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Broken javascript on the product editing page

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I'm having difficulties with the Presta For some reason the html is broken and is generating wrong tags:


<selectid="form_step2_id_tax_rules_group" name="form[step2][id_tax_rules_group]" data-toggle="select2" data-minimumresultsforsearch="7" class="custom-select select2-hidden-accessible" tabindex="-1" aria-hidden="true">[...]

which leads to javascript's exception.

Could somebody please tell me which file is responsible for that, so I could add the missing space?


Edit: In the matter of fact, every single input, button, textarea etc. have got the same problem:


<input type="text"id="form_step2_specific_price_sp_price" name="form[step2][specific_price][sp_price]" disabled="disabled" class="price form-control"/>

<button type="button"id="form_step2_specific_price_cancel" name="form[step2][specific_price][cancel]" class="btn-outline-secondary js-cancel btn">


Edited by januzi2
the error is global (see edit history)
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