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3 minutes ago, matusrajnoha said:

I created a child theme. Therefore my file product-cover-thumbnails.tpl is under child_classics ...
Therefore, I am not worried about editing files. Child-themes only override default files.

I don't think you need to upgrade.

overwrite is removed:

<div class="layer hidden-sm-down" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#product-modal">

.product-cover .layer:hover {opacity: 0;} is here: 

.product-cover .layer:hover {opacity: 0;}



I can turn off child-themes at any time and the rest is still in its original state.



I can turn off child-themes at any time and the rest is still in its original state.

3 minutes ago, matusrajnoha said:

I created a child theme. Therefore my file product-cover-thumbnails.tpl is under child_classics ...
Therefore, I am not worried about editing files. Child-themes only override default files.

I don't think you need to upgrade.

overwrite is removed:

<div class="layer hidden-sm-down" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#product-modal">

.product-cover .layer:hover {opacity: 0;} is here: 

.product-cover .layer:hover {opacity: 0;}



I can turn off child-themes at any time and the rest is still in its original state.



I can turn off child-themes at any time and the rest is still in its original state.

2 minutes ago, matusrajnoha said:

Vytvoril som detskú tému. Preto je môj súbor product-cover-thumbnails.tpl pod child_classics ...
Preto sa o úpravu súborov neobávam. Podradené motívy prepíšu iba predvolené súbory.

Nemyslím si, že potrebuješ upgrade.

prepis je odstránený:

<div class="layer hidden-sm-down " data-toggle=" modal " data-target=" #product-modal ">

.product-cover .layer:hover {opacity: 0;} je tu: 

.product-cover .layer:hover {opacity: 0;}



I can turn off child-themes at any time and the rest is still in its original state.

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