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(SOLVED) 2-home to index


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59 minutes ago, SunshineBrandi said:

Ok, i have searched for 2 hours trying to fix this and have come up with nothing.

When you click on home in the category tree, it takes you to 2-home, I want it to go to the index page. Can someone point me in the right direction to accomplish this?


Presta / PHP version?  Link the url?

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On 1/29/2022 at 11:35 PM, SunshineBrandi said:

Sorry, Prestashop   Sunshineproducts.info

See the attached picture, I want to change the link for Home from 2-home to the index.



Hello, You can disable to show the home category from https://prnt.sc/26n9g45 normally this is native system. If you need to force modify then you need to modify from theme template file

Thank you

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this is issue with theme, 2-home is I believe one of the index templates you could choose.

not positive how you would remove 2-home using your theme tools

easiest fix would be to install a redirect into httaccess of 2-home to index until you sort underlying theme issue

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On the bottom, changed:

<div class="block-categories">
  <ul class="category-top-menu">
    <li><a class="text-uppercase h6" href="{$categories.link nofilter}">{$categories.name}</a></li>
    <li>{categories nodes=$categories.children}</li>


<div class="block-categories">
  <ul class="category-top-menu">
    <li><a class="text-uppercase h6" href="index.php">{$categories.name}</a></li>
    <li>{categories nodes=$categories.children}</li>

Prestashop Maniac, you were close and thanks, but it was in the theme modules instead of the site modules. :)

Thanks again everyone!!!!

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