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[RESOLU] Bug mail GitHub pour Mot de passe oublié en version anglaise

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Normalement le fichier twig contient ceci

{% extends '@MailThemes/classic/components/layout.html.twig' %}

{% block content %}
  <td align="center" class="titleblock">
    <font size="2" face="{{ languageDefaultFont }}Open-sans, sans-serif" color="#555454">
      <span class="title">{{ 'Hi {firstname} {lastname},'|trans({}, 'Emails.Body', locale) }}</span>
  <td class="space_footer">&nbsp;</td>
  <td class="box" style="border:1px solid #D6D4D4;">
    <table class="table">
        <td width="10">&nbsp;</td>
          <font size="2" face="{{ languageDefaultFont }}Open-sans, sans-serif" color="#555454">
            {% if templateType == 'html' %}

              <p style="border-bottom:1px solid #D6D4D4;">
                {{ 'Password reset request for {shop_name}'|trans({}, 'Emails.Body', locale) }}
{% endif %}
              {{ 'You have requested to reset your [1]{shop_name}[/1] login details.'|trans({'[1]': '<span><strong>', '[/1]': '</strong></span>'}, 'Emails.Body', locale)|raw }}<br/><br/>
              {{ 'Please note that this will change your current password.'|trans({}, 'Emails.Body', locale)|raw }}<br/><br/>
              {{ 'To confirm this action, please use the following link:'|trans({}, 'Emails.Body', locale)|raw }} <br/> <a href="{url}">{url}</a>
        <td width="10">&nbsp;</td>
{% endblock %}


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  • Advisuel changed the title to [RESOLU] Bug mail GitHub pour Mot de passe oublié en version anglaise

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