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Loop through Features & values

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I'm trying to display my product features separatly. Some will be before the product description, some after and they will all have different design.

I managed to separate them using their ID. Now I need to add a specific class to each feature's value.

I tried to add a foreach but it's not working as intended.

This it what I managed to do so far :

  <div class="acc">
    {foreach from=$product.grouped_features item=feature}
    {if $feature.id_feature == 13 } 
       <div class="acc__card info-{$feature.id_feature}">
      <div class="acc__titleOpen">{$feature.name}</div>
      <div class="acc__panelOpen">
        {foreach $product.features as $feature key=k}
        {if $k<=3}
        <span class="value id-{$feature.value}"> {$feature.value|escape:'htmlall'|nl2br nofilter}</span>

    {if $feature.id_feature == 14} 
    <div class="acc__card info-{$feature.id_feature}">
      <div class="acc__title">{$feature.name} </div>
      <div class="acc__panel">
        <li class="value id-{$feature.value}"> {$feature.value|escape:'htmlall'|nl2br nofilter}</li>



I have an issue with the  

{foreach $product.features as $feature key=k}
        {if $k<=3}
  <span class="value id-{$feature.value}"> {$feature.value|escape:'htmlall'|nl2br nofilter}</span>

As I did not specify the feature ID (I don't know how to do it...), it loops through the first feature of my list.

As help would be so appreciated !

Thank you,


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Why are you going through all the features here again?

{foreach $product.features as $feature key=k}
        {if $k<=3}
 		<span class="value id-{$feature.value}"> {$feature.value|escape:'htmlall'|nl2br nofilter}</span>

Isn't it enough to put directly?

<span class="value id-{$feature.value}"> {$feature.value|escape:'htmlall'|nl2br nofilter}</span>
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Thank you for your help. 

It doesn't loop through each value, all values are inserted into the same <span> , all separated with <br/> :

<span class="value id-Choisi aussi par les industriels Fabrication européenne Fil d’acier épais Garantie 10 ans"> 
Choisi aussi par les industriels<br>
Fabrication européenne<br>
Fil d’acier épais <br>
Garantie 10 ans

I need to separate each value into a different span with a different class or ID.

Any idea?



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Do you have a module that allows you to set multiple values to a feature?


 Try this code:

Fill in the feature ids, separated by commas, for the 2 sections in which you want to split the features:

{assign var=allow_features value=[10,11,12,13]} 

{assign var=allow_features2 value=[14,15,16]} 


First section:

	{assign var=allow_features value=[10,11,12,13]}
    {foreach from=$product.grouped_features item=feature}
        {if $feature.id_feature|in_array:$allow_features}
            <div class="acc__card info-{$feature.id_feature}">
                <div class="acc__titleOpen">{$feature.name}</div>
                <div class="acc__panelOpen">
                    <span class="value id-{$feature.id_feature}">{$feature.value|escape:'htmlall'|nl2br nofilter}</span>

Second section:

	{assign var=allow_features2 value=[14,15,16]}
    {foreach from=$product.grouped_features item=feature}
        {if $feature.id_feature|in_array:$allow_features2}
            <div class="acc__card info-{$feature.id_feature}">
                <div class="acc__title">{$feature.name} </div>
                <div class="acc__panel">
                    <li class="value id-{$feature.id_feature}"> {$feature.value|escape:'htmlall'|nl2br nofilter}</li>


Edited by Ress (see edit history)
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