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I am looking for a module that meets the following requirements.

1. The product page displays three blocks with accessories for the product.
2. The customer can select an accessory and when they click "add to cart", that accessory is added to them along with the main product. I do not want two add to cart buttons (see example, below).
3. Different accessory can be assigned to each product and the price can be changed on the backoffice, on the product edit page.



Does such a module exist or do I need to program it? I've looked for something in cross-selling/promotions/gifts modules, but in none you can set an individual accessory price. 



I am looking for a module that meets the following requirements.

1. The product page displays three blocks with accessories for the product.
2. The customer can select an accessory and when they click "add to cart", that accessory is added to them along with the main product. I do not want two add to cart buttons (see example, below).
3. Different accessory can be assigned to each product and the price can be changed on the backoffice, on the product edit page.



Does such a module exist or do I need to program it? I've looked for something in crosseling modules, but in none you can set an individual accessory price. 



I am looking for a module that meets the following requirements.

1. The product page displays three blocks with accessories for the product.

2. The customer can select an accessory and when they click "add to cart", that accessory is added to them along with the main product. I do not want two add to cart buttons.

3. Diferent accessory can be assigned to each product and the price can be changed on the backoffice, on the product edit page.



Does such a module exist or do I need to program it? I've looked for something in crosseling modules, but in none you can set an individual accessory price. 



I am looking for a module that meets the following requirements.

1. The product page displays three blocks with accessories for the product.

2. The customer can select an accessory and when they click "add to cart", that accessory is added to them along with the main product. I do not want two add to cart buttons.

3. Diferent accessory can be assigned to each product and the price can be changed on the backoffice, on the product edit page.

Does such a module exist or do I need to program it? I've looked for something in crosseling modules, but in none you can set an individual accessory price. 



I am looking for a module that meets the following requirements.

1. The product page displays three blocks with accessories for the product.

2. The customer can select an accessory and when they click "add to cart", that accessory is added to them along with the main product. I do not want two add to cart buttons.

3. Diferent accessory can be assigned to each product and the price can be changed on the backoffice, on the product edit page.

Does such a module exist or do I need to program it? I've looked for something in crosseling modules, but in none you can set an individual accessory price. 

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