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problem with new table and tabs in paneladmin


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Hi Everyone!

I wanted to add into my shop editable list of distributors.
So I created table in db:

create table ps2_distributors(
ID_distributors int not null auto_increment,
Name varchar(100),
Country varchar(100),
Province varchar(30),
City varchar(100),
Address varchar(200),
Telephone varchar(100),
Email varchar(100),
Website varchar(200),
PRIMARY KEY(ID_distributors)

And I added a new tab in admin panel.

Then I created my class in AdminDistributors.php

class AdminDistributors extends AdminTab
   function __construct()

        $this->table = 'distributors';
        $this->className = 'Distributors';
        $this->edit = true;
       $this->delete = true;

       $this->fieldsDisplay = array(
       'Name' => array('title' => $this->l('Name'), 'width' => 160),
       'City' => array('title' => $this->l('City'), 'width' => 160),
       'Province' => array('title' => $this->l('Province'), 'width' => 160),
       'Country' => array('title' => $this->l('Country'), 'width' => 160)




And it works really nice. I see a grid with my distributors.

But then I added:

public function displayForm($isMainTab = true)
       global $currentIndex;
       echo $this->className;
       $obj = $this->loadObject(true);

       echo ' tralala';


It's for displaying add and edit mode.

And the result is that:
echo shows ClassName: "Distributors",
but then I see nothing.

I realised, that function loadObject is in AdminTab.php
in line: ~1402

elseif ($opt)
       echo 'Load3  ';
       echo $this->className;
           $this->_object = new $this->className();
           return $this->_object;

I see "Load 3", and className: "Distributors"

there is something wrong with

$this->_object = new $this->className();

And I see on my add page nothing else.

I suppose that I should add some information about my table in any others files, or I did something wrong with mysql (auto_increment?)

Can someone help me.

I use PrestaShop actualy on my local windows 7.

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Please help me.

This is function LoadObject from AdminTab.php.

protected function loadObject($opt = false)
       if ($id = intval(Tools::getValue($this->identifier)) AND Validate::isUnsignedId($id))

           if (!$this->_object)
               $this->_object = new $this->className($id);
           if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($this->_object))
               die (Tools::displayError('object cannot be loaded'));
           return $this->_object;
       elseif ($opt)
       echo '1';
       echo $this->className;
           $this->_object = new $this->className();
       echo '2';
           return $this->_object;
           die(Tools::displayError('object cannot be loaded'));

When I click "add new" I see "1" , "Distributors" (classname) but in the next line is some error.


className is correct, so why it does'nt want to create new object? Why it works correctly with other tables?

Maybe I didn't add some information in one of the php files? Something about my class? Should I do it somewhere?

Please help me. It's really important for me.

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So, please try answer for this questions:

What exactly do this line: $this->_object = new $this->className(); ?

How does it know how to create new object with className - Distributors?

And what does it need to work correctly?

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I am also trying to create a module and therefore I am plunging into the working of PS (testsite is 1.3.7).

In your _construct method you are refering to

function __construct()

$this->table = 'distributors';
$this->className = 'Distributors';
$this->edit = true;
$this->delete = true;

When you instruct PS to create a object, it is looking for a file named "className.php" , in your case "Distributors.php" but only in the directory /classes!
else it gives you an error. At least that's what I found out.
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  • 9 months later...

Hi there, I don't know you has the answer or not, but I would like to reply here for other people that have the same issue.

In AdminDistributors.php, add following function


function myautoload($className)
 $className = str_replace(chr(0), '', $className);
 $moduleDir = dirname(__FILE__).'/';
 $file_in_module = file_exists($moduleDir.$className.'.php');
 if ($file_in_module)


Then, at the end of your module constructor (in function __construct() ) add line:



Now, you can load the class from your module dir.

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