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Faceted Search: The order of the attributes can be customized, but the values ​​cannot.


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I've read everywhere, but I can't find a solution.

The values of this attribute are the months of the year (in spanish). The months are being ordered alphabetically, but I need to order them correctly (or by id). Any ideas? Thanks in advance.


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33 minutes ago, Ress said:

You could do this with css:

ul#facet_xxx {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;

ul#facet_xxx li:nth-child(1) {
    order: 5;

ul#facet_xxx li:nth-child(2) {
    order: 3;


Thanks, it could be a solution :) but, this number is not updated continuously (facet_xxx)? at least in my case the number changes every time I refresh the page

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2 hours ago, Ress said:

Yes, you could make a change to the template, and set a fixed class for each set of filters. For example, add the title as a class.

Thank you very much Ress, with your help I was able to solve the problem :)

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