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Payment date on invoice


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Hi, I’m trying to change the invoice date: instead of reporting the creation date I need the payment date instead.In the invoice.summary-tab.tpl file I found this line but I don’t understand how to change the date values

  <td class="center small white">{$title|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}</td>
  <td class="center small white">{dateFormat date=$order->invoice_date full=0}</td>
  <td class="center small white">{$order->getUniqReference()}</td>
  <td class="center small white">{dateFormat date=$order->dateOfPayment full=0}</td>
  {if $addresses.invoice->vat_number}
	<td class="center small white">

Any idea for doing this?Thanks
Matteo (edited) 

Edited by m.fontana (see edit history)
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I mean the date of registration of the payment, if you pay by credit card the date is the same as the order but if you pay by bank transfer the date could be a couple of days later.
Since the paid accountant received must match an invoice, I need to change the date reference in the invoice


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Well, you should change the order states settings so that the invoice is generated only when the order is actually paid. Specifically, when it is paid by bank transfer, it should be in the "In processing" or another order state that has not yet generated the invoice, and when it has been paid, you move it to a state that generates the invoice.

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