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After successful payment processing (with Global Payments), the URL redirected is not found


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I've finished testing with the Global Payments module. When I process an order, the URL redirect is always 404.


some troubles started when I tried to switch on "friendly URLs". Some modules weren't connecting, and I was getting 404's. So I turned it back off. I checked the .htaccess file, but I can't find the root of the problem.

How can I fix this 404 to redirect to a successful payment page?

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4 hours ago, ozztrigz said:

I've finished testing with the Global Payments module. When I process an order, the URL redirect is always 404.

Since when? What did you do to cause that?

Shop version, Theme, Server environment?


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1 minute ago, Nickz said:

Since when? What did you do to cause that?

Shop version, Theme, Server environment?


When: About a week ago, when I switched on the "friendly urls". 

Prestashop Version: 1.6.18

Theme: Default bootstrap

Server Environment: linux

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It seems I have figured out the issue. It was directly related to the SEO friendly URL. I think it was a combination of a few things I did. I will just leave my solution for future guests. 

  1. Since we use multi-store, I put it on the default store (not to be confused with default group)
  2. Under the “SEO & URLs” section, I enabled friendly URL's
  3. In that same section, I modified the “module-realexpaymentshpp-validation” custom URL.
  4. Saved it
  5.  I also reconnected other modules that were previously not working while in “friendly URL” mode by clicking the “add” button at the top and entering a custom URL.


Edited by ozztrigz (see edit history)
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