I have recently upgraded PS to PS and having a problem with product attributes.
After migrating to PS, products with combination are displayed as a 'simple product' on back office & front end. However on stock management page, it shows the products with combination with stock level correctly.
For example, our bag has three colour attributes: red (0 stock), blue (3 stock) and white (5 stock).
After migrated to PS1.7.8.2, the bag has lost attribute information on back office and front end. In this case, it is marked as 'simple product' on product information of back office - otherwise ok; and the price shows $0.00 on front end. However on stock management it shows red (0 stock), blue (3 stock) and white (5 stock). correctly.
So, I have added colour attribute and set the stock red (3), blue (5), white (7).
* product information: looking good. red (3), blue (5), white (7).
* stock management: now it shows 6 products: red (0), blue (3), white (5), red (3), blue (5), white (7).
* front end: now it shows 3 attributes with corresponding price. However red bag is unavailable to order because it is out of stock.
Could anyone please help me to resolve this issue. much appreciate it!