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Facet filters work only on selected categories


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Hi all,

I am working on prestahop
While trying to filter given categories the filters do not return any result (in certain sub-categories) 

When trying to check/ tick the category "Oleje przemyslowe i rolicze" nothing happens (even though there are over 170 items).

When trying to copy paste the link it returns no results...


 or when they do return the results (in those sub-categories that will work) the products are without images

like here: https://galonoleje.pl/501-oleje?q=Kategorie-Oleje+do+innych+pojazdów

Have you ever had anything like it before? I have no clue how to fix this thing ....



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18 minutes ago, endriu107 said:

Did you rebuild products index in module configuration page?

Hi. Thank you for your answer. Yes, I did. 

However, there are 8 filter templates in the module configuration page.  Could this be a problem or does PS just rely on the latest filter template added?

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