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AJAX call to controller returns error 500.

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Hey everyone,

I'm busy adding in a module on my shop for some external validation tools; but when trying to call the controller I keep getting error 500 from the server on my AJAX call.

It's my first time developping a module for prestashop and my first time doing php so it's a bit... frustrating.


I've got following files:

- modules/mymod/WCPSSO.php

 this actually doesn't contain much, only some information.

- modules/WCPSSO/controllers/front/sso.php

this is where my problem arrises; if I try to use javascript to call this php file in an ajax request i get a error 500.

code inside is:

    * <ModuleClassName> => WCPSSO
    * <FileName> => sso.php
    * Format expected: <ModuleClassName><FileName>ModuleFrontController
    class CustomSsoModuleFrontController extends ModuleFrontController{
        public function init(){
            $this->ajax = true;
        public function initContent(){
            if ($this->context->customer->isLogged()) {
            $theCurrentUsersId = (int)$this->context->cookie->id_customer;
            $sql = new DbQuery();
            $sql->where('id_customer ='.$theCurrentUsersId);
            $getAcceptanceKey = Db::getInstance()->executeS($sql);
            if($getAcceptanceKey == null){
                echo 'not found';
            } else {
                //$this->context->smarty->assign('SSO_ACCESS_KEY', $getAcceptanceKey[0]);
                //call via: "./sso.php" ? 
                //redirect goes here; called by: ./sso.php
                echo $getAcceptanceKey[0];

            } else {

Ajax call:

function ajaxTest(){
    const xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xhttp.onload = function() {
        if(xhttp.readyState == 4 && xhttp.status == 200){
  xhttp.open("GET", "./modules/WCPSSO/controllers/front/sso.php");

I tried the last also with ? & ?ajax=true ; to no effect.


Anyone an idea? I've read the documentation, but it's confusing me.

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I'll share my code as an ajax example.


class productdetailspdfDisplayDownloadButtonModuleFrontController extends ModuleFrontController
    public $auth = false;
    public $ajax;

    public function display()
        $this->ajax = 1;

        // if (php_sapi_name() !== 'cli') {
        //     $this->ajaxDie('Forbidden call.');
        // }

        // Additional token checks

        // ...
        $id_product = Tools::getValue('id_product');
        $product = new Product((int) $id_product);
        $custom_object = $product->description[$this->context->language->id];
        $pdf = new PDF($custom_object, 'CustomPdf', Context::getContext()->smarty);
        }catch(Exception $e){

        // $this->ajaxDie("hello\n");


And below is ajax call

function generatePDF() {


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