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Whoops, looks like something went wrong.


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It happened to me when updating prestashop modules, but I do not identify how to fix it.


(1/1) ContextErrorException

Warning: Declaration of Cart::updateQty($quantity, $id_product, $id_product_attribute = NULL, $id_customization = false, $operator = 'up', $id_address_delivery = 0, ?Shop $shop = NULL, $auto_add_cart_rule = true, $skipAvailabilityCheckOutOfStock = false) should be compatible with CartCore::updateQty($quantity, $id_product, $id_product_attribute = NULL, $id_customization = false, $operator = 'up', $id_address_delivery = 0, ?Shop $shop = NULL, $auto_add_cart_rule = true, $skipAvailabilityCheckOutOfStock = false, bool $preserveGiftRemoval = true, bool $useOrderPrices = false)

in Cart.php

at ErrorHandler->handleError(2, 'Declaration of Cart::updateQty($quantity, $id_product, $id_product_attribute = NULL, $id_customization = false, $operator = \'up\', $id_address_delivery = 0, ?Shop $shop = NULL, $auto_add_cart_rule = true, $skipAvailabilityCheckOutOfStock = false) should be compatible with CartCore::updateQty($quantity, $id_product, $id_product_attribute = NULL, $id_customization = false, $operator = \'up\', $id_address_delivery = 0, ?Shop $shop = NULL, $auto_add_cart_rule = true, $skipAvailabilityCheckOutOfStock = false, bool $preserveGiftRemoval = true, bool $useOrderPrices = false)', '/home/lavaldostana.online/public_html/override/classes/Cart.php', 0, array('className' => 'Cart', 'classDir' => '/home/lavaldostana.online/public_html/'))in PrestaShopAutoload.php line 152

at require_once()in PrestaShopAutoload.php line 152

at PrestaShopAutoload->load('Cart')in DebugClassLoader.php line 159

at DebugClassLoader->loadClass('Cart')

at spl_autoload_call('Cart')in FrontController.php line 371

at FrontControllerCore->init()in Controller.php line 287

at ControllerCore->run()in Dispatcher.php line 518

at DispatcherCore->dispatch()in index.php line 28

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