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[RISOLTO] info stock_available


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ciao a tutti

sto cercando di far fare un'operazione in fase di acquisto e ho risolto solo a metà a forza di provare "prestashop"

non vi sto a spiegare il motivo che sarebbe lungo e complicato ma devo far registrare la quantità venduta in fase di ordine in un nuovo campo creato "reference_uni_conf" nella tabella "stock_available".

sono riuscito a farlo sul prodotto lavorando sul file "StockAvailable.php" in "class/stock" inserendo semplicemente il campo "reference_uni_conf" sotto il campo "quantity"
$stock_available->quantity = (int)$quantity;
$stock_available->reference_uni_conf = (int)$quantity;
 ma non riesco a farlo nell'attributo.

Nell'immagine allegata e visibile la tabella "stock_available" e nei campo "quantity" la quantità venduta di un ordine 3 sul prodotto e 3 sull'attributo mentre nel campo "reference_uni_conf" la quantità 3 è solo nel prodotto ma non nell'attributo.

potete aiutarmi che sono alla frutta a forza di provare.


Edited by overbags
risolto (see edit history)
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Buongiorno Totti.
Penso di averlo fatto.
se modifico la quantità manualmente dal backoffice funziona ma quando arriva l'ordine no.
allego il codice così puoi vedere le modifiche basta che cerchi il testo "reference_uni_conf"


* 2007-2017 PrestaShop
* This source file is subject to the Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
* http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
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* Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer
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*  @author PrestaShop SA <[email protected]>
*  @copyright  2007-2017 PrestaShop SA
*  @license    http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php  Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
*  International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA

 * Represents quantities available
 * It is either synchronized with Stock or manualy set by the seller
 * @since 1.5.0
class StockAvailableCore extends ObjectModel
    /** @var int identifier of the current product */
    public $id_product;

    /** @var int identifier of product attribute if necessary */
    public $id_product_attribute;

    /** @var int the shop associated to the current product and corresponding quantity */
    public $id_shop;

    /** @var int the group shop associated to the current product and corresponding quantity */
    public $id_shop_group;

    /** @var int the quantity available for sale */
    public $quantity = 0;
	public $reference_uni_conf = 0;	

    /** @var bool determine if the available stock value depends on physical stock */
    public $depends_on_stock = false;

    /** @var bool determine if a product is out of stock - it was previously in Product class */
    public $out_of_stock = false;

     * @see ObjectModel::$definition
    public static $definition = array(
        'table' => 'stock_available',
        'primary' => 'id_stock_available',
        'fields' => array(
            'id_product' =>            array('type' => self::TYPE_INT, 'validate' => 'isUnsignedId', 'required' => true),
            'id_product_attribute' =>  array('type' => self::TYPE_INT, 'validate' => 'isUnsignedId', 'required' => true),
            'id_shop' =>               array('type' => self::TYPE_INT, 'validate' => 'isUnsignedId'),
            'id_shop_group' =>         array('type' => self::TYPE_INT, 'validate' => 'isUnsignedId'),
            'quantity' =>              array('type' => self::TYPE_INT, 'validate' => 'isInt', 'required' => true),
			'reference_uni_conf' =>    array('type' => self::TYPE_INT, 'validate' => 'isInt'),	
            'depends_on_stock' =>      array('type' => self::TYPE_BOOL, 'validate' => 'isBool', 'required' => true),
            'out_of_stock' =>          array('type' => self::TYPE_INT, 'validate' => 'isInt', 'required' => true),

     * @see ObjectModel::$webserviceParameters
    protected $webserviceParameters = array(
        'fields' => array(
            'id_product' => array('xlink_resource' => 'products'),
            'id_product_attribute' => array('xlink_resource' => 'combinations'),
            'id_shop' => array('xlink_resource' => 'shops'),
            'id_shop_group' => array('xlink_resource' => 'shop_groups'),
        'hidden_fields' => array(
        'objectMethods' => array(
            'add' => 'addWs',
            'update' => 'updateWs',

     * For a given {id_product, id_product_attribute and id_shop}, gets the stock available id associated
     * @param int $id_product
     * @param int $id_product_attribute Optional
     * @param int $id_shop Optional
     * @return int

    public function updateWs()
        if ($this->depends_on_stock) {
            return WebserviceRequest::getInstance()->setError(500, Tools::displayError('You cannot update the available stock when it depends on stock.'), 133);
        return $this->update();

    public static function getStockAvailableIdByProductId($id_product, $id_product_attribute = null, $id_shop = null)
        if (!Validate::isUnsignedId($id_product)) {
            return false;

        $query = new DbQuery();
        $query->where('id_product = '.(int)$id_product);

        if ($id_product_attribute !== null) {
            $query->where('id_product_attribute = '.(int)$id_product_attribute);

        $query = StockAvailable::addSqlShopRestriction($query, $id_shop);
        return (int)Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getValue($query);

     * For a given id_product, synchronizes StockAvailable::quantity with Stock::usable_quantity
     * @param int $id_product
    public static function synchronize($id_product, $order_id_shop = null)
        if (!Validate::isUnsignedId($id_product)) {
            return false;

        //if product is pack sync recursivly product in pack
        if (Pack::isPack($id_product)) {
            if (Validate::isLoadedObject($product = new Product((int)$id_product))) {
                if ($product->pack_stock_type == 1 || $product->pack_stock_type == 2 || ($product->pack_stock_type == 3 && Configuration::get('PS_PACK_STOCK_TYPE') > 0)) {
                    $products_pack = Pack::getItems($id_product, (int)Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT'));
                    foreach ($products_pack as $product_pack) {
                        StockAvailable::synchronize($product_pack->id, $order_id_shop);
            } else {
                return false;

        // gets warehouse ids grouped by shops
        $ids_warehouse = Warehouse::getWarehousesGroupedByShops();
        if ($order_id_shop !== null) {
            $order_warehouses = array();
            $wh = Warehouse::getWarehouses(false, (int)$order_id_shop);
            foreach ($wh as $warehouse) {
                $order_warehouses[] = $warehouse['id_warehouse'];

        // gets all product attributes ids
        $ids_product_attribute = array();
        foreach (Product::getProductAttributesIds($id_product) as $id_product_attribute) {
            $ids_product_attribute[] = $id_product_attribute['id_product_attribute'];

        // Allow to order the product when out of stock?
        $out_of_stock = StockAvailable::outOfStock($id_product);

        $manager = StockManagerFactory::getManager();
        // loops on $ids_warehouse to synchronize quantities
        foreach ($ids_warehouse as $id_shop => $warehouses) {
            // first, checks if the product depends on stock for the given shop $id_shop
            if (StockAvailable::dependsOnStock($id_product, $id_shop)) {
                // init quantity
                $product_quantity = 0;

                // if it's a simple product
                if (empty($ids_product_attribute)) {
                    $allowed_warehouse_for_product = WareHouse::getProductWarehouseList((int)$id_product, 0, (int)$id_shop);
                    $allowed_warehouse_for_product_clean = array();
                    foreach ($allowed_warehouse_for_product as $warehouse) {
                        $allowed_warehouse_for_product_clean[] = (int)$warehouse['id_warehouse'];
                    $allowed_warehouse_for_product_clean = array_intersect($allowed_warehouse_for_product_clean, $warehouses);
                    if ($order_id_shop != null && !count(array_intersect($allowed_warehouse_for_product_clean, $order_warehouses))) {

                    $product_quantity = $manager->getProductRealQuantities($id_product, null, $allowed_warehouse_for_product_clean, true);

                                        'id_product' => $id_product,
                                        'id_product_attribute' => 0,
                                        'quantity' => $product_quantity,
										'reference_uni_conf' => $product_quantity,
                                        'id_shop' => $id_shop
                // else this product has attributes, hence loops on $ids_product_attribute
                else {
                    foreach ($ids_product_attribute as $id_product_attribute) {
                        $allowed_warehouse_for_combination = WareHouse::getProductWarehouseList((int)$id_product, (int)$id_product_attribute, (int)$id_shop);
                        $allowed_warehouse_for_combination_clean = array();
                        foreach ($allowed_warehouse_for_combination as $warehouse) {
                            $allowed_warehouse_for_combination_clean[] = (int)$warehouse['id_warehouse'];
                        $allowed_warehouse_for_combination_clean = array_intersect($allowed_warehouse_for_combination_clean, $warehouses);
                        if (($order_id_shop != null && !count(array_intersect($allowed_warehouse_for_combination_clean, $order_warehouses))) ||
                        ) {

                        $quantity = $manager->getProductRealQuantities($id_product, $id_product_attribute, $allowed_warehouse_for_combination_clean, true);

                        $query = new DbQuery();
                        $query->where('id_product = '.(int)$id_product.' AND id_product_attribute = '.(int)$id_product_attribute.
                            StockAvailable::addSqlShopRestriction(null, $id_shop));

                        if ((int)Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getValue($query)) {
                            $query = array(
                                'table' => 'stock_available',
                                'data' => array('quantity' => $quantity, 'reference_uni_conf' => $quantity),
                                'where' => 'id_product = '.(int)$id_product.' AND id_product_attribute = '.(int)$id_product_attribute.
                                StockAvailable::addSqlShopRestriction(null, $id_shop)
                            Db::getInstance()->update($query['table'], $query['data'], $query['where']);
                        } else {
                            $query = array(
                                'table' => 'stock_available',
                                'data' => array(
                                    'quantity' => $quantity,
									'reference_uni_conf' => $quantity,
                                    'depends_on_stock' => 1,
                                    'out_of_stock' => $out_of_stock,
                                    'id_product' => (int)$id_product,
                                    'id_product_attribute' => (int)$id_product_attribute,
                            StockAvailable::addSqlShopParams($query['data'], $id_shop);
                            Db::getInstance()->insert($query['table'], $query['data']);

                        $product_quantity += $quantity;

                                        'id_product' => $id_product,
                                        'id_product_attribute' => $id_product_attribute,
                                        'quantity' => $quantity,
										'reference_uni_conf' => $quantity,
                                        'id_shop' => $id_shop
                // updates
                // if $id_product has attributes, it also updates the sum for all attributes
                if (($order_id_shop != null && array_intersect($warehouses, $order_warehouses)) || $order_id_shop == null) {
                    $query = array(
                        'table' => 'stock_available',
                        'data' => array('quantity' => $product_quantity, 'reference_uni_conf' => $product_quantity),
                        'where' => 'id_product = '.(int)$id_product.' AND id_product_attribute = 0'.
                        StockAvailable::addSqlShopRestriction(null, $id_shop)
                    Db::getInstance()->update($query['table'], $query['data'], $query['where']);
        // In case there are no warehouses, removes product from StockAvailable
        if (count($ids_warehouse) == 0 && StockAvailable::dependsOnStock((int)$id_product)) {
            Db::getInstance()->update('stock_available', array('quantity' => 0 ), 'id_product = '.(int)$id_product);


     * For a given id_product, sets if stock available depends on stock
     * @param int $id_product
     * @param int $depends_on_stock Optional : true by default
     * @param int $id_shop Optional : gets context by default
    public static function setProductDependsOnStock($id_product, $depends_on_stock = true, $id_shop = null, $id_product_attribute = 0)
        if (!Validate::isUnsignedId($id_product)) {
            return false;

        $existing_id = StockAvailable::getStockAvailableIdByProductId((int)$id_product, (int)$id_product_attribute, $id_shop);
        if ($existing_id > 0) {
            Db::getInstance()->update('stock_available', array(
                'depends_on_stock' => (int)$depends_on_stock
            ), 'id_stock_available = '.(int)$existing_id);
        } else {
            $params = array(
                'depends_on_stock' => (int)$depends_on_stock,
                'id_product' => (int)$id_product,
                'id_product_attribute' => (int)$id_product_attribute

            StockAvailable::addSqlShopParams($params, $id_shop);

            Db::getInstance()->insert('stock_available', $params);

        // depends on stock.. hence synchronizes
        if ($depends_on_stock) {

     * For a given id_product, sets if product is available out of stocks
     * @param int $id_product
     * @param int $out_of_stock Optional false by default
     * @param int $id_shop Optional gets context by default
    public static function setProductOutOfStock($id_product, $out_of_stock = false, $id_shop = null, $id_product_attribute = 0)
        if (!Validate::isUnsignedId($id_product)) {
            return false;

        $existing_id = (int)StockAvailable::getStockAvailableIdByProductId((int)$id_product, (int)$id_product_attribute, $id_shop);

        if ($existing_id > 0) {
                array('out_of_stock' => (int)$out_of_stock),
                'id_product = '.(int)$id_product.
                (($id_product_attribute) ? ' AND id_product_attribute = '.(int)$id_product_attribute : '').
                StockAvailable::addSqlShopRestriction(null, $id_shop)
        } else {
            $params = array(
                'out_of_stock' => (int)$out_of_stock,
                'id_product' => (int)$id_product,
                'id_product_attribute' => (int)$id_product_attribute

            StockAvailable::addSqlShopParams($params, $id_shop);
            Db::getInstance()->insert('stock_available', $params, false, true, Db::ON_DUPLICATE_KEY);

     * For a given id_product and id_product_attribute, gets its stock available
     * @param int $id_product
     * @param int $id_product_attribute Optional
     * @param int $id_shop Optional : gets context by default
     * @return int Quantity
    public static function getQuantityAvailableByProduct($id_product = null, $id_product_attribute = null, $id_shop = null)
        // if null, it's a product without attributes
        if ($id_product_attribute === null) {
            $id_product_attribute = 0;

        $key = 'StockAvailable::getQuantityAvailableByProduct_'.(int)$id_product.'-'.(int)$id_product_attribute.'-'.(int)$id_shop;
        if (!Cache::isStored($key)) {
            $query = new DbQuery();

            // if null, it's a product without attributes
            if ($id_product !== null) {
                $query->where('id_product = '.(int)$id_product);

            $query->where('id_product_attribute = '.(int)$id_product_attribute);
            $query = StockAvailable::addSqlShopRestriction($query, $id_shop);
            $result = (int)Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getValue($query);
            Cache::store($key, $result);
            return $result;

        return Cache::retrieve($key);

     * Upgrades total_quantity_available after having saved
     * @see ObjectModel::add()
    public function add($autodate = true, $null_values = false)
        if (!$result = parent::add($autodate, $null_values)) {
            return false;

        $result &= $this->postSave();
        return $result;

     * Upgrades total_quantity_available after having update
     * @see ObjectModel::update()
    public function update($null_values = false)
        if (!$result = parent::update($null_values)) {
            return false;

        $result &= $this->postSave();
        return $result;

     * Upgrades total_quantity_available after having saved
     * @see StockAvailableCore::update()
     * @see StockAvailableCore::add()
    public function postSave()
        if ($this->id_product_attribute == 0) {
            return true;

        $id_shop = (Shop::getContext() != Shop::CONTEXT_GROUP && $this->id_shop ? $this->id_shop : null);

        if (!Configuration::get('PS_DISP_UNAVAILABLE_ATTR')) {
            $combination = new Combination((int)$this->id_product_attribute);
            if ($colors = $combination->getColorsAttributes()) {
                $product = new Product((int)$this->id_product);
                foreach ($colors as $color) {
                    if ($product->isColorUnavailable((int)$color['id_attribute'], (int)$this->id_shop)) {

        $total_quantity = (int)Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getValue('
			SELECT SUM(quantity) as quantity
			FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'stock_available
			WHERE id_product = '.(int)$this->id_product.'
			AND id_product_attribute <> 0 '.
            StockAvailable::addSqlShopRestriction(null, $id_shop)
        $this->setQuantity($this->id_product, 0, $total_quantity, $id_shop);

        return true;

     * For a given id_product and id_product_attribute updates the quantity available
     * If $avoid_parent_pack_update is true, then packs containing the given product won't be updated
     * @param int $id_product
     * @param int $id_product_attribute Optional
     * @param int $delta_quantity The delta quantity to update
     * @param int $id_shop Optional
    public static function updateQuantity($id_product, $id_product_attribute, $delta_quantity, $id_shop = null)
        if (!Validate::isUnsignedId($id_product)) {
            return false;
        $product = new Product((int)$id_product);
        if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($product)) {
            return false;

        $stockManager = Adapter_ServiceLocator::get('Core_Business_Stock_StockManager');
        $stockManager->updateQuantity($product, $id_product_attribute, $delta_quantity, $id_shop);
        return true;

     * For a given id_product and id_product_attribute sets the quantity available
     * @param int $id_product
     * @param int $id_product_attribute Optional
     * @param int $delta_quantity The delta quantity to update
     * @param int $id_shop Optional
    public static function setQuantity($id_product, $id_product_attribute, $quantity, $id_shop = null)
        if (!Validate::isUnsignedId($id_product)) {
            return false;

        $context = Context::getContext();

        // if there is no $id_shop, gets the context one
        if ($id_shop === null && Shop::getContext() != Shop::CONTEXT_GROUP) {
            $id_shop = (int)$context->shop->id;

        $depends_on_stock = StockAvailable::dependsOnStock($id_product);

        //Try to set available quantity if product does not depend on physical stock
        if (!$depends_on_stock) {
            $id_stock_available = (int)StockAvailable::getStockAvailableIdByProductId($id_product, $id_product_attribute, $id_shop);
            if ($id_stock_available) {
                $stock_available = new StockAvailable($id_stock_available);
                $stock_available->quantity = (int)$quantity;
				$stock_available->reference_uni_conf = (int)$quantity;
            } else {
                $out_of_stock = StockAvailable::outOfStock($id_product, $id_shop);
                $stock_available = new StockAvailable();
                $stock_available->out_of_stock = (int)$out_of_stock;
                $stock_available->id_product = (int)$id_product;
                $stock_available->id_product_attribute = (int)$id_product_attribute;
                $stock_available->quantity = (int)$quantity;
				$stock_available->reference_uni_conf = (int)$quantity;

                if ($id_shop === null) {
                    $shop_group = Shop::getContextShopGroup();
                } else {
                    $shop_group = new ShopGroup((int)Shop::getGroupFromShop((int)$id_shop));

                // if quantities are shared between shops of the group
                if ($shop_group->share_stock) {
                    $stock_available->id_shop = 0;
                    $stock_available->id_shop_group = (int)$shop_group->id;
                } else {
                    $stock_available->id_shop = (int)$id_shop;
                    $stock_available->id_shop_group = 0;

                    'id_product' => $id_product,
                    'id_product_attribute' => $id_product_attribute,
                    'quantity' => $stock_available->quantity,
					'reference_uni_conf' => $stock_available->quantity


     * Removes a given product from the stock available
     * @param int $id_product
     * @param int|null $id_product_attribute Optional
     * @param Shop|null $shop Shop id or shop object Optional
     * @return bool
    public static function removeProductFromStockAvailable($id_product, $id_product_attribute = null, $shop = null)
        if (!Validate::isUnsignedId($id_product)) {
            return false;

        if (Shop::getContext() == SHOP::CONTEXT_SHOP) {
            if (Shop::getContextShopGroup()->share_stock == 1) {
                $pa_sql = '';
                if ($id_product_attribute !== null) {
                    $pa_sql = '_attribute';
                    $id_product_attribute_sql = $id_product_attribute;
                } else {
                    $id_product_attribute_sql = $id_product;

                if ((int)Db::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT COUNT(*)
						FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'product'.$pa_sql.'_shop
						WHERE id_product'.$pa_sql.'='.(int)$id_product_attribute_sql.'
							AND id_shop IN ('.implode(',', array_map('intval', Shop::getContextListShopID(SHOP::SHARE_STOCK))).')')) {
                    return true;

        $res = Db::getInstance()->execute('
		DELETE FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'stock_available
		WHERE id_product = '.(int)$id_product.
        ($id_product_attribute ? ' AND id_product_attribute = '.(int)$id_product_attribute : '').
        StockAvailable::addSqlShopRestriction(null, $shop));

        if ($id_product_attribute) {
            if ($shop === null || !Validate::isLoadedObject($shop)) {
                $shop_datas = array();
                $id_shop = (int)$shop_datas['id_shop'];
            } else {
                $id_shop = (int)$shop->id;

            $stock_available = new StockAvailable();
            $stock_available->id_product = (int)$id_product;
            $stock_available->id_product_attribute = (int)$id_product_attribute;
            $stock_available->id_shop = (int)$id_shop;


        return $res;

     * Removes all product quantities from all a group of shops
     * If stocks are shared, remoe all old available quantities for all shops of the group
     * Else remove all available quantities for the current group
     * @param ShopGroup $shop_group the ShopGroup object
    public static function resetProductFromStockAvailableByShopGroup(ShopGroup $shop_group)
        if ($shop_group->share_stock) {
            $shop_list = Shop::getShops(false, $shop_group->id, true);

        if (count($shop_list) > 0) {
            $id_shops_list = implode(', ', $shop_list);
            return Db::getInstance()->update('stock_available', array('quantity' => 0), 'id_shop IN ('.$id_shops_list.')');
        } else {
            return Db::getInstance()->update('stock_available', array('quantity' => 0), 'id_shop_group = '.$shop_group->id);

     * For a given product, tells if it depends on the physical (usable) stock
     * @param int $id_product
     * @param int $id_shop Optional : gets context if null @see Context::getContext()
     * @return bool : depends on stock @see $depends_on_stock
    public static function dependsOnStock($id_product, $id_shop = null)
        if (!Validate::isUnsignedId($id_product)) {
            return false;

        $query = new DbQuery();
        $query->where('id_product = '.(int)$id_product);
        $query->where('id_product_attribute = 0');

        $query = StockAvailable::addSqlShopRestriction($query, $id_shop);

        return (bool)Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getValue($query);

     * For a given product, get its "out of stock" flag
     * @param int $id_product
     * @param int $id_shop Optional : gets context if null @see Context::getContext()
     * @return bool : depends on stock @see $depends_on_stock
    public static function outOfStock($id_product, $id_shop = null)
        if (!Validate::isUnsignedId($id_product)) {
            return false;

        $query = new DbQuery();
        $query->where('id_product = '.(int)$id_product);
        $query->where('id_product_attribute = 0');

        $query = StockAvailable::addSqlShopRestriction($query, $id_shop);

        return (int)Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getValue($query);

     * Add an sql restriction for shops fields - specific to StockAvailable
     * @param DbQuery|string|null $sql   Reference to the query object
     * @param Shop|int|null       $shop  Optional : The shop ID
     * @param string|null         $alias Optional : The current table alias
     * @return string|DbQuery DbQuery object or the sql restriction string
    public static function addSqlShopRestriction($sql = null, $shop = null, $alias = null)
        $context = Context::getContext();

        if (!empty($alias)) {
            $alias .= '.';

        // if there is no $id_shop, gets the context one
        // get shop group too
        if ($shop === null || $shop === $context->shop->id) {
            if (Shop::getContext() == Shop::CONTEXT_GROUP) {
                $shop_group = Shop::getContextShopGroup();
            } else {
                $shop_group = $context->shop->getGroup();
            $shop = $context->shop;
        } elseif (is_object($shop)) {
            /** @var Shop $shop */
            $shop_group = $shop->getGroup();
        } else {
            $shop = new Shop($shop);
            $shop_group = $shop->getGroup();

        // if quantities are shared between shops of the group
        if ($shop_group->share_stock) {
            if (is_object($sql)) {
                $sql->where(pSQL($alias).'id_shop_group = '.(int)$shop_group->id);
                $sql->where(pSQL($alias).'id_shop = 0');
            } else {
                $sql = ' AND '.pSQL($alias).'id_shop_group = '.(int)$shop_group->id.' ';
                $sql .= ' AND '.pSQL($alias).'id_shop = 0 ';
        } else {
            if (is_object($sql)) {
                $sql->where(pSQL($alias).'id_shop = '.(int)$shop->id);
                $sql->where(pSQL($alias).'id_shop_group = 0');
            } else {
                $sql = ' AND '.pSQL($alias).'id_shop = '.(int)$shop->id.' ';
                $sql .= ' AND '.pSQL($alias).'id_shop_group = 0 ';

        return $sql;

     * Add sql params for shops fields - specific to StockAvailable
     * @param array $params Reference to the params array
     * @param int $id_shop Optional : The shop ID
    public static function addSqlShopParams(&$params, $id_shop = null)
        $context = Context::getContext();
        $group_ok = false;

        // if there is no $id_shop, gets the context one
        // get shop group too
        if ($id_shop === null) {
            if (Shop::getContext() == Shop::CONTEXT_GROUP) {
                $shop_group = Shop::getContextShopGroup();
            } else {
                $shop_group = $context->shop->getGroup();
                $id_shop = $context->shop->id;
        } else {
            $shop = new Shop($id_shop);
            $shop_group = $shop->getGroup();

        // if quantities are shared between shops of the group
        if ($shop_group->share_stock) {
            $params['id_shop_group'] = (int)$shop_group->id;
            $params['id_shop'] = 0;

            $group_ok = true;
        } else {
            $params['id_shop_group'] = 0;

        // if no group specific restriction, set simple shop restriction
        if (!$group_ok) {
            $params['id_shop'] = (int)$id_shop;

     * Copies stock available content table
     * @param int $src_shop_id
     * @param int $dst_shop_id
     * @return bool
    public static function copyStockAvailableFromShopToShop($src_shop_id, $dst_shop_id)
        if (!$src_shop_id || !$dst_shop_id) {
            return false;

        $query = '
			INSERT INTO '._DB_PREFIX_.'stock_available
				SELECT id_product, id_product_attribute, '.(int)$dst_shop_id.', 0, quantity, depends_on_stock, out_of_stock, reference_uni_conf
				FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'stock_available
				WHERE id_shop = '.(int)$src_shop_id.

        return Db::getInstance()->execute($query);


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forse ho trovato dove aggiungere il campo "reference_uni_conf" perchè si aggiorni come deve.
però ho fatto alcune prove e mi da errore.
come modifichereste voi 'data' ?


if ((int)Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getValue($query)) {
                            $query = array(
                                'table' => 'stock_available',
                                'data' => array('quantity' => $quantity),
                                'where' => 'id_product = '.(int)$id_product.' AND id_product_attribute = '.(int)$id_product_attribute.
                                StockAvailable::addSqlShopRestriction(null, $id_shop)

l'ho modificato così ma non funziona

if ((int)Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getValue($query)) {
                            $query = array(
                                'table' => 'stock_available',
                                'data' => array('quantity' => $quantity, 'reference_uni_conf' => $quantity),
                                'where' => 'id_product = '.(int)$id_product.' AND id_product_attribute = '.(int)$id_product_attribute.
                                StockAvailable::addSqlShopRestriction(null, $id_shop)


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dal codice che hai riportato io modificherei anche la funzione updateQuantity affinchè prenda il nuovo parametro.
Attualmente è:

public static function updateQuantity($id_product, $id_product_attribute, $delta_quantity, $id_shop = null)

altrimenti tutte le volte che viene chiamata la action "actionUpdateQuantity" anche se tu hai inserito "reference_uni_conf" tra i parametri della action non viene utilizzato.

Buona giornata,

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  • 3 months later...

ciao fedesib
per qualche motivo non mi è arrivata la notifica di risposta a questo post e ti rispondo solo adesso.
non avendo ancora risolto ho fatto la modifica che mi hai consigliato

dici che basta come ho fatto ?


    public static function updateQuantity($id_product, $id_product_attribute, $delta_quantity, $id_shop = null)
        if (!Validate::isUnsignedId($id_product)) {
            return false;
        $product = new Product((int)$id_product);
        if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($product)) {
            return false;

        $stockManager = Adapter_ServiceLocator::get('Core_Business_Stock_StockManager');
        $stockManager->updateQuantity($product, $id_product_attribute, $delta_quantity, $id_shop, $reference_uni_conf);
        return true;

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prendendo spunto da fedesib sono risalito al file corretto

per quello che dovevo fare io il file classes/stock/StockAvailable.php agisce solo in fase di modifica della quantità manualmente dal BO

mentre per avere lo stesso risultato in fase di ordine da FO il file su cui lavorare è Core/Business/Stock/Core_Business_Stock_StockManager.php

grazie a tutti



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  • overbags changed the title to [RISOLTO] info stock_available

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