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Linkwise Affiliate intergration in Prestashop


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I work on a PrestaShop 1.7 site and I want to intergrate the Linkwise Affiliate program. I have very little to none php knowledge and I would like any help possible.

They sent me the following two codes.

This for the Order completion / checkout “thank you” page


<script async src="//go.linkwi.se/delivery/js/tlwt.js"></script>
.l=+new Date;
lw("setProgram", "program ID as given by Linkwise");
lw("setDecimal", "decimal separator i.e. , or .");
lw("setCurrency", "numeric currency code, e.g. 978 for Euro");
lw("addItem", {
 id: "ID (as given in the XML) of first product in order"
 ,price: "unit price of first product, without VAT e.g. 13,49"
 ,quantity: "quantity of first product"
 ,payout: "1"
lw("addItem", {
 id: "ID (as given in the XML) of second product in order"
 ,price: "unit price of second product, without VAT e.g. 25,16"
 ,quantity: "quantity of second product"
 ,payout: "1"
// more items
lw("setCoupon", "0");
lw("thankyou", {
 orderid: "unique order ID"
 ,status: "pending"
ing&amp;orderid=unique_order_ID" style="width:0px;height:0px;"/>

And this one for the header

<script async src="//go.linkwi.se/delivery/js/tl.js"></script>
.l=+new Date;
lw("setProgram", "program ID as given by Linkwise");
lw("setDecimal", "decimal separator i.e. , or .");

Thanks in advance!

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