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Checkout/ Payment Error Help


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Wondering if anyone can help with the following error message.

Customer was able to place order successfully. It registers onto PayPal and into the PS system. However he forwards the following error message to me:

This message is sent automatically by module PrestaShop Checkout

A customer encountered a processing payment error :
Customer identifier: 8022
Cart identifier: 18622
PayPal order identifier: 4K3504418B4496744
Exception identifier: 48
Exception detail: Payer has not yet approved the Order for payment. The payer has not yet approved payment for the order. Redirect the payer to the rel:approve URL that was returned in the HATEOAS links in the create order response or provide a valid payment_source in the request.

If you need assistance, please contact our Support Team on PrestaShop Checkout configuration page on Help subtab.


After some searching, I am unsure what the issue refers to and what corrective action I should take?


The webshop is running using:


- PayPal Express Checkout Module

- Prestashop version:

- PHP version: 7.3.32


Any suggestions or recommendations would be greatly appreciated!


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Hi, it was happen something similar to a customer of a shop of my customer.

paypal log in backoffice report this error

"Payer has not yet approved the Order for payment. Please redirect the payer to the 'rel':'approve' url returned as part of the HATEOAS links within the Create Order call or provide a valid payment_source in the request"

On paypal site the transaction it was marked as sucsefully conclused.

But in the order page of the backoffice of the site its hade generated an order not in "payment sucsefully" as normally, but in "authorization accepted from paypal"

plugin PayPal v5.5.0
PHP version: 7.3.33



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  • 2 months later...

Hi guys, 

I continued receiving these error messages occasionally, and the orders would either come through, or have failed and not be present (assume customer gave up and left). 

After having dug deeper, contacting PayPal only reveals more info only on the PayPalstage which they handle.

The stages normally go -

1. Customer bank approves transaction,

2. PayPal accepts and processes it

3. PayPal hand it to our PS shop website which records the order and details etc.  

With this in mind, the error message is generated by the module, therefore only the module developers can help. The email I used was provided through PayPal ( support-checkout-download AT prestashop.com )

Having contacted the developers for a different error before, I asked them about this one, and they replied in essence:

We're aware of this error from others customers and we're working hard to get it solved very soon.

On a side note, I also had private web developers hired at one point and asked them to look at it, and they said the module was sealed, and they couldn't do anything.

Beyond this, PayPal also mentioned that an error at the first stage (e.g. funds declined, internet connection drop out etc), could also cause a failed transaction, and this can occur generally.

Hope this helps 

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  • 3 weeks later...

A new version of the Prestashop Checkout module was released on the last day of May 22 and is available here:


As they promised, the developers emailed me directly to let me know the fix for the issue I had asked them about was now available.

I did however encounter a glitch with this - both the card and PP checkout options disappeared, while the "account linking" process went into a pending phase. See attached screenshot. The solution provided by the developers was to uninstall and reinstall the module, which just fixed it for me! Although the issue appears to be on the PayPal side, it wasn't so for me. (I even started a PP ticket etc). Hope this can help someone else too.


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  • 1 year later...

Prestashop 8.1.0
PHP Version 7.3.33
Prestashop Checkout v8.3.5.1


I'm receiving this error when purchasing as a customer:

" Error processing payment, you could have been charged. Please check your order history in your account to check the status of the order or please contact our customer service to know more."


In the PS backend I received this message:

This message is sent automatically by module PrestaShop Checkout

A customer encountered a processing payment error :
Customer identifier: 1
Cart identifier: 18
PayPal order identifier: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Exception identifier: 0
Exception detail: Unprocessable Entity

If you need assistance, please contact our Support Team on PrestaShop Checkout configuration page on Help subtab.


I used the github PHP Prestashop Info upload and all looks good. Any ideas?

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Sorry to hear you are experiencing issues. Since the last module update, I have received this same "Unprocessable Entity" error messages from customers several times, often resulting in the order not being placed, or the customer trying several times, until one of the them works. The most recent one was from this morning, but the order still came through.

I reached out to the PS Checkout module support in Dec (the email address is support-checkout-download at prestashop.com), and they replied with the following:



There was no issue reported with the module. The unprocessable entity error indicates a problem from the customer's side.  
That message generally indicates three things : 

The card or PayPal account cannot be used to pay or was declined by the bank. 

The Payment was declined by PayPal's fraud detection tool

The transaction was refused and the client should try again.


 I'm not sure if it is indeed a customer side only issue, as it literally never happened in the last version of the module. But it may be a new way to report one of the 3 above issues to us.

For the error message you see as a customer I am less sure about it. Unfortunately it does look very familiar to me. 

I'm performing a site upgrade to 8+ currently, so might run into the very same issue soon.

Good luck, and please post any developments or solutions you have.


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Appreciate the feedback. I'll keep digging. As for errors in the page, this one stuck out:

module/ps_checkout/validate:1  - Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 ()

{"httpCode":400,"body":"Missing PayPal Order Id"}



(I run other ecommerce sites on PS 1.6 and 1.7 and this isn't an issue.)

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Update: The initial error did not occur again when using a just credit card without Google Credit Card Manager Autofill used. (I checked my credit card and a google debit then credit occurred so I repurchased without Google Credit Card Manager.)

I will use a debit card then PayPal Pay to see if I can replicate the error. I'll reply if future payment methods generate the error.

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