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Prestashop could not connect to FEDEX webservices

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Hello Tomergs,

Please help

Prestashop could not connect to FEDEX webservices :
Error 803 : Meter number is missing or invalid.

All my details regarding Meter Number are correct....

Please help....

I am using PS 1.4.1 latest one...

Thank You,

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Does anyone have any solution to this? I too am trying to get the Fedex module to go with the Sandbox API and I receive the "Prestashop could not connect to FEDEX webservices : Fedex Webservice seems to be down, please wait a few minutes and try again." error.

UPDATE: I should also point out that if I change any of the configuration values, the error changes appropriately (e.g. changing my account number gives me and error of "Error 860 : Account and meter number aren't consistent.") So communication is obviously happening with FedEx, which in turn is on some level validating the sandbox credentials.

Can anyone confirm whether the module should work with the Sandbox / Test account facility offered by FedEx?


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  • 3 weeks later...

So do I take it, HyperConx, that you have the Fedex module working? Can you clarify a couple of points, please?

* Are you in the US?

* Did you manage to get the Fedex module to talk to their sandbox API or does it not work until you have a live account?

Thanks in advance.

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Yes and yes. Follow the instructions on the other page and it should work for you. In short make sure modules/fedexcarrier/RateService_v9.wsdl is using the right URLs for either the sandbox or production.

https://gateway.fedex.com:443/web-services/rate for production
https://gatewaybeta.fedex.com:443/web-services/rate for sandbox

If it doesn't work after that then call Fedex. They are helpful. Could be something wrong with your meter or api keys.

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Hmmm, thanks for the pointers. I wonder if the module only works for addresses in the US (I'm in the UK). I've updated the URL as you said. I also tried the https://wsbeta.fedex.com/web-services as specified in FedEx's email confirming my Sandbox API key.

I'm now trying on the latest version of Prestashop ( and depending on the pickup type, I either get

"Error 868 : Service is not allowed." or
"Error 1000 : Authentication Failed"

Which does at least sound a little more hopeful than the previous error.

I will fire off an email to FedEx to see what they say. Any more suggestions here are most welcome.

--- Edit ---

I should also add that all the shipping method options at the bottom (the checkboxes) are marked as Not Available, e.g. "Europe first international priority (Not available)", Is this purely because I'm in the UK? Should some other options replace them?

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I also managed to get the fedex module working. However, the carriers I selected are not available at check out anymore. In the fedex module a lot of the options say not available now, see pic.

If it helps - I am in the US as well.


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I don't know if it's related, but I got a message back from FedEx today, see here.


I'm unsure exactly what part of the FedEx service the Prestashop module is built on. Their page here: http://fedex.com/us/developer/migration.html says that their legacy API was going to be retired on the 1st June this year. Would that coincide with people's modules stopping working?

May I ask where you are, geographically? I'm trying to work out if the module was intended to ever work outside the US.

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I don't know if it's related, but I got a message back from FedEx today, see here.


I'm unsure exactly what part of the FedEx service the Prestashop module is built on. Their page here: http://fedex.com/us/developer/migration.html says that their legacy API was going to be retired on the 1st June this year. Would that coincide with people's modules stopping working?

May I ask where you are, geographically? I'm trying to work out if the module was intended to ever work outside the US.

I'm in the US - the API is replaced by an authentication key they send you after going through the Web Services sign up. They'll send you the meter number, password, etc. Its pretty straight forward and works until the production part. You need to change the address in the xml document to make it work (I guess) though I cannot.

I think I screwed up the database - the module doesn't load and shipping doesn't work at all. Lesson? don't clear the cache.
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I am not a db expert either, but if the field is still listed than you should be ok.

I have not tried to move to production because I could not find out why only some of my shipping methods were available so I moved to ups.

Now were you able change the api url?

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I'm now in testing mode again with fedex. Prior to that I was able to change the api url, but it didn't work so I went ahead and fooled with the db and lost the module. Now I'm in a new installation/database and have everything in sandbox mode again (USPS and Fedex) which is running. As soon as I can, I'll move to the production server. Keep your fingers crossed. I'll post here if it works. Fedex is very good about getting back to me with ?'s, too.

The caches are still there in the db, but the module disappears after I configure in the program, so something is definitely messed up. I'll start again and avoid these pitfalls. There have been many.

Good luck!

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I had the same occurrence with USPS and Fedex when in sandbox - not all methods being available as I delineated them in the two modules testing a purchase. Figured it would wash out with the sandbox; I'll let you know what happens.

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