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Multistore: icon user disappears when changing store (problem cache)


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I have a multistore with 2 stores:

  • Store 1 : theme use is "at_auros Version 2.2.0 Leotheme Team"
  • Store 2 : theme use is "leo_nom Version 1.0.1 Leotheme Team"

When i am on store 1, the user icon and cart icon are display:


But when i go to the store 2 and return on store 1 after, icons disappears:


I have to clear cache for solve the problem. 

My compilation smarty parameters are : "Recompile templates if the files have been updated"


When i turn this to : "Force compilation" everything work, but its not good for production

What can i do please ?



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  On 4/5/2022 at 1:38 PM, Baroszek said:

Hello, try this
Enable 'Recompile templates if the files have been updated'
If this is presta 1.7 go to ftp and go to /var/cache and delete folder prod and dev.
This manually remove cache from store.


Hello Baroszek,

Thanks for your answer 

Delete cache (manually or in back office) work well (the icons come back). But it's not solve the problem, because every time one customer go to "Store 2", the icons disappear on store 1. 

Have you an idea why go to store 2 delete icons from store 1 please ?

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  On 4/5/2022 at 2:01 PM, Baroszek said:

And what is the situation with the code? just no link there? something pops up in the console?


The 2 store use the same module : Block Group Top

When i go to store 1, the user icon is store in cache with the code  :

<div id="leo_block_top" class="popup-over e-scale float-md-right">
    <a href="javascript:void(0)" data-toggle="dropdown" class="popup-title">
    	<i class="icon-Ico_User icons"></i>

After i go to store 2, the cache change and the code became:

<div id="leo_block_top" class="leo_block_top popup-over dropdown js-dropdown float-xs-left float-md-right">
    <a href="javascript:void(0)" data-toggle="dropdown" class="popup-title" title="<?php echo call_user_func_array( $_smarty_tpl->smarty->registered_plugins[Smarty::PLUGIN_FUNCTION]['l'][0], array( array('s'=>'Setting','d'=>'Shop.Theme.Global'),$_smarty_tpl ) );?>
	    <i class="leofal leofa-grip-lines"></i>

When i come back to the store 1, the cache doesn't change and the icon disappear (because it's the code of store 2)

The cache is shared between the two stores ...

Edited by toniniyo (see edit history)
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