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Link widget bugged


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Hi guys,


I want to add a new column in the footer called "Client" and post a few link below it. 

I tried this using the module Link Widget and when I add the column in the backoffice, it does not appear in the backoffice, only in the frontoffice, therefore i cannot modify or delete.

Can someone please assist me on how to proper use this module or sugest a new one?






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Hello @mickeyboy1


The thing is, that when i try to create a new parent category, it is created in the front office, but i cannot modify or delete it in the backoffice, because it does not appear. I've disabled the module for now, because on the footer it only appears the title of the category and i cannot modify it or delete it.

I've already read the documentation, but is not working as it should.

Do you have any other suggestion? Maybe a different module that works properly?



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In the printscreen from about there should be 4 categories:

Product and our company - which can be found in the backoffice

and two categories with Client, which can be found in the front office, but in the backoffice, they appear as the empty blocks on the left.




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@Marius11 do you happen to be adding the new blocks in the backend with an English UI but you don't have English enabled in the frontend? This is a known bug in the module (which was fixed already and should be included in the next release). Try changing your admin language to the same than your frontend language and the new blocks should appear in the module settings. 

Edited by w3bsolutions (see edit history)
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