rewrite' => 'referral-loyalty-programs', 'link' => '/en/503-referral-loyalty-programs', 'tab' => 'advertising_marketing'), array('id_category' => '499', 'name' => 'Flash & Private Sales', 'id_parent' => '496', 'link_rewrite' => 'private-sales-flash-sales', 'link' => '/en/499-private-sales-flash-sales', 'tab' => 'pricing_promotion'), array('id_category' => '501', 'name' => 'Remarketing & Shopping Cart Abandonment', 'id_parent' => '496', 'link_rewrite' => 'remarketing-shopping-cart-abandonment', 'link' => '/en/501-remarketing-shopping-cart-abandonment', 'tab' => 'advertising_marketing'), array('id_category' => '505', 'name' => 'Cross-selling & Product Bundles', 'id_parent' => '496', 'link_rewrite' => 'cross-selling-product-bundles', 'link' => '/en/505-cross-selling-product-bundles', 'tab' => 'merchandizing'), array('id_category' => '502', 'name' => 'Pop-up', 'id_parent' => '496', 'link_rewrite' => 'pop-up', 'link' => '/en/502-pop-up', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '533', 'name' => 'Contests', 'id_parent' => '496', 'link_rewrite' => 'contests', 'link' => '/en/533-contests', 'tab' => 'advertising_marketing'), array('id_category' => '504', 'name' => 'Wishlist & Gift Card ', 'id_parent' => '496', 'link_rewrite' => 'wishlist-gift-card', 'link' => '/en/504-wishlist-gift-card', 'tab' => 'front_office_features')), 'tab' => 'pricing_promotion'), array('id_category' => 507, 'order' => 20, 'name' => 'Design & Navigation', 'link' => '/en/507-design-navigation', 'parent_link' => '/en/2-prestashop-modules', 'id_parent' => 2, 'categories' => array(array('id_category' => '513', 'name' => 'Menu', 'id_parent' => '507', 'link_rewrite' => 'menu', 'link' => '/en/513-menu', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '517', 'name' => 'Blocks, Tabs & Banners', 'id_parent' => '507', 'link_rewrite' => 'blocks-tabs-banners', 'link' => '/en/517-blocks-tabs-banners', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '461', 'name' => 'Sliders & Galleries', 'id_parent' => '507', 'link_rewrite' => 'sliders-galleries', 'link' => '/en/461-sliders-galleries', 'tab' => 'slideshows'), array('id_category' => '510', 'name' => 'Search & Filters', 'id_parent' => '507', 'link_rewrite' => 'search-filters', 'link' => '/en/510-search-filters', 'tab' => 'search_filter'), array('id_category' => '516', 'name' => 'Page Customization', 'id_parent' => '507', 'link_rewrite' => 'page-customization', 'link' => '/en/516-page-customization', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '511', 'name' => 'Navigation Tools', 'id_parent' => '507', 'link_rewrite' => 'navigation-tools', 'link' => '/en/511-navigation-tools', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '538', 'name' => 'Products on Homepage', 'id_parent' => '507', 'link_rewrite' => 'products-homepage', 'link' => '/en/538-products-homepage', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '512', 'name' => 'Brands & Manufacturers', 'id_parent' => '507', 'link_rewrite' => 'brands-manufacturers', 'link' => '/en/512-brands-manufacturers', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '509', 'name' => 'Express Checkout Process', 'id_parent' => '507', 'link_rewrite' => 'express-checkout-process', 'link' => '/en/509-express-checkout-process', 'tab' => 'checkout'), array('id_category' => '508', 'name' => 'Mobile', 'id_parent' => '507', 'link_rewrite' => 'mobile', 'link' => '/en/508-mobile', 'tab' => 'mobile')), 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => 518, 'order' => 60, 'name' => 'Shipping & Logistics', 'link' => '/en/518-shipping-logistics', 'parent_link' => '/en/2-prestashop-modules', 'id_parent' => 2, 'categories' => array(array('id_category' => '444', 'name' => 'Stock & Supplier Management', 'id_parent' => '518', 'link_rewrite' => 'stock-supplier-management', 'link' => '/en/444-stock-supplier-management', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '519', 'name' => 'Preparation & Shipping', 'id_parent' => '518', 'link_rewrite' => 'preparation-shipping', 'link' => '/en/519-preparation-shipping', 'tab' => 'shipping_logistics'), array('id_category' => '520', 'name' => 'Shipping Carriers', 'id_parent' => '518', 'link_rewrite' => 'shipping-carriers', 'link' => '/en/520-shipping-carriers', 'tab' => 'shipping_logistics'), array('id_category' => '523', 'name' => 'Shipping Costs', 'id_parent' => '518', 'link_rewrite' => 'shipping-costs', 'link' => '/en/523-shipping-costs', 'tab' => 'shipping_logistics'), array('id_category' => '521', 'name' => 'Collection Points & In-Store Pick Up', 'id_parent' => '518', 'link_rewrite' => 'collection-points-in-store-pick-up', 'link' => '/en/521-collection-points-in-store-pick-up', 'tab' => 'shipping_logistics'), array('id_category' => '522', 'name' => 'Delivery Date', 'id_parent' => '518', 'link_rewrite' => 'delivery-date', 'link' => '/en/522-delivery-date', 'tab' => 'shipping_logistics'), array('id_category' => '524', 'name' => 'Delivery Tracking', 'id_parent' => '518', 'link_rewrite' => 'delivery-tracking', 'link' => '/en/524-delivery-tracking', 'tab' => 'shipping_logistics')), 'tab' => 'shipping_logistics')))), array('addons' => array('prestatrust' => array('enabled' => true), 'api_client' => array('ttl' => 7200))), array('addons' => array('api_client' => array('ttl' => 300)))), object(MergeExtensionConfigurationContainerBuilder))in MergeExtensionConfigurationPass.php line 71

at MergeExtensionConfigurationPass->process(object(ContainerBuilder))in MergeExtensionConfigurationPass.php line 39

at MergeExtensionConfigurationPass->process(object(ContainerBuilder))in Compiler.php line 140

at Compiler->compile(object(ContainerBuilder))in ContainerBuilder.php line 789

at ContainerBuilder->compile()in Kernel.php line 643

at Kernel->initializeContainer()in Kernel.php line 135

at Kernel->boot()in Kernel.php line 195

at Kernel->handle(object(Request), 1, false)in index.php line 88


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2 hours ago, lordignus said:

Did you make sure to roll back your files AND the database?

Did you change any PHP/server settings during the update that you've forgot to change back?

Have you deleted the dev and prod folders in /var/cache?

Yes, all crashed after we tried to roll back.

We didn't changed PHP during update, but we tried to switch between 7.4 and 7.2 at no result.

We deleted dev and prod folders too

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3 hours ago, lordignus said:

The errors look like they stem from undefined constants which are set in /config/defines.inc.php

Check that everything is ok with that file, maybe try replacing it with the default one from a clean install?

Just tried it, no change

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