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[Possible bug]: Associate website with prestashop metric but getting loop error


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It's been a while that I haven't used the latest version of prestashop. Now more things have changed and this is a new feature for me that I could not passed this website association using prestashop metric:


A very simple step to reproduce this issue is:


1) Go to dashboard open PrestaShop Metrics

2) Now I clicked the Associate button

3) I login using successfully using credential that I had before

4) The website field www.domain.com is inserted (my shop domain). Now I clicked on accept and associate but then it said:



Your shop could not be associated with your PrestaShop account

5) Clicking problem details it said:

["shops.0.Your shop is already linked and verified"]

6) Well now I go ahead thinking maybe I should disassociate the website first. So I clicked on View my associated shops and click Dissociate and it asked the following message with two button 


Are you sure you want to remove this shop from your account ?

If you have ongoing subscriptions, it will be impossible to cancel them.

[Cancel]                              [Dissociate]


7) Of course I clicked on Dissociate and now the final issue is I got the following error:


Error message

We were unable to contact your shop, please contact support.

"Error while getting domain"


And I repeated this step many times and I could not use this feature. Anyone experiencing this issue?

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EDIT 2 (add screenshot). This is the screenshot of the final error.




Why does it complain about Error getting domain?


More info:


My shop is not in maintenance mode


Prestashop version

PHP version: 7.4 

Webserver: nginx_apache

Installation type: New


Can any prestashop team look at this issue because I believe the error came from prestashop server and this error is not documented anywhere

Edited by arafatx
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