I built up a module which was seeming to work quite fine on product page load, but I'm getting an error when selecting a product variant:
ClassNotFoundException Attempted to load class "MyModule" from the global namespace. Did you forget a "use" statement?
With the module, I'm overriding ProductControllerCore in override/controllers/front/ProductController.php like:
class ProductController extends ProductControllerCore { public function initContent() { ... $content = MyModule::getMyModuleContent($id_lang); ... parent::initContent(); } }
MyModule is located in mymodule/mymodule.php like:
<?php ... class MyModule extends Module { ... }
Again, this is working just fine until I select a product combination.
I tried to add a composer.json file like:
{ "name" : "prestashop/mymodule", "description": "My Module", "autoload": { "psr-4": { "MyModule\\": "/", "MyModuleClass\\": "classes/" } }, "type" : "prestashop-module" }
But it did not solve my issue.
Any idea on how I could get this solved please?