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Save and read customer currency to/from database


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By default, the currency that the customer selects with the currency switch is saved in the cookie. I would like the currency that the client selects with the switch to be saved in the database, so that after logging in (from another device or after clearing the cache) it would have the same currency set.

Is there a module for this or is it better to do it by overwriting the setCurrency function in Tools.php?
I have programming knowledge but I am afraid that the currency mechanism is more complicated and various problems may arise after modification.

Edited by kuch (see edit history)
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  • kuch changed the title to Save and read customer currency to/from database
11 minut temu, ndiaga napisał:


You  have   a  native  PrestaShop   module   that  list  all  the  currencies  in  a dropdown  in  the  navigation  bar.


Yes, I know, but on purpose I have such a switch in a hard-to-reach place so that common customers cannot change the currency. Only the chosen ones should be able to choose the currency, but if they do it once, then they forget that they have to change the currency again on a different browser or after clearing the cache. Finnaly i have a problem with currency conversion costs etc.

The best solution for me would be the option of assigning a currency to a specific client (or even a group) by default, but I have not found such a solution or module.

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1 minutę temu, ndiaga napisał:


Why  not   modifying  the  default  module  to  show  the  currencies  list  in  a   goog  place  where  they  can see it?

Because I don't want every customer to be able to freely change the currency.


Assigning   a   currency  to  each  group  is  not  an  easy  task.

I know this and that's why I set up a topic on the forum hoping that someone knows the solution that will work

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9 minut temu, ndiaga napisał:

The  solution  is   deep   core  code  modification.

The  currency  is   called  in too many  places.

If we can change the currency with one click and it is reading from a cookie, I think reading this information from the database shouldn't be much more difficult

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