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import statistics


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Hi there,

I'm recently playing around with PS update to 1.7. Due to the long history of our shop (started with 1.3) and a lot of legacy code we'd prefer a setup from scratch. I was able to import products, customers, and orders from v1.6. 

But now I stuck with statistics. I'd like to have at least basic dashboard stats to quickly compare revenues. Best-selling products would be also nice.

Any idea how to achieve this?

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8 minutes ago, Chirs said:

Customer passwords haven't been an issue - I copied upfront the cookie key in 1.7 and kept the hashed passwords.

To specify: I'm talking about the historical stats. Any new order is showing up in the stats.

yes as metione in part 2 of above if you imported your catalog correctly then your stats should work.  note:  there has been issue with stats modules for several years.

or you can just use the ps upgrade, there you do not have to worry so much that your manual migration (which is for experts). 

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