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XML feed for stock status question

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Hi, I need my store to show "in" or "out of stock" for each product instead of quantity and with an XML feed from my supplier. My supplier gave me soms example code explaining how to get the data with PHP coding. But I would like to know what file of the Prestashop installation I need to alter? The XML feed also gives data for one product at a time and not for multiple products.

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This is the code I got from my supplier. If just someone could tell me where to use it?

// First we need to feed the techdata SKU, for now we use 1088963 as an example
//Following the XML data
$xmldata="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\r
$fp = fsockopen("intcom.xml.techdata-europe.com", 8080, $errno, $errstr, 15);
//Generate the postdata on a valid way, $out4 needs to be calculated, so will be later.
$out1 = "POST /Onlchk HTTP/1.0\r
$out2 = "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------2\r
$out3 = "Host: intcom.xml.techdata-europe.com:8080\r
$out5 = "Connection: close\r
$out6 = "-----------------------------2\r
$out7 = "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"onlinecheck\"\r
$out8 = "\r
//Calculation of the Content-Length:
$out4 = "Content-Length: $tlen\r
//Generate full output
$out = $out1.$out2.$out3.$out4.$out5.$out6.$out7.$xmldata.$out8;
fwrite($fp, $out);
$retval = "";
while(!feof($fp)){$retval = "$retval".fgets($fp,128);}
list($headers,$body) = explode("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>",$retval);
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$doc ->LoadXML($body);
$item_ids = $doc->getElementsByTagname( "OnlineCheck" );
foreach( $item_ids as $item )
$error_s = $item->getElementsByTagName( "Errorstatus" ); $tderror = $error_s->item(0)->nodeValue;
$stock_s = $item->getElementsByTagName( "AvailabilityTotal" ); $tdstock = $stock_s->item(0)->nodeValue;
// Reformatting the price to ISO compatible format
$price_s = $item->getElementsByTagName( "UnitPriceAmount" ); $tdprice = str_replace('.','',$price_s->item(0)->nodeValue);
//Rest of handling off the data under here

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