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mistaken quantity under "catalog > products"


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1. step: When create a product with combinations for example S M L XL, 1 piece for each size for example, means that you will have 4 in stock in total

2. step: then if you delete these combinations  and go to the product list under "catalog>products", there are still 4 pieces seen under "Quantity" column 

3. step: and after if you generate new combinations , and add new quantity , that new quantity has added on top of the deleted 4. For example if you generated new 4 combination , you will see 8 at products list but infact you only have 4.


How can we fix that pls?




Screen Shot 2022-02-09 at 13.42.36.png

Screen Shot 2022-02-09 at 13.41.44.png

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