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PrestaShop_Alt animated gif won't delete

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I'm trying to remove the animated gif that appears in the header of the prestashop_alt theme, but it won't delete from within the backend modules section. I've even tried renaming it, etc - but no joy. The path to it shows:


Anybody else experiencing this problem? Anyone have a clue on how to remove it completely?

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I'm trying to remove the animated gif that appears in the header of the prestashop_alt theme, but it won't delete from within the backend modules section. I've even tried renaming it, etc - but no joy. The path to it shows:


Anybody else experiencing this problem? Anyone have a clue on how to remove it completely?

You need to edit blockheaderlogos.php , remove :
$html .= '<input type="file" name="BHL_HOMEPAGE_AD" />

'.$this->l('Will appear on the top right of your shop').'

<input type="submit" name="submitUpdate" value="'.$this->l('Update images').'" class="button" />
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