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error page blank.....

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Hello, every one.

We are new user of Prestashop from Spain, our web site is a bagshop (www.bolsage.com)

After we installed this shop, everything always runs well. But today I have installed a new module of moneybooker which is a 'third party module', and now if I type my url www.bolsage.com en IE, it displays like la page blank...........

The code information is
Fatal error: Undefined class name 'configuration' in /homepages/30/d351756866/htdocs/config/config.inc.php on line 64

I'm very sorry for my bad english, but if there is someone could help us? o could tell us how to resolve this problem.

Thank you very much!

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Try this:

go into your DB through phpmyadmin, and back it up.
Once you have done this, look for the module table

look in that table for the moneybookers module and change it from active 1 to inactive 0. If that doesn't work delete the moneybookers module from the table.

It may mean reinstalling it later, if you have to delete.

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THX, Chris
I have tried just like you said, and it dosen´t work either.
It maybe a problem cuased by the 1and1 hosing, becaues there is another user of 1and1 hosting in spanish foro that found the same error yesterday too.

We have contacted with 1and1, and they haven´t replayed us yet.

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for what its worth I have a WP blog on 1and1 and get persistent internal server erros because the upload of images takes longer than theallow :(

They have some very restrictive parameters !
500 Errors are commonly produced when there are errors in the .htaccess file or one of the package limitations has been exceeded.

The package limitations restrict the use of no more than:

8 seconds of 100% CPU usage
10MB of memory
16 simultaneous processes
max_file_uploads = 20MB
memory_limit = 30MB

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