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Displaying attributes of related products in groups

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Hi, I'm writing a module in which I display products related to a specific feature. It looks something like this: 

in this case I have 2 related products (these are batteries) assigned to my product X with different capacities.


another example which is more complicated as I have 32 products related to different colors and sizes (2 sizes + 16 colors)


I would like to combine the same values so that they do not duplicate each other. e.g:


can you help me how to do it?


{foreach from=$accessories item=accessory name=accessories_list} 
            		{assign var='accessoryLink' value=$link->getProductLink($accessory.id_product, $accessory.link_rewrite, $accessory.category)}
            		{if $accessory.features}
						{foreach from=$accessory.features item=feature}
							{if $feature.id_feature == $id_cechy1 && isset($feature.value)}
								<a href="{$accessoryLink|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" title="{$accessory.name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" class="variant2 product_image">
									<li class="btn btn-default">
										{if $show_img == 1}
											<img src="{$link->getImageLink($accessory.link_rewrite, $accessory.id_image, 'home_default')|escape:'html'}" alt="{$accessory.name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" style="height:40px; float:left;" />
										<span class="editable" style="margin: 5px;">
										<div class="price">
											{if $show_price == 1}
										 		{number_format($accessory.price, 2, ',', '')}



Edited by Sasni
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