Makatserchyk Posted October 22, 2021 Share Posted October 22, 2021 (edited) Hello! I am getting this error when I'm trying to install the module in PS [PrestaShop] Fatal error in module file :/home/gymvisua/public_html/modules/twocheckout/twocheckout.php: syntax error, unexpected '?' twocheckout (parse error in /modules/twocheckout/twocheckout.php) twocheckout (class missing in /modules/twocheckout/twocheckout.php) Please help! <?php use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Payment\PaymentOption; require_once 'libs/interfaces/interface-2co-arrayable.php'; require_once 'libs/interfaces/interface-2co-jsonable.php'; require_once 'libs/abstract/abstract-2co-entity.php'; require_once 'libs/class-twocheckout-settings.php'; require_once 'libs/includes/class-mobile-detect.php'; require_once 'libs/includes/class-twocheckout-checkout.php'; require_once 'libs/includes/class-twocheckout-customer.php'; require_once 'libs/includes/class-twocheckout-helper.php'; require_once 'libs/includes/class-twocheckout-logger.php'; require_once 'libs/includes/class-twocheckout-refund.php'; require_once 'TwoCheckoutApi.php'; if ( ! defined( '_PS_VERSION_' ) ) { exit; } /** * Class Twocheckout - safe payment method */ class Twocheckout extends \PaymentModule { const DEBUG_MODE = false; const REFUND_REASON = 'Other'; public $tcoApi; public $details; public $owner; public $name; public $address; public $bootstrap; public $is_eu_compatible; public $extra_mail_vars; public $confirmUninstall; public $tco_settings; public $logger; protected $_html = ''; protected $_postErrors = []; /** * @var */ private $module; /** * @var array */ private $_signParams = [ 'return-url', 'return-type', 'expiration', 'order-ext-ref', 'item-ext-ref', 'lock', 'cust-params', 'customer-ref', 'customer-ext-ref', 'currency', 'prod', 'price', 'qty', 'tangible', 'type', 'opt', 'coupon', 'description', 'recurrence', 'duration', 'renewal-price', ]; /** * Twocheckout constructor. */ public function __construct() { $this->name = 'twocheckout'; $this->tab = 'payments_gateways'; $this->version = '1.2.0'; $this->ps_versions_compliancy = [ 'min' => '1.7', 'max' => _PS_VERSION_ ]; $this->author = '2Checkout by Verifone'; $this->controllers = [ 'validation' ]; $this->is_eu_compatible = 1; $this->currencies = true; $this->currencies_mode = 'checkbox'; $this->logger = new Twocheckout_Logger( __FILE__ ); $this->tcoApi = new TwoCheckoutApi(); $this->tco_settings = new Twocheckout_Settings(); $this->tcoApi->setSecretKey( $this->tco_settings->getSecretKey() ); $this->tcoApi->setSellerId( $this->tco_settings->getSid() ); $this->tcoApi->setSecretWord( $this->tco_settings->getSecretWord() ); $this->bootstrap = true; parent::__construct(); $this->displayName = $this->l( '2checkout' ); $this->description = $this->l( '2checkout - Simple & safe payment solutions' ); if ( ! count( Currency::checkPaymentCurrencies( $this->id ) ) ) { $this->warning = $this->l( 'No currency has been set for this module.' ); } $this->confirmUninstall = $this->l( 'Are you sure you want to uninstall 2Checkout payment modules?' ); } /** * default style for API form * @return string */ private function getDefaultStyle() { return '{ "margin": "0", "fontFamily": "Helvetica, sans-serif", "fontSize": "1rem", "fontWeight": "400", "lineHeight": "1.5", "color": "#212529", "textAlign": "left", "backgroundColor": "#FFFFFF", "*": { "boxSizing": "border-box" }, ".no-gutters": { "marginRight": 0, "marginLeft": 0 }, ".row": { "display": "flex", "flexWrap": "wrap" }, ".col": { "flexBasis": "0", "flexGrow": "1", "maxWidth": "100%", "padding": "0", "position": "relative", "width": "100%" }, "div": { "display": "block" }, ".field-container": { "paddingBottom": "14px" }, ".field-wrapper": { "paddingRight": "25px" }, ".input-wrapper": { "position": "relative" }, "label": { "display": "inline-block", "marginBottom": "9px", "color": "#313131", "fontSize": "14px", "fontWeight": "300", "lineHeight": "17px" }, "input": { "overflow": "visible", "margin": 0, "fontFamily": "inherit", "display": "block", "width": "100%", "height": "42px", "padding": "10px 12px", "fontSize": "18px", "fontWeight": "400", "lineHeight": "22px", "color": "#313131", "backgroundColor": "#FFF", "backgroundClip": "padding-box", "border": "1px solid #CBCBCB", "borderRadius": "3px", "transition": "border-color .15s ease-in-out,box-shadow .15s ease-in-out", "outline": 0 }, "input:focus": { "border": "1px solid #5D5D5D", "backgroundColor": "#FFFDF2" }, ".is-error input": { "border": "1px solid #D9534F" }, ".is-error input:focus": { "backgroundColor": "#D9534F0B" }, ".is-valid input": { "border": "1px solid #1BB43F" }, ".is-valid input:focus": { "backgroundColor": "#1BB43F0B" }, ".validation-message": { "color": "#D9534F", "fontSize": "10px", "fontStyle": "italic", "marginTop": "6px", "marginBottom": "-5px", "display": "block", "lineHeight": "1" }, ".card-expiration-date": { "paddingRight": ".5rem" }, ".is-empty input": { "color": "#EBEBEB" }, ".lock-icon": { "top": "calc(50% - 7px)", "right": "10px" }, ".valid-icon": { "top": "calc(50% - 8px)", "right": "-25px" }, ".error-icon": { "top": "calc(50% - 8px)", "right": "-25px" }, ".card-icon": { "top": "calc(50% - 10px)", "left": "10px", "display": "none" }, ".is-empty .card-icon": { "display": "block" }, ".is-focused .card-icon": { "display": "none" }, ".card-type-icon": { "right": "30px", "display": "block" }, "": { "top": "calc(50% - 14px)" }, ".card-type-icon.mastercard": { "top": "calc(50% - 14.5px)" }, "": { "top": "calc(50% - 14px)" }, "": { "top": "calc(50% - 14px)" }, "": { "top": "calc(50% - 14px)" }, ".card-type-icon.dankort": { "top": "calc(50% - 14px)" }, ".card-type-icon.cartebleue": { "top": "calc(50% - 14px)" }, ".card-type-icon.diners": { "top": "calc(50% - 14px)" }, ".card-type-icon.elo": { "top": "calc(50% - 14px)" } }'; } /** * install the module * @return bool|string */ public function install() { if ( parent::install() && $this->registerHook( 'displayHeader' ) && $this->registerHook( 'paymentOptions' ) && $this->registerHook( 'displayOrderConfirmation' ) && $this->registerHook( 'actionProductCancel' ) && $this->registerHook( 'displayBackOfficeHeader' ) && $this->registerHook( 'displayAdminOrder' ) && $this->registerHook( 'displayAdminOrderTop' ) ) { Configuration::updateValue( 'TWOCHECKOUT_STYLE', $this->getDefaultStyle() ); // to have a starting point Configuration::updateValue( 'TWOCHECKOUT_IPN_URL', $this->context->link->getModuleLink( 'twocheckout', 'ipn' ) ); return true; } return false; } /** * uninstall the module and deletes the config keys * @return bool */ function uninstall() { Configuration::deleteByName( 'TWOCHECKOUT_SID' ); Configuration::deleteByName( 'TWOCHECKOUT_SECRET_KEY' ); Configuration::deleteByName( 'TWOCHECKOUT_DEMO' ); Configuration::deleteByName( 'TWOCHECKOUT_TYPE' ); Configuration::deleteByName( 'TWOCHECKOUT_IPN_URL' ); Configuration::deleteByName( 'TWOCHECKOUT_SECRET_WORD' ); Configuration::deleteByName( 'TWOCHECKOUT_STYLE_DEFAULT_MODE' ); Configuration::deleteByName( 'TWOCHECKOUT_STYLE' ); return $this->unregisterHook( 'displayHeader' ) && $this->unregisterHook( 'paymentOptions' ) && $this->unregisterHook( 'displayOrderConfirmation' ) && $this->unregisterHook( 'actionProductCancel' ) && $this->unregisterHook( 'displayBackOfficeHeader' ) && $this->unregisterHook( 'displayAdminOrder' ) && $this->unregisterHook( 'displayAdminOrderTop' ) && parent::uninstall(); } /** * show the settings page, also saves and validates the form on submit * @return string */ public function getContent() { $output = null; if ( Tools::isSubmit( 'submit' . $this->name ) ) { $merchantId = strval( Tools::getValue( 'TWOCHECKOUT_SID' ) ); $buyLinkSecretWord = strval( Tools::getValue( 'TWOCHECKOUT_SECRET_WORD' ) ); $secretKey = strval( Tools::getValue( 'TWOCHECKOUT_SECRET_KEY' ) ); $inline = strval( Tools::getValue( 'TWOCHECKOUT_TYPE' ) ); $demoMode = strval( Tools::getValue( 'TWOCHECKOUT_DEMO' ) ); $style = strval( Tools::getValue( 'TWOCHECKOUT_STYLE' ) ); $styleMode = strval( Tools::getValue( 'TWOCHECKOUT_STYLE_DEFAULT_MODE' ) ); if ( ( ! $merchantId || empty( $merchantId ) || ! Validate::isGenericName( $merchantId ) ) && ( ! $buyLinkSecretWord || empty( $buyLinkSecretWord ) || ! Validate::isGenericName( $buyLinkSecretWord ) ) && ( ! $secretKey || empty( $secretKey ) || ! Validate::isGenericName( $secretKey ) ) && ( ! $inline || empty( $inline ) || ! Validate::isGenericName( $inline ) ) && ( ! $demoMode || empty( $demoMode ) || ! Validate::isGenericName( $demoMode ) ) ) { $output .= $this->displayError( $this->l( 'Invalid Configuration value' ) ); } else { Configuration::updateValue( 'TWOCHECKOUT_SID', $merchantId ); Configuration::updateValue( 'TWOCHECKOUT_SECRET_WORD', $buyLinkSecretWord ); Configuration::updateValue( 'TWOCHECKOUT_SECRET_KEY', $secretKey ); Configuration::updateValue( 'TWOCHECKOUT_TYPE', $inline ); Configuration::updateValue( 'TWOCHECKOUT_DEMO', $demoMode ); Configuration::updateValue( 'TWOCHECKOUT_STYLE_DEFAULT_MODE', $styleMode ); Configuration::updateValue( 'TWOCHECKOUT_STYLE', $style ); $output .= $this->displayConfirmation( $this->l( 'Settings updated' ) ); } } return $output . $this->displayForm(); } /** * creates the form for the module settings (admin area) * @return string */ private function displayForm() { // Get default language $defaultLang = (int) Configuration::get( 'PS_LANG_DEFAULT' ); // Init Fields form array $fieldsForm[0]['form'] = [ 'legend' => [ 'title' => $this->l( 'Settings' ), ], 'input' => [ [ 'type' => 'text', 'label' => $this->l( 'Seller ID(Merchant Code)' ), 'name' => 'TWOCHECKOUT_SID', 'size' => 200, 'required' => true, ], [ 'type' => 'text', 'label' => $this->l( 'Buy Link Secret Word' ), 'name' => 'TWOCHECKOUT_SECRET_WORD', 'size' => 200, 'required' => true, ], [ 'type' => 'text', 'label' => $this->l( 'Secret Key' ), 'name' => 'TWOCHECKOUT_SECRET_KEY', 'size' => 200, 'required' => true, ], [ 'type' => 'text', 'label' => $this->l( 'IPN Url' ), 'name' => 'TWOCHECKOUT_IPN_URL', 'size' => 200, 'value' => $this->context->link->getModuleLink( 'twocheckout', 'ipn' ), 'desc' => $this->l( 'Copy this link to your 2checkout account under the IPN section' ), 'readonly' => true, ], [ 'type' => 'radio', 'label' => $this->l( 'Cart type' ), 'name' => 'TWOCHECKOUT_TYPE', 'class' => 't', 'required' => true, 'is_bool' => true, 'values' => [ [ 'id' => 'api', 'value' => 2, 'label' => $this->l( 'API' ), ], [ 'id' => 'yes', 'value' => 0, 'label' => $this->l( 'Convert Plus' ), ], [ 'id' => 'no', 'value' => 1, 'label' => $this->l( 'Inline' ), ] ], ], [ 'type' => 'radio', 'label' => $this->l( 'Demo Mode' ), 'name' => 'TWOCHECKOUT_DEMO', 'class' => 't', 'required' => true, 'is_bool' => true, 'values' => [ [ 'id' => 'yes', 'value' => 1, 'label' => $this->l( 'Yes' ), ], [ 'id' => 'no', 'value' => 0, 'label' => $this->l( 'No' ), ] ], ], [ 'type' => 'radio', 'label' => $this->l( 'Use default style for API' ), 'name' => 'TWOCHECKOUT_STYLE_DEFAULT_MODE', 'class' => 't', 'required' => true, 'is_bool' => true, 'values' => [ [ 'id' => 'YES', 'value' => 1, 'label' => $this->l( 'YES, use default' ), ], [ 'id' => 'NO', 'value' => 0, 'label' => $this->l( 'NO, use my custom style' ), ] ], ], [ 'type' => 'textarea', 'label' => $this->l( 'Custom style for API form' ), 'name' => 'TWOCHECKOUT_STYLE', 'desc' => $this->l( 'IMPORTANT! This is the styling object that styles your form. Do not remove or add new classes. You can modify the existing ones. Use double quotes for all keys and values! - VALID JSON FORMAT REQUIRED (validate json before save here: ).' ) ], ], 'submit' => [ 'title' => $this->l( 'Update settings' ), 'class' => 'btn btn-default pull-right', ], ]; $helper = new HelperForm(); // Module, token and currentIndex $helper->module = $this; $helper->name_controller = $this->name; $helper->token = Tools::getAdminTokenLite( 'AdminModules' ); $helper->currentIndex = AdminController::$currentIndex . '&configure=' . $this->name; // Language $helper->default_form_language = $defaultLang; $helper->allow_employee_form_lang = $defaultLang; // Title and toolbar $helper->title = $this->displayName; $helper->show_toolbar = true; $helper->toolbar_scroll = true; $helper->submit_action = 'submit' . $this->name; $helper->toolbar_btn = [ 'save' => [ 'desc' => $this->l( 'Save' ), 'href' => AdminController::$currentIndex . '&configure=' . $this->name . '&save' . $this->name . '&token=' . Tools::getAdminTokenLite( 'AdminModules' ), ], 'back' => [ 'href' => AdminController::$currentIndex . '&token=' . Tools::getAdminTokenLite( 'AdminModules' ), 'desc' => $this->l( 'Back to list' ), ], ]; // Load current value $helper->fields_value['TWOCHECKOUT_SID'] = Configuration::get( 'TWOCHECKOUT_SID' ); $helper->fields_value['TWOCHECKOUT_SECRET_WORD'] = Configuration::get( 'TWOCHECKOUT_SECRET_WORD' ); $helper->fields_value['TWOCHECKOUT_SECRET_KEY'] = Configuration::get( 'TWOCHECKOUT_SECRET_KEY' ); $helper->fields_value['TWOCHECKOUT_TYPE'] = Configuration::get( 'TWOCHECKOUT_TYPE' ); $helper->fields_value['TWOCHECKOUT_DEMO'] = Configuration::get( 'TWOCHECKOUT_DEMO' ); $helper->fields_value['TWOCHECKOUT_IPN_URL'] = Configuration::get( 'TWOCHECKOUT_IPN_URL' ); $helper->fields_value['TWOCHECKOUT_STYLE'] = Configuration::get( 'TWOCHECKOUT_STYLE' ); $helper->fields_value['TWOCHECKOUT_STYLE_DEFAULT_MODE'] = Configuration::get( 'TWOCHECKOUT_STYLE_DEFAULT_MODE' ); return $helper->generateForm( $fieldsForm ); } /** * @param $params * * @return mixed */ public function hookHeader( $params ) { $returnContent = ''; $allValues = Tools::getAllValues(); $resources = []; $link = ''; if ( Tools::getValue( 'controller' ) == "order" ) { if ( ! $this->checkActiveModule() ) { return; } $cart = isset( $params['cart'] ) ? $params['cart'] : $this->context->cart; if ( $this->tco_settings->getPaymentType() == 1 ) { //load scripts for INLINE $this->context->controller->registerJavascript( $this->name . '-gen-url-context', 'modules/' . $this->name . '/views/assets/js/inline_validate.js' ); Media::addJsDef( array( 'reloadWhenInlineClose' => version_compare( _PS_VERSION_, '1.7.7', '>=' ) ) ); $resources[] = _PS_BASE_URL_ . __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'modules/' . $this->name . '/views/assets/js/inline_validate.js' . '?v=' . $this->version; } elseif ( $this->tco_settings->getPaymentType() == 2 ) { //No script needed to load for this. } else { //load convert plus scripts $this->context->controller->registerJavascript( $this->name . '-gen-url-context', 'modules/' . $this->name . '/views/assets/js/cp_validate.js' ); $resources[] = _PS_BASE_URL_ . __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'modules/' . $this->name . '/views/assets/js/cp_validate.js' . '?v=' . $this->version; } if ( ! empty( $resources ) ) { $link = $this->context->link->getModuleLink( $this->name, 'generateUrl', [ 'module_name' => $this->name, 'cart_id' => $cart->id ], true ); Media::addJsDef( array( 'tco_verify_url' => $link ) ); $this->context->smarty->assign( 'resources', $resources ); } $returnContent .= $this->context->smarty->fetch( 'module:' . $this->name . '/views/templates/front/prefetch.tpl' ); } return $returnContent; } public function hookDisplayOrderConfirmation( $params ) { if ( ( ! isset( $params['order'] ) || $params['order']->module != $this->name ) || ! $this->active ) { return false; } $order = $params['order'] ?? null; $cart = $params['cart'] ?? null; $this->smarty->assign( [ 'order' => $order, 'cart' => $cart ] ); return $this->fetch( 'module:twocheckout/views/templates/hook/payment_return.tpl' ); } /** * @param $params * * @return PaymentOption[]|void|void[] */ public function hookPaymentOptions( $params ) { if ( ! $this->active || ! $this->checkCurrency( $params['cart'] ) ) { return; } // we clear the cache for every change we make Tools::clearSmartyCache(); Tools::clearXMLCache(); Media::clearCache(); Tools::generateIndex(); if ( Configuration::get( 'TWOCHECKOUT_TYPE' ) == 2 ) { // api with 2payJs return [ $this->getApiPaymentOption( $params['cart'] ) ]; } elseif ( Configuration::get( 'TWOCHECKOUT_TYPE' ) == 1 ) { // inline return [ $this->getInlinePaymentOption() ]; } else { // Convert+ return [ $this->getConvertPaymentOption() ]; } } /** * @param $orderReturn */ public function hookActionProductCancel( $params ) { $apiResponse = []; $order = isset( $params['order'] ) ? $params['order'] : null; if ( Validate::isLoadedObject( $order ) && $order->module === $this->name ) { if ( $order->getCurrentOrderState()->id != Configuration::get( 'PS_OS_REFUND' ) ) { $orderPayment = OrderPayment::getByOrderReference( $order->reference ); $Refno = null; foreach ( $orderPayment as $payment ) { $invoice = $payment->getOrderInvoice( $order->id ); if ( $invoice ) { $Refno = trim( $payment->transaction_id ); } } //Prepare comment and get only the 150 accepted characters. $refundCommentStr = Tools::getValue( 'tco-refund-comment', '' ); $refundComment = trim( substr( $refundCommentStr, 0, 150 ) ); $refundReason = self::REFUND_REASON; if ( ! empty( $Refno ) ) { $orderData = $this->tcoApi->call( "orders/" . $Refno . "/", [], 'GET' ); if ( $order->total_paid == $orderData["GrossPrice"] ) { // Refund Details $refundDetails = [ "amount" => $order->total_paid, "comment" => $refundComment, "reason" => $refundReason ]; } else { $lineItems = $orderData["Items"]; usort( $lineItems, "cmpPrices" ); $lineitemReference = $lineItems[0]["LineItemReference"]; if ( $lineItems[0]['Price']['GrossPrice'] >= $params['amount'] ) { // Refund Item Details $itemsArray[] = [ "Quantity" => "1", "LineItemReference" => $lineitemReference, "Amount" => $order->total_paid ]; // Refund Details $refundDetails = [ "amount" => $order->total_paid, "comment" => $refundComment, "reason" => $refundReason, "items" => $itemsArray ]; } else { return [ 'status' => 'error', 'rawdata' => 'Partial refund amount cannot exceed the highest priced item. Please login to your 2Checkout admin to issue the partial refund manually.', 'transid' => $Refno, ]; } } if ( ! empty( $Refno ) ) { $apiResponse = $this->tcoApi->call( 'orders/' . $Refno . '/refund/', $refundDetails, 'POST' ); } } if ( isset( $apiResponse['error_code'] ) ) { error_log( sprintf( 'Error Refunding Invoice with error code: "%s"', isset( $apiResponse['error_code'] ) ? $apiResponse['error_code'] : 'An unknown error occurred' ), 0 ); $error_msg = $this->l( 'Error Refunding Invoice for order "' . $order->reference . '" with transaction id "' . $Refno . '". Message: ' . $apiResponse['message'] . ' ' ); $this->context->controller->errors['2co_refund_error'] = $error_msg; } else { $order->setCurrentState( Configuration::get( 'PS_OS_REFUND' ) ); } } } } public function hookDisplayAdminOrderTop( $params ) { $id_order = isset( $params['id_order'] ) ? $params['id_order'] : null; $order = new Order( (int) $id_order ); if ( Validate::isLoadedObject( $order ) && $order->module === $this->name ) { $errors = $this->getAdminOrderPage2CoRefundErrors( $params ); if ( ! empty( $errors ) ) { $this->context->controller->errors[] = $errors; } $return = $this->disablePartialRefund(); $return .= $this->getRefundCommentBox(); $return .= $this->getTotalItemsForRefund( $order ); return $return; } } public function hookDisplayAdminOrder( $params ) { if ( version_compare( _PS_VERSION_, '1.7.7', '>=' ) ) { return false; } $id_order = isset( $params['id_order'] ) ? $params['id_order'] : null; $order = new Order( (int) $id_order ); if ( Validate::isLoadedObject( $order ) && $order->module === $this->name ) { $errors = $this->getAdminOrderPage2CoRefundErrors( $params ); if ( ! empty( $errors ) ) { $this->context->controller->errors[] = $errors; } $return = $this->disablePartialRefund(); $return .= $this->getRefundCommentBox(); $return .= $this->getTotalItemsForRefund( $order ); return $return; } } private function getRefundCommentBox() { $this->context->smarty->assign( [ 'tco_refund_comment_box' => $this->trans( 'Refund Comment...' ), 'tco_refund_max_length_str' => $this->trans( '*Max 150 characters.' ), 'tco_refund_max_length' => 150 ] ); if ( version_compare( _PS_VERSION_, '1.7.7', '>=' ) ) { return $this->context->smarty->fetch( 'module:twocheckout/views/templates/hook/refundCommentBox17x.tpl' ); } return $this->context->smarty->fetch( 'module:twocheckout/views/templates/hook/refundCommentBox.tpl' ); } private function getTotalItemsForRefund( $order ) { $products = $order->getProducts(); $prods_array = []; foreach ( $products as $prod_id => $params ) { $prods_array[ $prod_id ] = $params['product_quantity']; } $notAllProductsAlert = $this->getTranslator()->trans( 'Please select all products!' ); $hasPaidShipping = $this->hasPaidShipping( $order->getShipping() ); $shippingMsgAlert = $this->getTranslator()->trans( 'Order does not have free shipping. Please include that in full refund!' ); $this->context->smarty->assign( [ 'tco_refund_products_list' => json_encode( $prods_array ), 'not_all_products_alert' => $notAllProductsAlert, 'has_paid_shipping' => $hasPaidShipping, 'shipping_msg_alert' => $shippingMsgAlert ] ); if ( version_compare( _PS_VERSION_, '1.7.7', '>=' ) ) { return $this->context->smarty->fetch( 'module:twocheckout/views/templates/hook/refundItemsCorrection17x.tpl' ); } return $this->context->smarty->fetch( 'module:twocheckout/views/templates/hook/refundItemsCorrection.tpl' ); } private function getAdminOrderPage2CoRefundErrors( $params ) { $twocheckout_msg = ''; if ( isset( $this->context->controller->errors['2co_refund_error'] ) ) { $twocheckout_msg = $this->context->controller->errors['2co_refund_error']; } return $twocheckout_msg; } private function disablePartialRefund() { if ( version_compare( _PS_VERSION_, '1.7.7', '>=' ) ) { return $this->context->smarty->fetch( 'module:twocheckout/views/templates/hook/disablePartialRefund17x.tpl' ); } return $this->context->smarty->fetch( 'module:twocheckout/views/templates/hook/disablePartialRefund.tpl' ); } /** * @param $cart * * @return bool */ public function checkCurrency( $cart ) { $currency_order = new Currency( $cart->id_currency ); $currencies_module = $this->getCurrency( $cart->id_currency ); if ( is_array( $currencies_module ) ) { foreach ( $currencies_module as $currency_module ) { if ( $currency_order->id == $currency_module['id_currency'] ) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * @return PaymentOption|void */ public function getInlinePaymentOption() { if ( ! $this->active ) { return; } $newOption = new PaymentOption(); $newOption->setCallToActionText( 'Pay with 2Checkout' ) ->setAction( 'javascript:TwocheckoutInlineCheckout()' ); return $newOption; } /** * @return PaymentOption|void */ public function getConvertPaymentOption() { if ( ! $this->active ) { return; } $newOption = new PaymentOption(); $newOption->setCallToActionText( 'Pay with 2Checkout' ) ->setAction( 'javascript:TwocheckoutCPCheckout()' ); return $newOption; } /** * 2payJS->API payment method * @return PaymentOption * @throws SmartyException */ public function getApiPaymentOption( $cart ) { if ( ! $this->active ) { return; } $newApiOption = new PaymentOption(); $newApiOption->setCallToActionText($this->l('Pay with 2Checkout')) ->setAction('javascript:Twocheckout2PayJs()') ->setBinary(true) ->setForm($this->generateApiForm($cart)); return $newApiOption; } /** * genereates the form for the payment option (2payJs) * @return string * @throws SmartyException */ protected function generateApiForm( $cart ) { // get style and remove newlines if ( Configuration::get( 'TWOCHECKOUT_STYLE_DEFAULT_MODE' ) ) { $style = trim( preg_replace( '/\s\s+/', ' ', $this->getDefaultStyle() ) ); } else { $style = trim( preg_replace( '/\s\s+/', ' ', Configuration::get( 'TWOCHECKOUT_STYLE' ) ) ); } $this->context->smarty->assign( [ 'action' => $this->context->link->getModuleLink( $this->name, 'generateUrl', [ 'module_name' => $this->name, 'cart_id' => $cart->id ], true ), 'sellerId' => Configuration::get( 'TWOCHECKOUT_SID' ), 'style' => $style, 'script' => Media::getMediaPath( _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . $this->name . '/views/assets/js/twocheckout.js' ), 'css' => Media::getMediaPath( _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . $this->name . '/views/assets/css/twocheckout.css' ), 'spinner' => Media::getMediaPath( _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . $this->name . '/views/assets/images/spinner.gif' ), ] ); return $this->context->smarty->fetch( 'module:twocheckout/views/templates/front/payment_form.tpl' ); } /** * generates the form for the payment option (convert+ & inline) * @return string * @throws SmartyException */ protected function generateInlineForm() { $this->context->smarty->assign( [ 'action' => $this->context->link->getModuleLink( $this->name, 'validation', [], true ), ] ); return $this->context->smarty->fetch( 'module:twocheckout/views/templates/hook/inline_payment_options.tpl' ); } /** * generates the form for the payment option (convert+ & inline) * @return string * @throws SmartyException */ protected function generateForm() { $this->context->smarty->assign( [ 'action' => $this->context->link->getModuleLink( $this->name, 'validation', [], true ), ] ); return $this->context->smarty->fetch( 'module:twocheckout/views/templates/hook/payment_options.tpl' ); } /** * @param $params * @param $secretWord * @param bool $fromResponse * * @return string */ public function generateSignature( $params, $secretWord, $fromResponse = false ) { if ( ! $fromResponse ) { $signParams = array_filter( $params, function ( $k ) { return in_array( $k, $this->_signParams ); }, ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY ); } else { $signParams = $params; if ( isset( $signParams['signature'] ) ) { unset( $signParams['signature'] ); } } ksort( $signParams ); // order by key // Generate Hash $string = ''; foreach ( $signParams as $key => $value ) { $string .= strlen( $value ) . $value; } return bin2hex( hash_hmac( 'sha256', $string, $secretWord, true ) ); } /** * @param $delivery * @param string $stateCode * @param string $countryIsoCode * @param string $email * * @return array */ public function getBillingDetails( $delivery, string $stateCode, string $countryIsoCode, string $email = '' ) { $address = [ 'Address1' => $delivery->address1, 'City' => $delivery->city, 'State' => $stateCode, 'CountryCode' => $countryIsoCode, 'Email' => $email, 'FirstName' => $delivery->firstname, 'LastName' => $delivery->lastname, 'Phone' => $delivery->phone, 'Zip' => $delivery->postcode, 'Company' => $delivery->company, 'FiscalCode' => $delivery->vat_number ]; if ( $delivery->address2 ) { $address['Address2'] = $delivery->address2; } return $address; } /** * for safety reasons we only send one Item with the grand total and the Cart_id as ProductName (identifier) * sending products order as ONE we dont have to calculate the total fee of the order (product price, tax, discounts etc) * * @param int $cart_id * @param float $total * * @return array */ public function getItem( int $cart_id, float $total ) { $items[] = [ 'Code' => null, 'Quantity' => 1, 'Name' => 'Cart_' . $cart_id, 'Description' => 'N/A', 'RecurringOptions' => null, 'IsDynamic' => true, 'Tangible' => false, 'PurchaseType' => 'PRODUCT', 'Price' => [ 'Amount' => number_format( $total, 2, '.', '' ), 'Type' => 'CUSTOM' ] ]; return $items; } /** * @param string $token * @param string $currency * @param int $cartId * @param int $orderId * * @return array */ public function getPaymentDetails( string $token, string $currency, int $cartId ) { return [ 'Type' => Configuration::get( 'TWOCHECKOUT_DEMO' ) == 1 ? 'TEST' : 'EES_TOKEN_PAYMENT', 'Currency' => strtolower( $currency ), 'CustomerIP' => $this->getCustomerIp(), 'PaymentMethod' => [ 'EesToken' => $token, 'Vendor3DSReturnURL' => $this->context->link->getModuleLink( 'twocheckout', 'redirect3ds', [ 'action' => 'success', 'cart' => $cartId ], true ), 'Vendor3DSCancelURL' => $this->context->link->getModuleLink( 'twocheckout', 'redirect3ds', [ 'action' => 'cancel', 'cart' => $cartId ], true ) ] ]; } /** * @param $has3ds * * @return string|null */ public function hasAuthorize3DS( $has3ds ) { if ( isset( $has3ds ) && isset( $has3ds['Href'] ) && ! empty( $has3ds['Href'] ) ) { return $has3ds['Href'] . '?avng8apitoken=' . $has3ds['Params']['avng8apitoken']; } return null; } /** * get customer ip or returns a default ip * @return mixed|string */ public function getCustomerIp() { if ( ! empty( $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'] ) ) { //ip from share internet $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']; } elseif ( ! empty( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] ) ) { //ip pass from proxy $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']; } else { $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } if ( ! filter_var( $ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP ) === false ) { return $ip; } return ''; } public function checkActiveModule() { $active = false; $modules = Hook::getHookModuleExecList( 'paymentOptions' ); if ( empty( $modules ) ) { return; } foreach ( $modules as $module ) { if ( $module['module'] == $this->name ) { $active = true; } } return $active; } public function hasPaidShipping( $shippingArr ) { $total = 0; foreach ( $shippingArr as $shipping => $valuesArr ) { $total += $valuesArr['shipping_cost_tax_incl']; } return $total > 0; } } Edited October 22, 2021 by Makatserchyk (see edit history) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nickz Posted October 26, 2021 Share Posted October 26, 2021 On 10/22/2021 at 12:42 PM, Makatserchyk said: I'm trying to install the module in PS Expand Which module you try to install and how. Did you check before if that particular module is apt for your 1.6.1 Presta? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Makatserchyk Posted October 26, 2021 Author Share Posted October 26, 2021 On 10/26/2021 at 4:15 PM, Nickz said: Which module you try to install and how. Did you check before if that particular module is apt for your 1.6.1 Presta? Expand 2Checkout Payment Module ( I have not tested this module for 1.6.1. This is the official module Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nickz Posted October 26, 2021 Share Posted October 26, 2021 You should seek help at 2checkout, they have an excellent Customer attention. Or drop a line Click here to get in touch with the developer It good from V1.5.2.0 to V1.7.7.8 although I doubt that they tested thoroughly for the newest version. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Makatserchyk Posted October 27, 2021 Author Share Posted October 27, 2021 On 10/26/2021 at 4:41 PM, Nickz said: You should seek help at 2checkout, they have an excellent Customer attention. Or drop a line Click here to get in touch with the developer It good from V1.5.2.0 to V1.7.7.8 although I doubt that they tested thoroughly for the newest version. Expand Thank you! I'll try Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nickz Posted October 31, 2021 Share Posted October 31, 2021 On 10/27/2021 at 9:11 AM, Makatserchyk said: Thank you! I'll try Expand keep us in the loop Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Makatserchyk Posted November 2, 2021 Author Share Posted November 2, 2021 On 10/31/2021 at 1:36 PM, Nickz said: keep us in the loop Expand I was waiting for the technical support of the module develope and found that the error is in the "??" operator. This operator has been introduced in php since version 7.0 Therefore, I changed the version on the server from 5.6 to 7.0 and the module was loaded. (SOLVED) 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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