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moving from http to https question


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hi everyone, i would be really thankful if any can help answering some questions regarding my topic.

i'll make the long story short. i have a website which have always been http, and i have google sitemap module in prestashop back office,and submitted my sitemap to google sitemaps as well.

now i moved to https, and submitted my https url sitemap to google sitemaps. while i still have the http sitemap in google sitemaps.

but as for my backoffice the sitemap cant add an https, it has to be reset totally in order to add https.

the question is,

1-should i delete my http url from google sitemaps?

2- should i reset the module to make it to https instead of http?

while my rank in google have always been great, i am afraid if i deleted any ( back office module or the url from google sitemaps) i would loose my old rankings.

thank you and i really appreciate any help.


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