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Hi, I’m trying to change the invoice date: instead of reporting the creation date I need the payment date instead.In the invoice.summary-tab.tpl file I found this line but I don’t understand how to change the date values

  <td class="center small white">{$title|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}</td>
  <td class="center small white">{dateFormat date=$order->invoice_date full=0}</td>
  <td class="center small white">{$order->getUniqReference()}</td>
  <td class="center small white">{dateFormat date=$order->dateOfPayment full=0}</td>
  {if $addresses.invoice->vat_number}
	<td class="center small white">

Any idea for doing this?Thanks
Matteo (edited) 



Hi, I’m trying to change the invoice date: instead of reporting the creation date I need the payment date instead.In the invoice.summary-tab.tpl file I found this line but I don’t understand how to change the date values


<td class="center small white">{$title|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}</td>

<td class="center small white">{dateFormat date=$order->invoice_date full=0}</td>

<td class="center small white">{$order->getUniqReference()}</td>

<td class="center small white">{dateFormat date=$order->dateOfPayment full=0}</td>

{if $addresses.invoice->vat_number}

<td class="center small white">





Any idea for doing this?Thanks
Matteo (edited) 

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