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ContextErrorException Notice: Undefined index: tos_cms


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As i am implementing a payment module i get the following error uppon checkout:


Notice: Undefined index: tos_cms

in 7ed9e41cc2dae7762e19077617898a870083e73d_2.file.footer.tpl.php line 37


** if i deactivate the module, and pay by other means, this error does not happen

any ideas on how to fix this?

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This is not a fatal error, ie if you disable debugging, the site will work. However, it is ok to solve the problem. I think you have an array. and you want to display the value from the tos_cms key, but it does not exist, and to prevent this, it is good to check this beforehand.

{if isseet($your_array.tos_cms)}
	//your code


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