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Material icons not showing after upgrade to


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I resolved the issue by copying the theme.js from the download (zip file > prestashop\themes\classic\assets\js\) back into the \themes\classic\assets\js\ on my live site. The icons then loaded correctly on all pages - I have attached the file from the latest download if that helps.

Kind regards,



theme.jsFetching info...

Edited by SAUDIS
minor change to live url folder (see edit history)
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@carlfriedrich my friend I sloved this problem


SOLVED :):):)

The best way is next:

- download Prestashop 1.8 zip file to your desktop

- unpack this zip file in his directory (when unzip choose "Extract to..."

- open this folder then unpack prestahop zip file with option Extract to prestashop"

- open this folder Prestashop -> themes -> classic -> assets -> css and select all files and copy to your server in folder themes ->classic->assets->css (overvrite

- refresh BO and FO with ctrl F5

In css folder on server you have only 2 files but you need all files to be there. All files from zip file folder css (you will see some svg, ttf files and others)

Edited by IvicaB (see edit history)
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I have the same issue (just upgraded to from 1.7.4, with the one-click upgrade plugin).


I compared the classic theme folder on my production site and the one in https://www.prestashop.com/en/system/files/ps_releases/prestashop_1.7.8.0.zip?token=99bf665546.  They are identical (apart from some timestamps)

The problem disappeared after a hard refresh of the page (CTRL+SHIFT+F5).

My guess: the css file referring to the 'new' resources (fonts etc...) is a _static_ file, so is cached by the browser: the browser used the theme.css from my 1.7.4 installation, and the server did not respond properly that this file was no longer valid.

Edited by 927937_1508425210
found more info debugging. (see edit history)
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